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06 Jun 2019 8:43 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Crossposted to WWII Discussion board

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1,490 hits since 6 Jun 2019
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP06 Jun 2019 5:49 a.m. PST

My ROTC buddy's Dad landed in the first wave. He's still alive at 96 …


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP06 Jun 2019 9:10 a.m. PST

Only a handful of them left now, and in a few more years they will all be gone.

wrgmr106 Jun 2019 9:26 a.m. PST

Great video! Thanks for posting.

charles popp06 Jun 2019 10:44 a.m. PST

Just remember, there was more than just Americans,Brits and Canadians involved.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP06 Jun 2019 11:15 a.m. PST

My uncle landed with Wave 6. He was a combat engineer who saw action throughout the invasion, the bocage, St. Lo, and the Battle of the Bulge. He died when I was in grade school, so I never really got to talk with him about it, but he also came home as a raging alcoholic, which was probably pretty understandable. My aunt is 94 and let us look through a bunch of his wartime things a few years ago. Quite an interesting look into the past.

Royal Marine06 Jun 2019 2:25 p.m. PST

Twelve years ago in 2007 I toured Gold Beach and the approaches to Port-en-Bessin with members of 47 Commando Royal Marines. It was one of the most memorable and poignant tours I've been on, made so by the memories of those who took part and who told modern day Marines their own recollections … some of their families present hadn't ever heared that story.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP07 Jun 2019 6:26 a.m. PST

Just remember, there was more than just Americans, Brits and Canadians involved.
And French, etc., etc., e.g. IIRC with the follow on forces the Poles have 1 or 2 Armored Divs, with mostly US & UK equipment…

My Father landed at D+10, with the 90ID.

donlowry07 Jun 2019 8:55 a.m. PST

and a few Germans!

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP08 Jun 2019 8:26 a.m. PST

Yeah … I think I heard that too … the Germans were at Normandy also, IIRC ?

Ed Mohrmann Supporting Member of TMP09 Jun 2019 9:37 a.m. PST

And some Russians – 'serving,' however reluctantly,
in the Heer…

Barin110 Jun 2019 2:51 a.m. PST

I've been in UK for the first time in 1994 for the training course in Portsmouth at the same time as the celebration of 50th Anniversary of D-day. In my hotel there was a group of grey-haired dignified US veterans and their wives…I had some very interesting chats with them during dinners.
They have reminded me a lot of my grandad, who fought from the first months of war to the very end…

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP10 Jun 2019 7:12 a.m. PST

And some Russians – 'serving,' however reluctantly,
in the Heer…
And even a few Koreans, IIRC. Who had an interesting story how they got there !

In my hotel there was a group of grey-haired dignified US veterans and their wives…I had some very interesting chats with them during dinners.
I too like to talk to WWII Vets[or any Vets really] … but they are becoming fewer and fewer as time passes.

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