"SYW 3mm" Topic
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Fingerspitzengefuhl | 30 Mar 2019 10:31 a.m. PST |
Has anybody painted up any of the Oddziat Osmy SYW range? Could you post some pictures, how did they paint up? I'm interested in big battalions 100 plus if anyone has tried this? Any 3mm period Thanks |
Dye4minis  | 30 Mar 2019 10:55 a.m. PST |
I'm also interested in seeing some pictures. |
GildasFacit  | 30 Mar 2019 11:32 a.m. PST |
There are a couple of 3mm galleries here …. link One ACW & the other Napoleonic. Tony of TTT |
von Schwartz | 02 Apr 2019 5:31 p.m. PST |
I don't want to be overly critical or sound like a complete jerk but I am just getting back into the hobby after a 12 year hiatus, life intervened, and I can't help but be amazed at the HUUGE variety of scales i.e. 3mm, 6mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 28mm, and 30mm. WHY so many? It seems to me that 3mm and 6mm are very little difference as with 10, 12, 15, & 18. The upper range 20, 25, 28, and 30. Couldn't these be combined into three ranges to make more armies compatible. Aren't there some people with armies of similar periods and basing but because of scale difference cannot game together? Are the scales used in different geographic areas or are they across the board? Not judging, just asking. |
GildasFacit  | 03 Apr 2019 4:42 a.m. PST |
Not a very practical suggestion with 100's of manufacturers producing many more ranges of figures some of which were first produced in the 70's. It may be a good ideal if the hobby were starting from scratch but it will get worse, not better. Think of the extra cost in re-working existing ranges to meet some sort of enforced standardisation, why should some need to pay it while others did not ? What about all those gamers with figures that they can't get any more ? No, it would never work. There is a huge difference between 2/3mm & 6mm, for me it is the variety in the larger scales that is most annoying. I've just bought some fantasy figures all supposed to be 15mm and some of the Dwarfs are taller than the humans ! Different ranges of 20mm figures are nearly a head shorter than other ranges labelled the same. For all the labels we put on figures you can hardly ever be sure from the label exactly what size the figure is or how well it works with other ranges. It is the price you pay for the vast diversity we have at the moment. I'm surprised that you weren't aware of the variety of sizes already though – all but 3mm were in existence 12 years ago. |
Glenn Pearce | 03 Apr 2019 5:36 a.m. PST |
It's purely market driven. Different people want different scales due to personal preference or space requirements or budget. Today most clubs or groups generally have members who have different scales and they interact together very well just not in the same games. Most scales can be found anywhere but as it's a niche hobby some scales are just not played in some places. So it's an ideal time for people like yourself getting back into the hobby. Hook up with a club/group and pick your scale to either fit in or offer them a new experience/scale to your liking. |
von Schwartz | 03 Apr 2019 5:08 p.m. PST |
Where I was when I got started, Minnesota, the original group was using 25s. The "young whipper snappers", myself included were being rebellious and went with the newer 15mm Napoleonics and Bruce Quarry's rule set, way back in the 70s. I never even saw the smaller scales till recently. Remember Gildas, I said I had a 12 year hiatus, got out before a lot of them became mainstream. Also, isn't it in the UK where the larger scales are most popular? I don't know, again, I'm just asking. |
Glenn Pearce | 04 Apr 2019 10:24 a.m. PST |
Hello von Schwartz! I've been in the hobby since you started in the 70s and never departed. I've also tried to keep abreast of what is going on. As far as I can tell 25/28mm is the most popular scale and you can find players in most areas around the world, not just the UK. Next is 15/18mm, followed by 6mm. All the other scales are not so easy to find and when you do they are often only in one period. Overall the UK has a very large concentration of players and scales. So your chances of finding players in any scale is much greater there. Assuming your still in the US, once you get away from the bigger cities your chances of finding fellow players starts to diminish. Hope this helps answer your questions. Best regards, Glenn |
von Schwartz | 05 Apr 2019 3:35 p.m. PST |
Yeah, I guess when you're the ONLY one within several hundred miles who games that scale and period that's considered diminished. I was in the Twin Cities, for all your "ferigners out ther" that would be Minneapolis and St. Paul and surrounding suburbs. About 11 million in Minnesota and 8 million live in that area. Moved to bucolic rural Ocala Florida, less than 1/10 the size. Ahh well, do the best with what I am given I guess. Well good luck and thanks |
Elenderil | 16 Apr 2019 4:56 a.m. PST |
One of the advantages of the smaller scales (6mm and under) is that you can build armies for both sides of a conflict and it doesn't break the bank. That way if opponents are few and far between you can at least have some solo games. |
von Schwartz | 16 Apr 2019 4:02 p.m. PST |
Ah ha!! that explains my habitually depleted bank account. But, TOO LATE!! I already have large armies for the Austrians and the Prussians, just need some terrain boards and we're off to the races!!! I already talk to myself constantly, why not game with myself? Wow! that didn't sound too weird did it? At least I didn't use the "play" instead of "game" that would've gotten me another stint in the dawghouse. |
Glorfindel777 | 03 May 2019 12:29 a.m. PST |
von Schwarz, I think the truth is that, although we may consider ourselves as part of a single hobby, most of us do our own thing. Essentially, we all have our own view what we want out of the hobby. Just think of the sheer volume of rulesets out there at the moment as well as the variety of scales and periods. This can be a real weakness if we want to play outside any groups / clubs we are in. The only practical way of ensuring a game (even within your own club / group) is to paint up both sides. Phil