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"Henry Hyde's Battlechat #22" Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo War Artisan Sponsoring Member of TMP01 Jun 2019 9:38 a.m. PST

An enlightening and entertaining look inside the business of wargame figure manufacturing. You really should give it a listen . . .


Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2019 9:10 p.m. PST

Thanks so much for brining attention to this Pod Cast! As YOU know, Jeff, I have been a proponent for 10-12mm figures for a very long time. A really wonderful discussion and was blown away that I was even mentioned! I am a big fan of Pendraken and own a good lot of them! Great fun to paint. Clib is an awesome designer for many of their ranges. IIRC, he is an American sculptor, too.

Thanks, again, Jeff!

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP02 Jun 2019 10:36 p.m. PST

Thanks for posting this that was really interesting. So interesting, in fact, that I listened to two more Battlechat podcasts, one with Daniel Mersey and one with Phil Dutré. Those were also both really good to listen to, though I started to miss Phil Dutré again. (TMP was the only place I ever really interacted with him, so when he stopped using TNP I gradually lost track of him.)

- Ix

138SquadronRAF03 Jun 2019 6:18 a.m. PST

Henry is always worth listening to, but this was a particularly interesting episode.

Tom, we'd love to see your figures back in production.

clibinarium03 Jun 2019 10:45 a.m. PST

For the record, I am Irish ;-)

battleeditor03 Jun 2019 12:01 p.m. PST

Thanks for the feedback, and for those interested, there's a back catalogue of 20-odd shows now available for public listening which is growing all the time. (Patrons get exclusive access to the podcasts for 48 hours or so before they go public.)

Check out the list at link


P.S. Patrons get access to other stuff too – I just seem to have had a flurry of people to interview recently.

Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP04 Jun 2019 6:19 p.m. PST

Elliot: I'm working on it. It's going very slowly…

Clibinarium: Sorry, Sir! You are one heck of a great sculptor! By any chance did you sculpt a 10mm Range of AWI for J.D. Perry and Old Dominion Game company about 14 years ago?

Henry. Will be checking that library out real soon! Thanks for mentioning it!


All Sir Garnett05 Jun 2019 3:31 a.m. PST

I just wish Henry wouldn't blaspheme so much in his podcasts.

clibinarium07 Jun 2019 5:55 p.m. PST

"Clibinarium: Sorry, Sir! You are one heck of a great sculptor! By any chance did you sculpt a 10mm Range of AWI for J.D. Perry and Old Dominion Game company about 14 years ago? "

No apologies needed, and thanks for the kind words. Didn't do the Old Dominion figures, but I did do Pendraken's AWI line, perhaps the confusion arose from that?

Marc at work15 Jul 2019 5:55 a.m. PST


Excellent word. Victorian steam punk ahoy

battleeditor17 Sep 2019 2:26 p.m. PST

There are now more than 30 podcasts available – see link

Some contain moderate adult language and, apparently, blasphemy. The shows are for adults.


Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Sep 2019 1:49 p.m. PST

The pod casts are great to listen to while I'm painting figures.

All Sir Garnett15 Oct 2019 5:54 a.m. PST

Swearing and blaspheming is hardly adult, childish is the word I would use…

All Sir Garnett28 Oct 2019 1:02 a.m. PST

Well That wasn't necessary Henry, try and take a bit of gentle criticism, you'll find it goes a long way with getting on with folks. And I'm sorry to hear about your cancer, my wife has lymphodema and liver cancer, so my prayers are with you.

Asteroid X28 Oct 2019 4:43 p.m. PST

Well, looks like that site is down …

I'm not exactly sure what "moderate" language is. While I suppose each definition varies but foul language is never necessary.

Snowcat28 Oct 2019 5:02 p.m. PST

wmyers – the first link Henry posted works fine. I encourage you to go there, have a listen, see for yourself. You'll find that a certain amount of mud has been thrown by one individual attempting to undermine the character of a significant contributor to this hobby (Henry Hyde). The same individual also attempted this over at the Frothers forum as a 'Guest' mid-October.

