"c.1880-1900 40th Pathans piper conversion" Topic
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Mad Guru  | 18 Oct 2019 2:09 a.m. PST |
Posted on my blog re: a modest conversion I did, attempting to combine these two fine Perry and Artizan Designs figures…
…into a version of this piper from the 40th Pathans Regt:
If you want to see how it turned out, please stop by and visit my humble blog via this handy LINK: link ….and my sincere thanks in advance for your time and effort should you choose to do so! |
Sydney Gamer | 18 Oct 2019 3:34 a.m. PST |
Jolly nice. Even though I played the pipes for many years I don't think I will be attempting this with my 1/300 NW Frontier figs! |
Dadster  | 18 Oct 2019 7:32 a.m. PST |
Great job Guru! Looking forward too seeing it painted. |
Frederick  | 18 Oct 2019 7:56 a.m. PST |
Nice work! No 2 son is a piper – years of listening to him practice has convinced me that the difference between good and bad pipe music is fine indeed |
willthepiper | 18 Oct 2019 3:20 p.m. PST |
Nicely done, Mad Guru. The 'piper's Shawl' is more correctly known as a 'plaid'. However, a plaid is normally tartan, and the bloke in your illustration has something more like a Pashtun patu cloak. The chap in the illustration is holding his pipes on the unconventional right side (what most modern pipers would consider backwards, but not unheard of), but congrats on your figure following convention and holding his pipes on the left! Thanks for continuing to be such an inspiration! |
Ragbones | 18 Oct 2019 6:22 p.m. PST |
Looks great, Mad Guru, but please post pics/links when he's all painted up! |
Mad Guru  | 20 Oct 2019 8:48 p.m. PST |
Many thanks for all the positive comments! @Durban Gamer: Even without a conversion, I'd love to see some pics of your 1/300 NWF figures! @Dadster: Me too! As discussed in my blog post, I sent the converted piper for a good gaming buddy of mine and sent it to him, so the painting part will be entirely his department! But when he finishes doing a great job I will most definitely post some pics -- unless he beats me to it! @Frederick: Congrats, dad! As a former piper myself (many decades ago) and lifelong lover of bagpipe music I say you should be very proud indeed! I have a daughter who's a drummer in the West Point Pipes & Drums, and I only wish I got to hear her play more often. @willthepiper: You are correct on all counts sir, and sincere thanks for your big compliment, which I sincerely appreciate. @Ragbones: As I said to Dadster above, the painting bit is out of my hands! But I have high confidence he'll turn out looking very nice indeed! |