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"Breakthrough! Mortain – August 2019 HAWKs Retiree Game" Topic

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Duncan Adams08 Aug 2019 1:17 p.m. PST

Hi all,

Today we played the August game in the HAWKs retiree game series. This was our third go at Breakthrough and our first historical scenario.

The Game, Intro
I've done a simplified version of Mortain (Operation Luttich). I left out the 116th Panzer and 39 US Infantry Regiment north of the River See. Geoff Graff, Chuck Frascatti and Kurt Schlegel played the Germans. Eric Schlegel and Bruce Kohrn played the Americans. This time I was GM and photographer.

Game Play

The table set up. The full table looking east. River See on the left, Selune on the right. Both rivers are only crossable at bridges.

Close up of the Mortain area. Mortain at lower right, 2/120th infantry on hill 314 to the east. At lower left a battalion of the 117th has dug in at St Barthelemy. 2nd Panzer (left) and 2nd SS Panzer (right) are massed beyond.

In Game Pictures
Note: red markers indicate disruption; blue markers indicate artillery that has fired since it last moved.

German Morning Turn – Aug 7, 1944

2nd SS panzer attacks 2/120 Infantry on Hill 314.


2nd Panzer is repulsed at St Barthelemy.


American Morning Turn

2/120 has been eliminated in the fire fight on Hill 314.


Fire fight at St Barthelemy results in losses on both sides.


German Afternoon Turn

2nd SS Panzer swarms around Mortain.


2nd Panzer renews the attack on St Barthelemy and beyond (after movement).


Both battalions of 117th Infantry have been eliminated at St Barthelemy (after combat).


American Afternoon Turn

Typhoons strike 2nd SS Panzer's spearhead at Romagny, but without result.


CCB/3rd AD moves up to relieve 120 Infantry.


119th Infantry moves up to support 117th Infantry along the Cherence – Juvingny line.


Night Turns

German Morning Turn – Aug 8, 1944

2nd SS Panzer surges past Romagny to attack CCB/3rd.


2nd Panzer prepares to resume the attack along the See River after reorganizing.


American Morning Turn

CCB/3rd AD has relieved the battered line with fresh units. Reserves are getting thin, though.


Reinforcements arrive; 8th Infantry Regiment (top left) and CCA/2nd Armored Division.


German Afternoon Turn

2nd SS Panzer attacks the CCB/3rd AD line. There were losses on both sides and the Americans lost more ground.


2nd Panzer, reinforced by 1st SS Panzer Regiment, continues to mass on the American left.


American Afternoon Turn

[Sorry, No Photos]
On the American right they pulled all the artillery back out of harm's way and the battered 120th Infantry and CCB/3rd AD fell back. These moves cleared out congestion and allowed CCA/2nd AD to move across the American rear area and relieve the hard pressed CCB/3rd AD.

This game had results pretty close to the historical events. 2/120 on hill 314 was the notable exception, but their stand is near impossible to recreate in a wargame. Each side played five turns in about 4 hours, so it seems that the guys are getting the hang of the new rules.

I'm contemplating Poland in September.


jekinder608 Aug 2019 1:53 p.m. PST

How many aircraft did you give the Americans?

Duncan Adams08 Aug 2019 2:17 p.m. PST

I gave them two aircraft, which, by rule, can appear on multiple turns if the players make a maintenance roll. I didn't give them a ton of air support because historically most of the air strikes fell on German supporting and reinforcing units in the rear analso for playbalance.


VonBlucher08 Jan 2022 7:20 a.m. PST

2/120 was able to hold the hill as they were on the high ground and were calling in artillery strikes all around them.
Until a regiment from the 35th infantry division broke through to relieve them. Can be difficult to do in a game like this.

williamb08 Jan 2022 9:13 a.m. PST

Any word on when the rules will be available?

Captain Pete08 Jan 2022 1:11 p.m. PST

The scenario looks interesting. What does each stand represent in these rules? Platoon?

williamb08 Jan 2022 7:35 p.m. PST

Each stand is a battalion. Frank Chadwick (Test of Battle) is the author.

Captain Pete08 Jan 2022 10:39 p.m. PST

Thanks, williamb!

Ponder Supporting Member of TMP19 Jan 2022 8:53 a.m. PST

Howdy Duncan,

Please elaborate on any terrain restrictions in the scenario?



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