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"Moldmaker & Caster - FIMO to Resin to Metal" Topic

3 Posts

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1,567 hits since 6 Jun 2019
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Dadster Supporting Member of TMP06 Jun 2019 5:41 a.m. PST

Hi, I am looking for a caster who can take a FIMO polymer sculpt and create a resin master which will then be used to create metal production molds.

In an effort to keep costs down – preferably in the US.

If you could also pm me or send info to with particulars, questions and estimated prices to do so I would appreciate it.

Total will be about 9 28mm figures – actually sort of largish on the 32mm size to be used with 28mm.



Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP06 Jun 2019 10:50 a.m. PST

Looking for mass production, or small quantities for personal use?

Mass production: better off contacting mini's companies directly, by phone, or e-mail. You can make molds, yourself, using RTV Silicone (search the Web for tutorials); from these, you can easily make metal castings, which you can send to the professionals. Quality will be quite accurate to the original, FIMO, 'master.'

Personal Use: same as above, make your own RTV Silicone molds. Had a friend, in the 1990's, paint RTV Silicone onto some GW figures he liked, with a throw-away brush, to get the details in the molds; he then finished them with more RTV Silicone [will allow 300-500 castings to be made, before the molds wear out, using Prince August's Model Metal (best results over their other metals)]. He showed me the results: very good, compared to the professionally made mini's, had to look very close to tell the difference. Not endorsing his actions, just reporting how well it worked. It does, however, require a great deal of effort, and time, to make your own molds, but the results can be quite good.

I owned a number of Prince August fantasy molds, made a lot of mini's with them, back in the 1990's and early 2000's. That is how I know about their Model Metal, and its superior results. Best of luck. Cheers!

Thresher0107 Jun 2019 7:55 p.m. PST

One-stop shopping would be nice, but I suspect you may need to break that up, and have someone sculpt them for you, and then have others make your master and production molds.

I could be wrong, and hope you find someone that can meet all your needs, but breaking the two to three steps up might result in your finding more qualified candidates for your project.

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