His insult to Henry has been removed from this thread. So take such rubbish about foul language with a pinch of salt, or listen to the podcasts yourself.

Devil Dice29 Oct 2019 2:08 p.m. PST

Henry's posts are well worth listening to and the whole swearing and blasphemy thing is completely blown out of all proportion.
Henry's Battlechat – link
And The Too Fat Lardies' Oddcast –
are great to listen to while painting figures!

Bad Squiddo Games30 Oct 2019 7:19 a.m. PST

Henry has given so much to the hobby over the years and in every online and offline interaction I've found him to be an utter gentleman in every way.

The replies make it sound like an X Rated podcast when it's really not. It has the occasional mild swear as is standard when many people talk, which is why it's not put as entirely family friendly, but hardly anything more than anyone comes across on similar channels.

It's one of the reasons I like it – it's a relaxed podcast with people talking naturally, that's when you get the best interviews (in my humble opinion).

I was going to stay away but having seen my other good friend Richard Clarke torn apart on here, I can't say nothing as it happens to another.

He's contributing to the hobby, and rather well I believe. Nobody is being forced to listen.


Asteroid X30 Oct 2019 5:42 p.m. PST

Thank you for the responses. I do have Henry Hyde's book. I did not like his response, though.

It's been deleted on here, for good reason. It can still be seen in the 'Dawghouse'.

Personal logo War Artisan Sponsoring Member of TMP31 Oct 2019 2:12 a.m. PST

If you believe that's blasphemy, Benito, then it's only blasphemy when you do it. When Henry does it, it's just strong language.

Nothing burns my biscuits quite like self-appointed morality police.

Henry's somewhat immoderate and out-of-character response was totally understandable, considering the circumstances.

All Sir Garnett31 Oct 2019 2:51 a.m. PST

On reflection Henry is wholly entitled to express his views, I am sorry I caused such a furore and would delete my posts that have offended him if I could.

Asteroid X31 Oct 2019 9:12 a.m. PST

I hate to wade into things, but I think a fair response would be that both of you are entitled to your statements.

If one chooses to use language that another finds offensive, that is that person's choice to use that language.

Equally, when we use language another finds offensive, the other is allowed to be offended, within reason.

Modernist society has seemingly normalized behaviour that historically has never been seen. It can be hard. Cultural differences (and this board is literally world-wide) also make a difference.

Bill does an awesome job at moderating the board (I hope it is not JUST him, as there seems to be a lot of moderating that needs to be done on this board – which I find interesting as we are all adults and most seem to be older).

It's a board I would never hesitate to recommend to children to learn about this wonderful hobby.

Cerdic31 Oct 2019 1:35 p.m. PST

Wmyers – that is a good point about cultural differences.

Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that Britain is a much more sweary place than North America. Swear words are just a normal part of everyday speech for most people here. At work, on TV, etc…it's not really an issue.

Asteroid X31 Oct 2019 10:15 p.m. PST

Well, maybe now, but it wasn't always like that:


YouTube link

Cerdic01 Nov 2019 2:14 p.m. PST

Yeah, telly had a lot of catching up to do back then…

Asteroid X02 Nov 2019 4:14 p.m. PST

Catching up to the downward spiral of morals and mores?

The decline of Western Cizilization.

Do not deceive yourself that the acceptance of what was recently unacceptable is not part and parcel directly related to broken families, record crime levels, educational performance, etc, etc, et al.

When allegorical tales by Anthony Burgess become like a fond wistful dreaming of the "good old days" there is something seriously wrong.

Royal Marine04 Nov 2019 9:14 a.m. PST

I remember the 1970s Punk Revolution on UK TV; some very 'naughty' words were used on live TV … I was shocked as a young teenager, but then I had had a sheltered life. Civilisation survived and now Punk is seen as a main contributor to rock history and culture. Military life subsequently filled in the gaps in my vocabulary. Having worked with Henry on a number of projects for Battlegames he is a true gentleman and an excellent proponent of wargaming and he continues to serve us well. We all have faults but we are also capable of great things.

RIP Stuart Asquith BTW, he will be sorely missed.

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