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"Kickstarter: Shadows of Brimstone Adventures (5 days left)" Topic

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viper512103 Mar 2019 6:22 p.m. PST

I've posted a few times here about Kickstarter board games with miniatures I like because I tend to back a lot of them (I play and collect board games). Well Shadows of Brimstone is one of the BEST dungeon crawler series of board games and expansions on the market. Right now there are 5 days left in the new Shadows of Brimstone Adventures Kickstarter. It features fantastic gameplay mechanics and awesome high-quality miniatures. This particular Kickstarter features Vikings and Norse Mythology monsters in one set and Conquistadors and reptile creatures in the other set. The best deal is the Warlord Pledge where you get nearly everything (except paid add-ons). With the Warlord Pledge you get all the Kickstarter Exclusives plus all the Stretch Goals which are worth far more than the pledge amount. You get A LOT for your money. Here's the link to the Kickstarter:


Tommy2003 Mar 2019 8:06 p.m. PST

Shadows of Brimstone is a great game.

Unfortunately, though, if they follow past practice it will be delivered years late, and be available for sale at conventions before the Kickstarter backers receive their pledges.

viper512103 Mar 2019 9:35 p.m. PST

Late or not, the Warlord Pledge is an incredible deal compared to retail and the KS Exclusives make it more than worth waiting for.

repaint04 Mar 2019 3:44 a.m. PST

yeah, minimum pledge US$ 285 for the Warlord level.

I will do with the poor's people level at US$ 80.

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