Lambert  | 19 Aug 2019 8:31 a.m. PST |
These aren't new products but characterful, well sculpted figures that I found enjoyable to paint. These days I much prefer painting figures in standing or marching poses rather than sabre waving, bayonet lunging action poses. These are Three Armies French infantry with Perry Gardes d'Honneur in the background. Seen from a distance, which is the best way to see any figures painted by me. link |
Florida Tory | 19 Aug 2019 9:14 a.m. PST |
I like the look. Thanks for sharing. Rick |
nickinsomerset | 19 Aug 2019 9:51 a.m. PST |
I saw them at Salute on their release, just had to get a unit, the casual nature of the figures is superb, Tally Ho! |
deadhead  | 19 Aug 2019 11:39 a.m. PST |
Have to agree 100%. Standing figures, whether infantry or cavalry, are a rarity. I was delighted when Perrys introduced those Gardes d'Honneur on static horses. If only they would do some pointed shabraque horses ditto, as for many a light cavalryman….just once! As for viewing at a distance, if your cavalry are remotely like the light infantry you showed here, they are very impressive. Three Armies got off to a great start, but seems to have gone quiet lately.
IronDuke596  | 20 Aug 2019 7:14 a.m. PST |
I have a battalion of the British 88th Foot, "Connaught Rangers" in the uniquely relaxed standing position. I purchased them as part of the Three Armies kick starter. The displayed painted figures were most inviting, however, the figures I received were not as detailed as a typical Perry or Front rank figure. Further, a lot of major flash, some broken bayonets and deformities. I also purchased figures (at a reasonable price) in the marching pose and another battalion in great coats. The great coated figures are excellent sculpts. However the marching Brits suffered similar flash and deformities issues. Despite the issues I don't regret buying these unique figures, particularly the standing relaxed figures. P.S. my understanding via comments on TMP is that subsequent French and Austrian sculpts are much improved castings. P.S.S.; @Lambert, a great photo of relaxed troops and their cavalry escort, thanks for posting it. |
deadhead  | 20 Aug 2019 7:28 a.m. PST |
Their website even seems to suggest that the British have been remodelled and improved, which tends to imply even the makers thought some early problems. I got the Belgic Shako standing British in the Kickstarter and maybe was just luckier. One missing bayonet and one figure had an unfortunate mould line across his face. Easily disguised and he went into the rear rank obviously. As you say, almost unique posing convinced me. |
Eleve de Vauban  | 20 Aug 2019 8:03 a.m. PST |
Relaxed poses, what a great idea. These are lovely figures. |
Tomsurbiton | 20 Aug 2019 9:17 a.m. PST |
Are they still in business? I had the standing French and was impressed. Thinking to get some standing Austrian. Lambert, your painting looks good to my eyes. |
Lambert  | 20 Aug 2019 12:13 p.m. PST |
Well thank you for the encouraging comments. The Three Armies figures are still available from Emperor Toad – although the later Austrians in shakos or helmets aren't there for some reason. Having finished the French, I have British in greatcoats, British standing and marching, Austrians and Russians in the lead pile. IronDuke, I think you were just unlucky. I've had a bit of flash on the figures, but nothing missing or deformed. They do mix very well with Perrys. |
deadhead  | 21 Aug 2019 1:17 a.m. PST |
That Emperor Toad site is quite a find! thanks for that I do think Three Armies deserves "a plug" as a new venture creating something different. I did a very slight conversion job to make my Waterloo British into Coldstream Guards (I now know they must never be called 2nd Guards). I showed them before but they do reinforce your message and could maybe stand against an attack by your Light Infantry?
Lambert  | 21 Aug 2019 10:05 a.m. PST |
Nicely painted Deadhead – I see you've even picked out the buckle on the ammo pouch belt, I find that kind of detail easy to miss. I've started painting a unit of these and you photo reminds me that the flank company shoulder wings seem very large, certainly compared to British figs I have from other ranges. They may be accurate, I don't know. They cover the shoulder rather than being a ridge on top of the shoulder. I'm curious to know what the experts think. |
18th Century Guy  | 21 Aug 2019 11:24 a.m. PST |
Those do look really nice. Now if I only had a gaming group to use them at. |
deadhead  | 22 Aug 2019 12:47 a.m. PST |
I was lucky enough to have kept the whole range of Brian Fosten books, which gave much info on the peculiarities of the Guards. As an example the two white lace stripes lining the rear seam of the coat tails, or the lace around the cuffs' edge. Officers' and NCO rig even more challenging. The shako plate on the officers in brass, silver and red for the regt badge. Insane. The brass buckles belonged on the USS Arizona, which I never finished! I only did a few at the edge of the ranks as too fiddly……. |
Lord Hill | 22 Aug 2019 1:32 a.m. PST |
Deadhead, that buckle detail is insanely good! |
deadhead  | 22 Aug 2019 1:39 p.m. PST |
No, insane was nearer the mark. You are too kind. OCD? I only did four grenadier figures with the brass buckles. The chaps on the right of the line where it showed. After that I thought…..naw. Who will see it? I do wonder about Lambert's comments and the shoulder wings. I have seen them looking like 1980s glam rock girl band padded shoulder jackets, but also as much more droopy substantial things as shown here. I strongly suspect the latter as more likely. These were not Ah-Ha singers. These were soaking wet, cheap and nasty outfits. Another thought. Lambert almost apologises for his painting skills. Well look again at the cross belts on the line infantry and the blue colour used on the Light and Line units shown. That is the almost black I love to see. How is it that French Light Infantry Regts, that should be so boring, can end up more striking than the Line Regts? But they do, in the right hands.
Painting British is easy. The colours stand out (and, in my case, are probably far too vivid in reality). Getting French to look attractive but also realistic and not "paint by numbers" is the real challenge.
Lambert  | 23 Aug 2019 12:40 p.m. PST |
Deadhead, you are too kind. On the shoulder wings point, I happened to visit the Leeds Royal Armouries this morning, for the first time, and saw this reproduction uniform link OK it's a reproduction so doesn't prove anything, but it's a fairly short cloth wing with a relatively enormous fringe. I highly recommend the museum by the way. Not much Napoleonic stuff apart from Siborne's model, but that alone makes the visit worthwhile. |
von Winterfeldt | 23 Aug 2019 10:48 p.m. PST |
Nicely painted Deadhead – I see you've even picked out the buckle on the ammo pouch belt I wouldn't expect anything less form deadhead. |
panzerwaffen | 13 Jul 2023 3:25 p.m. PST |
Regarding Emperor Toad Emporium: I'm going on 2 years now without the rest of my order being sent. Has said numerous times he was sending out. By the looks of the comments on his FB page a lot of people have been taken. He continues to post sales etc, then has very poor to no communication, and will not issue refund. Or stops communicating at all. Do not fall victim to this business avoid it like the plague! |