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22 Mar 2019 8:23 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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Prince of Essling31 Aug 2024 2:19 a.m. PST

Nachrichten und Betrachtungen über die Thaten und Schicksale der Reuterei in den Feldzügen Friedrichs II. und in denen neuerer Zeit
Ernst Siegfried Mittler, Berlin und Posen 1823-1824
Volume 1 (1740 bis 1806) PDF link
Volume 2 (1807 bis 1813) PDF link
Both volumes as a single combined download PDF link

Prince of Essling03 Sep 2024 12:28 p.m. PST

L'Artillerie au début des guerres de la révolution
Gabriel Rouquerol & Maurice Bottet
Berger-Levrault, Paris 1898

Histoire des corps de troupe qui ont été spécialement chargés du service de la ville de Paris depuis son origine jusqu'à nos jours
François Cudet
L. Pillet, Paris 1887 (uniform plates are in colour)

Prince of Essling04 Sep 2024 8:33 a.m. PST

Sketches In Flanders And Holland; With Some Account Of A Tour Through Parts Of Those Countries, Shortly After The Battle Of Waterloo; In A Series Of Letters To A Friend
Robert Hills
J. Haines & J. Turner 1816

Prince of Essling04 Sep 2024 12:51 p.m. PST

An Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands in 1815, Under His Grace The Duke of Wellington and Marshall Prince Blucher. (Comprising the Battles of Ligny, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo; with a Detailed Narrative of the Political Events connected with Those Memorable Conflicts Down to the Surrender of Paris and the Departure of Bonaparte for St Helena. Drawn from the first Authorities by William Mudford, etc. Embellished with a Series of Plates, etc., from Drawings made on the Spot by James Rouse, Esq., also a Plan of the Battles, and Map, etc.)
William Mudford, James Rouse
H. Colburn, 1817 (most plates are in colour)

Prince of Essling07 Sep 2024 6:41 a.m. PST

Les généraux de la Révolution (1792-1804)
Joachim-Marie-Jean-Jacques-Alexandre-Jules Ambert
Bloud & Barral, Paris 1892?

Les Généraux morts pour la patrie, 1792-1815: notices biographiques
Jacques Charavay; Étienne Charavay & Noel Charavay
Paris 1893
Volume 1 (1792-1804) PDF link
Volume 2 (1805-1815) PDF link

Prince of Essling18 Nov 2024 3:54 p.m. PST

Exercir-Vorschrift für die königlich würtembergische Artillerie
Author/Contributor: König Wilhelm I. Württemberg,
Stuttgart 1824-1835
Although post Napoleonic, this comprises 5 Volumes of Text & 2 volumes of diagrams (all in a single download totalling 450.65MB) PDF link
The diagrams give an excellent overview on both horse & foot artillery batteries (though in this case showing 8 pieces for the horse) with their supporting caissons etc, where personnel were positioned etc.

Prince of Essling19 Nov 2024 1:21 a.m. PST

Again post Napoleonic but with excellent diagrams of troop movements in these volumes:

Exercir-Vorschrift für die königliche würtembergische Infanterie
Author/Contributor: Wilhelm I., König von Württemberg
Stuttgart 1819 PDF link

Exerzier-Vorschrift der königlich würtembergischen Reuterei
Author/Contributor: Wilhelm I., König von Württemberg
Stuttgart 1820-1822 PDF link

Prince of Essling24 Nov 2024 1:28 p.m. PST

Handbuch für Officiere : in den angewandten Theilen der Krieges-Wissenschaften
Gerhard von Scharnhorst
Hannover 1804-1814
All 4 volumes in one download (contains excellent drawings of artillery equipment)
PDF link

von Winterfeldt25 Dec 2024 9:32 a.m. PST

Wiehr : Napoleon und Bernadotte im Herbstfeldzug 1813

a closer look at Bernadotte's influence and expertise contra the usual Prussian folklore


Prince of Essling25 Dec 2024 1:30 p.m. PST

As an addition to vW's post above – in Swedish but with more maps:

Napoleon och Bernadotte under höstfälttåget 1813
Ernst Wiehr
Stockholm 1895

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP30 Dec 2024 9:23 a.m. PST

That Mudford book from 1817 is just beautiful, just look at the binding and watermarked end papers. Plate J is definitely not the Chateau of Frischermont. It might be the nearby village which has had several names over the years (but not a chapel as far as I can tell). Plus it is at least a mile from where Picton fell. But that is great find.

Prince of Essling26 Jan 2025 1:18 p.m. PST

An historical record of the Royal Regiment of horse guards : or Oxford Blues, its services, and the transactions in which it has been engaged from its first establishment to the present time
Edmund Packe
Parker, Furnivall & Parker,London MDCCCXLVII. [1847]
PDF link (nice uniform plates in colour)

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