MiniatureReview | 11 Aug 2005 10:40 a.m. PST |
I tried to connect to their site and I get a redirect to link The message on the page says This Account Has Been Suspended Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible. Dooo |
TwoGunBob | 11 Aug 2005 11:26 a.m. PST |
I'm sure, "They're working on it." is the only response we'll get. Possibly the server move or something. Possibly they didn't bother to renew their webspace. |
John Leahy  | 11 Aug 2005 11:37 a.m. PST |
What's that line from Aerosmith
'Same old song and dance, my friend'. John |
mksiebler | 11 Aug 2005 12:09 p.m. PST |
Last I saw a couple of days ago was that they had gotten the forums back up and running, and were going to do more maintenance. Unfortunately the forum text was pale grey on a white background, which gave me a headache trying to read it. Later, Markus |
MiniatureReview | 11 Aug 2005 1:26 p.m. PST |
do you have a valid link to the forums |
truthsayer | 11 Aug 2005 3:42 p.m. PST |
Well. I guess it wouldn't be an Excelsior thread without a snide-ass comment from Leahy. |
Goldwyrm | 11 Aug 2005 4:26 p.m. PST |
Too bad. I hope they get things sorted out. |
Topkick890 | 11 Aug 2005 8:05 p.m. PST |
Some will rush to judgement claiming this is a sign that Excelsior is totally screwed up. Others will say that it is a simple problem between Excelsior and the server provider. Me, I've learned that certain people have their minds made up and would rather troll for trouble than listen to an opposing viewpoint. The site will be back up as soon as possible – Until then enjoy the Aerosmith concert and be secure in the news that "They're working on it." 8^ ) |
nazrat | 11 Aug 2005 8:16 p.m. PST |
"I guess it wouldn't be an Excelsior thread without a snide-ass comment from Leahy." John has been one of the biggest pro-Excelsior/Warzone guys out there over the last few years. But as with many people his patience apparently reached it's limit with their business practices (or lack thereof). It's a shame they did this to their fans, really
Topkick890 | 11 Aug 2005 8:26 p.m. PST |
bbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa ROTFLMAO bbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa |
John Leahy  | 11 Aug 2005 9:44 p.m. PST |
Same people responding, similar reasons given for something screwing up over at EE. I mean really how many times can something go wrong for EE and you just don't step back, shake your head and say I just don't think it was meant to be. No clue who is hiding behind the truthsayer handle. Especially, since they are too cowardly to post a name with it. I noticed that they just joined today to make this their first post. Hmmmmmmmmm I smell an EE employee or affiliated demo guy, here. Can you say SOCKPUPPET! Wanna bet! What about it Bill? :-) I know who Hal is. I know his position and he knows mine. We have had our encounters. I respect his viewpoint. I just believe he's incorrect as I am quite sure he does of me. Frankly, I still believe if everyone demanded professionalism out of EE then these mishaps wouldn't last long. Thanks Naz. I do believe that I am pro-Warzone. I am just not pleased with how EE has handled the property. You keep hoping it will turn around at some point. But, stuff like this just keeps on occuring. Thanks, John |
Topkick890 | 11 Aug 2005 10:12 p.m. PST |
John - My second post was a reaction to Nazrat's statement that you one of the biggest pro-Excelsior/Warzone guys out there over the last few years. I'll agree that you might be pro-Warzone even though we rarely see eye to eye on what is best for Warzone. However Nazrat totally missed the mark by calling you pro-Excelsior. That dog won't hunt. I applaud your stepping up and admitting that in your last post. As for Truthsayer
.if he is a sockpuppet I hope Bill tracks him down and locks him out. Excelsior doesn't need to be defended from the shadows. There are plenty of guys out there who have cursed me on forums across the info highway but they always knew who they were cursing. So Truthsayer – step up or step off. |
John Leahy  | 11 Aug 2005 10:18 p.m. PST |
Hi Hal. Yeah, I understood what you meant and where you were coming from. Thanks for posting making sure things were clear. I appreciate it. It still makes me wonder who truthsayer is. Thanks, John |
John Leahy  | 11 Aug 2005 10:19 p.m. PST |
. that last comment wasn't directed at you, Hal. I know you aren't truthsayer. You have zero compunctions about saying who you are. We are pretty similar at least in that respect. :-) Thanks, John |
