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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Pictors Studio26 Aug 2019 4:22 a.m. PST

This was the big game we ran on Saturday at Phantom of the Attic in Pittsburgh.

We had a pretty good turnout for the game. We had 9 players throughout the day and 5 of them were able to stay for the entire 7 hour game.

Here you can see the Vlyka Fenryka advancing in the foreground while two players resolve the fighting under the city on a separate board in the back ground.


The Sons of Horus arrive on the flank and manage to cause some damage to the Leman Russ guarding the Northern approach to the Necropolis.



The Thousand Sons reinforcements arrive from the East, at least the mechanized infantry do.


The Space Wolves advance using cover. The ruins of the residential district screen them from the guns of the two battle tanks defending the Southern Approach to the Necropolis.



The Prosperine Spire Guard stand fast in the face of the Rout's advance.


More Sons of Horus show up to bring the fight to the enemy.


The rest of the Rout arrives with the Wolf King.


The Sons of Horus keep the Thousand Sons busy while the Rout advances.


The footslogging elements of the Thousand Sons arrive in force.


Having won the fight in the sewer the Thousand Sons are able to penetrate into the Space Wolves flank.


It doesn't do them much good as they emerge right where Russ is running past.




The Wolf King slaughters them and then continues his advance. No more Thousand Sons deploy that way.

Having destroyed one tank the Sons of Horus Reavers head towards two others.


The Thousand Sons flood forward to defend the Necropolis.


While Shelling from the FreeKorp continues to rain down on the Sons of Horus.


And eventually eliminates them.


The Rout masses by the Necropolis walls for their attack on the war machines while the rest of their forces flood through the residential area, now backed up by the Emperor's chosen troops.



The FreeKorp advance out to attack the Rout only to be swarmed by the advancing transhuman soldiers.


The Thousand Sons prepare to repel the Rout's incursion.



The FreeKorp prove to be a tougher nut to crack than anyone expected and it requires the morale support of the Wolf King to eliminate the two tanks.



As the FreeKorp tanks fall, the Thousand Sons prepare to greet the enemy with fire.


And the Wolves split their forces to take both the Northern and Southern openings.


Led by Russ the Rout burst among the defenders and the slaughter is great.



But not many of this followers are able to weather the massed gun fire of the Thousand Sons.


All eyes and weapons are turned to Russ as he cuts his way through the first line of defenders.



Under the weight of fire the Wolf King falls, only to stand again, but without the support of his troops even a primarch can't stand the weight of the enemy fire.


The Custodes manage to continue the work that Russ has started but even they are not able to destroy the forces ranged against them.


And the inferno is quenched and instead of burning, Prospero merely smolders.

Personal logo D6 Junkie Supporting Member of TMP26 Aug 2019 5:40 a.m. PST


Frederick Supporting Member of TMP26 Aug 2019 9:10 a.m. PST

Agreed – amazing game!

Personal logo PzGeneral Supporting Member of TMP26 Aug 2019 11:29 a.m. PST

Very impressive Scott, very impressive….

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP26 Aug 2019 12:43 p.m. PST

Another amazing table Brother!

Pictors Studio26 Aug 2019 8:32 p.m. PST

Thanks guys! I had a good time running the game.

I think the Censure force needs more transports but other than that the game went pretty well.

The next big project I'm working on is a AT scale Battle of Paramar game featuring the Tiger Eyes, War Griffons, Alpha Legion and Iron Warriors. I'm hoping I can pull that together in time for Cold Wars 2020.

nugrim02 Sep 2019 12:49 a.m. PST

you used 8th with girlyman as Russ?

Pictors Studio04 Sep 2019 9:11 p.m. PST

Pretty much.

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