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29 Sep 2019 6:56 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Hurricon 2019 Photos" to "Hurricon 2019: Photos"Removed from Tournaments board
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    29 Sep 2019 2:15 p.m. PST
    29 Sep 2019 2:16 p.m. PST

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NCC171729 Sep 2019 2:15 p.m. PST

Photos of some of the games at the HMGS-South convention HURRICON 2019, Orlando Florida:



Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP30 Sep 2019 9:48 a.m. PST

Another great time. Played in some super games, met a few folks from on here, and made some great buys. My "Crossing the Bug" scenario went over (no pun) well. Also caught up with friends.

Only downer was we had to say goodbye to two long time members of HMGS-South, regulars at our conventions, who had passed away.

Next show will be RECON 23-26 April 2020 in Kissimmee. Stay tuned but not too early to begin making plans and maybe combine with that theme park vacation!

Personal logo Nashville Supporting Member of TMP02 Oct 2019 3:24 p.m. PST

and the posted photo has to be another great game by Bob Moon who ran it at Nashcon


Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP03 Oct 2019 4:45 a.m. PST

It is. As you well know we are blessed in the South not only with a good number of great regional conventions but some of the best GMs in the hobby.

overlord awc03 Oct 2019 6:02 p.m. PST

I was on holiday/vacation from the UK recently, which happily coincided with Hurricon. I was only able to attend the morning and afternoon sessions on the Friday, but did get to play two excellent games.

Retribution – TSIA, run by Dwight Jones

Death above the waves – Blue Sky, run by Jerry Boles

Was good to have you on my (RAF of course!) side Marc33594, and for the chat – cheers

Thanks for the great time to all concerned. My first visit to a US con, but hopefully not my last

Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP04 Oct 2019 6:12 a.m. PST

A pleasure as well and fate no doubt. John was RAF and I was USAF so we of course had to fly Beauforts. And John got us off to a rousing start. The gunners on one of his aircraft managed a hit getting a 10 on a 10 sided dice. His "shadow" die, which comes into play only if a hit is scored was also a 10 meaning a critical hit! You need doubles as you can guess. And then rolling for the hit another 10! Scratch one Me-110 which blew up! I am thinking a Conspicuous Gallantry medal at the very least. Throw in John sank a tanker as well and you can see why I would be proud to fly again with him.

overlord awc04 Oct 2019 7:14 a.m. PST

I was rather fortunate with the dice Marc, but it did make for a good start. Our side had a plan which we pretty much stuck to. The Germans were a bit unlucky with the air-air combat, but the flak started to make up for it.

Paul (not John – no problem, I'm sure you met a lot of people during the Con)

Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP04 Oct 2019 11:21 a.m. PST

And I even wrote your name down! My apologies, blame senility.

To borrow from the old American "The A-Team" TV show, you have to love it when a plan comes together! And luck had nothing to do with it rather our superior esprit d'corps and your fine leadership. We did lose a few lads but I believe the RN successfully fished them out of the drink.

Nick Pasha04 Oct 2019 8:59 p.m. PST

Overlord, it was a pleasure to meet you. Enjoyed gaming with you.

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