Dentatus  | 12 Aug 2005 6:05 a.m. PST |
You know, I'm really not interested in a p*ss fight or the blame game. I'd like to see UWZ/Chronopia get some loose ends sorted out and step up as the contender it is. It has a history of foundering about tho, and it's disappointing. There is too much quality competition to continue in that vein for an extended period of time. |
MiniatureReview | 12 Aug 2005 7:01 a.m. PST |
I really am not sure why Warzone is so pleged with misfortune. It is a great system and has nice miniatures. The only thing that comes to mind is dark symetry. :) Actually I really don't understand why the guys at Excelsior are having such a hard time of it. They have a great product with cool miniatures, but for some reason are not advertising their product like I would like to see done nor are they releasing much in the way of new product. (At least from what I can see) |
Fetterkey | 12 Aug 2005 7:05 a.m. PST |
The problem is that there are no new releases and their stock is getting dated. |
TwoGunBob | 12 Aug 2005 7:05 a.m. PST |
It has been collectively gone over by the general TMP populace that is interested as well, complete with good/bad thoughts and a plethora "Jefe, would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?" "Yes, El Guapo. You have a plethora." "Jefe, what is a plethora?" of ideas for what some of the more vocal fans are looking for to get them revved about and jazzed. The ball has
well the ball is always in EE's court it's their game. |
nazrat | 12 Aug 2005 7:15 a.m. PST |
Unfortunately they seem to not be on the field. Or know the rules. Or how to play
8(= |
Topkick890 | 12 Aug 2005 7:20 a.m. PST |
Grunhornet - Rather than rehash the entire history of Excelsior and it's problems I would suggest that you do a searh of the archives here and at other sites and draw your own conclusion. We do not need to go over so much scorched earth again – it will just stir up bad blood and old animosities. Over the years it has killed at least one forum and made bitter enemies – luckily some of us have been able to get past it all and agree to disagree about things. |
Topkick890 | 12 Aug 2005 7:23 a.m. PST |
TwoGunBob - Now you've done it
I just have to watch The Three Amigos. ;) |
TwoGunBob | 12 Aug 2005 7:34 a.m. PST |
I know, not to jump the thread but
like I said, it's all old ground anyway
"Hold it El Guapo! Or I'll fill you so full of lead you'll be using your d*ck for a pencil!" Oh, that slays me! I will have to remember that one for the tabletop. |
Topkick890 | 12 Aug 2005 7:42 a.m. PST |
I can't quote it directly but the scene where Martin Short is in the gunfight and El Guapo tells him to use a man's gun always cracks me up |
MiniatureReview | 12 Aug 2005 9:37 a.m. PST |
But I thought the whole point of history is that it repeats itself. So basically what was old ground becomes new ground becomes old ground again. And just think this all started because I couldn't connect to their website. It would be nice if they would drop TMG a little message saying hey we are alive, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Now if someone could point me in the web direction of the Excelsior's Warzone formus (assuming they are up) that would be great. |
MiniatureReview | 12 Aug 2005 9:44 a.m. PST |
mksiebler | 12 Aug 2005 1:27 p.m. PST |
Here it is: link But you get redirected to the account suspended page
Later, Markus |
Topkick890 | 12 Aug 2005 4:38 p.m. PST |
Grunhornet - Trust me when I say that NO ONE wants to risk a return to the Paradox Forum Days. Sometimes it is better to just let it go and keep the peace. It would be nice if the company would contact other sites, but the flame wars have spanned at least 5 web sites, killed at least 1 site and actually caused some people from each side to give up posting at other particular sites. At least 2 of those dust ups can be traced back to news not being well received. As far as I know TMP is a DMZ and a truce seems to be in effect and holding, but even here tensions can run a bit high. Out of respect for Bill there seems to be an unspoken agreement to tred lightly here. That's why I recommend you reveiming the archives rather than bringing it all back to the surface. |
Topkick890 | 12 Aug 2005 4:40 p.m. PST |
Oops reveiming=reveiwing. It seems I have a slight case of dyslexic fingers this evening. 8^) |