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"28mm Jacobites & British for the '45" Topic

8 Posts

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Mr Jones27 May 2019 5:40 a.m. PST

I have a batch of Jacobites and British from Crann Tara Miniatures and very nice they are too. I would like to add some variety from other manufacturers – are there any other ranges out there that are compatible?

Extrabio1947 Supporting Member of TMP27 May 2019 8:51 a.m. PST

RSM Miniatures are compatible and offer a small Jacobite range. Minden/Fife and Drum are compatible as well, although they cover the SYW/AWI periods, respectively.

Crann Tara and Minden/Fife and Drum are both sculpted by Richard Ansell.

22ndFoot28 May 2019 7:43 a.m. PST

The Crann Tara figures are pretty much the nicest around – for both Jacobiotes and Government troops. You may feel differently but my feeling is that no one else's figures quite mix with Mr. Ansell's style so I stick to the one range.

Mr Jones28 May 2019 8:18 a.m. PST

How about the new range from Flags of War?


Mr Jones28 May 2019 9:19 a.m. PST

I bought the command pack to see how they compare.

22ndFoot28 May 2019 1:13 p.m. PST

Please let us know what you decide.

Mr Jones28 May 2019 4:04 p.m. PST

Will do!

Mr Jones05 Jun 2019 5:11 a.m. PST

The pack of figures arrived today and they are WAY bigger than Crann Tara. Probably about a head taller and much chunkier as well, so no, they aren't a good match at all.

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