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"Target for Tonight - Mannheim, Op Three" Topic

13 Posts

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17 Oct 2019 6:49 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Removed from Historical Wargaming in General board

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

carojon13 Oct 2019 8:47 a.m. PST

The fourth game of our Battle of Berlin Campaign was played this weekend at the Devon Wargames Group with an op to Mannheim-Ludwigshaven.


With clear weather over the target forecast together with light winds and ground marking, not to mention some of Bomber Command's best crews in action, all things looked set for a punishing night of bombing.


However it didn't quite turn out that way.

If you would like to know more then just follow the link to JJ's


Jonathan (JJ)

Thresher0113 Oct 2019 9:22 a.m. PST

Looks great!

Thanks for sharing the battle report.

What do the numbers in the circles on the aircraft sheets signify, for the various crew members, and why are there multiple number values, some of them in yellow, for some crew positions?

I'm also curious about the yellow number values for the sectors being flown through on the bomber stream map, on the various NF unit markers. Presumably, the number(s) needed to roll for a NF encounter to occur against the bombers?

If so, for the latter, do the air defenses need to roll less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to, or some other combination, on a 1D10, 1D20, or 1D6, etc., for them to encounter and intercept the bombers?

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP13 Oct 2019 10:05 a.m. PST

So…ive asked this a few times…but never received a satisfactory reaponse….where does one get the rules?

Thresher0113 Oct 2019 10:21 a.m. PST

From the UK – here's the direct link:


Note, there's also going to be a TfT boardgame released soon too, which apparently is to be similar to "B-17 Queen of the Skies", also, but for the British night bombing campaign over the continent.

One review I've read about it was positive – the only one I've seen.

No idea on pricing or release date for the latter, though I've inquired about that.

Not sure if you've heard of it, but Nightfighter Ace is a solo game for those interested in playing the role of a German NF pilot in WWII. It has a lot of replay value, and is a great game. It's produced by Compass Games.

Thresher0113 Oct 2019 5:24 p.m. PST

I almost forgot to mention, the boardgame, as far as I know, is unrelated to the miniatures rules set by the same name.

carojon14 Oct 2019 12:42 a.m. PST

Dave Jackson – I trust Thresher01 has answered your query.

Tresher01 – ok so the numbers against the crew are their skill rating that is used to determine if they are successful with a given task, usually requiring them to roll less than the number with a D10, so for example a Pilot test needed to get out of a searchlight cone or be hit by flak.

The yellow backed numbers on the bomber charts and the nightfighters positioned along the route plan are the gunnery skill for either the air gunner or the nightfighter pilot with a to hit requiring a D10 plus the indicated factor to score more than ten to cause hits to be resolved.

This is an addition to the original rules developed on the Facebook group as linked to in my AAR, so if you want to fully understand how this works it would be better to join the group where you get more ideas that have helped to develop the game further.

Once we have finished the campaign test, I will release the package we have developed.


Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP14 Oct 2019 6:51 a.m. PST

This is so cool. Reminds me of playing AH "Luftwaffe" when I was a kid. Once you reorganized the mixed up rules. Still have the game.

For these rules I would provide beginner rules as these seem to be really complicated. Will the rules work for daylight bombing? Is there a Yahoo! support group?

stephen m14 Oct 2019 7:26 a.m. PST


I see you are in Ontario. I am north of Toronto and would like to game this. Are you near here? I am willing to travel for a couple times a year as well.


Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP14 Oct 2019 12:31 p.m. PST

Sorry…..I'm in Ottawa!

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP14 Oct 2019 12:33 p.m. PST

Many thanks Thresher01

stephen m14 Oct 2019 3:08 p.m. PST

Can Games!

carojon15 Oct 2019 1:25 a.m. PST

The rules are not designed for daylight bombing and are specifically for the night bombing campaign fought by Bomber Command.

There is a Facebook group that supports playing the rules and shares additional mods which I have put a link to in my AAR.

The rules themselves have benefited from the rewrite and the mods we have incorporated have added more player decision points.

The game is designed to create a feel of what an op was like for the bomber crews, thus the loss rates do not reflect a campaign loss rate, and the game would be rather boring if it did. Thus we have built on a victory point measure to compare the losses on an op to the damage caused to a given target to assess how successful a given op was and how successful multiple ops were, to create a campaign game at a bomber group level rather than just focusing on individual aircraft.

However the aim was to retain the drama created in the original game with all the risks to individual aircraft that it creates.


alan L15 Oct 2019 12:30 p.m. PST

Thanks for the pointer to our Facebook Group: all welcome.


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