"First Test of Liber Militum Tercios rules" Topic
6 Posts
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Anton Ryzbak | 23 Aug 2019 12:50 p.m. PST |
These have apparently been around for a bit but I somehow missed them. I was delighted with the game, take a look if you like link |
mad monkey 1 | 23 Aug 2019 3:06 p.m. PST |
Yeah, I like these rules a lot too. I got a crap ton of the Revell TYW plastics and have fought some pretty good battles with them. Shooting is a tad weak, until you get a commander there buffing up the firing line. The Kingdoms book adds the eastern wars and the ECW to the mix. Order cards, can be found on scribd: link Army builder: tercio-builder.xyz/about Fun game. |
Tony S | 23 Aug 2019 3:22 p.m. PST |
Damn! I really must try and browbeat someone at the club to play these rules. They've been on my radar for some time now. Your game looked like a lot of fun. I love those old Minifig 15mm as well. Remember when the mounted were cast in strips? |
Anton Ryzbak | 23 Aug 2019 7:03 p.m. PST |
Tony S, These are the second edition (I have a ton of Napoleonics that were the strip-cast tiny guys) and they were state of the art at the time (1980s). They were the first army that I ever bought just because I thought a figure was cool (the 3/4 armored reiter with pistols) and it just got bigger from there. If you want to playtest the game you could just cut out bits of card to the prescribed sizes and write on them what unit it is, it wouldn't look good but it would give you a feel for the system. I just blu-tacked my units onto the bases for the test game. |
Anton Ryzbak | 23 Aug 2019 7:03 p.m. PST |
mad monkey 1, Thanks, I will look at those sites directly |
fantasque | 24 Aug 2019 5:14 a.m. PST |
1st time I have seen a review of these rules. My attention has been grabbed so I may pick up a set |