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"The 2nd Ed Revival Project - Game 1: First Blood!" Topic

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1,605 hits since 1 Jan 2019
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Skinflint Games01 Jan 2019 4:26 p.m. PST

Kicking off 2019 with a dose of 2nd Ed retro gaming –

Brother Lorenzio tapped his comm-link again and muttered a curse. No matter what he did, he couldn't tune out the sibilant high frequency pulsating that he would almost swear sounded like some form of rhythmic high pitched bell… He put it out if his mind as the sonorous voice of Brother Sergeant Garcia came across the squad net.

"Stay close, brothers, the enemy is lightly armed but numerous. Brother Fiorian, your flamer to the fore."

The net chimed as Brother Enricio chimed in. "Forgive me, Brother Sergeant – enemy sighted, three contacts, each ten strong, bearings 294, 012 and 027"

The combat squad clustered behind a ruined wall. Garcia's voice across the net again – "Close and destroy, brothers. Grenades and flamer, bolter and sword. On me!"

With that, the five Space Marines roared their assent and charged toward their foe..

Lion in the Stars02 Jan 2019 5:52 p.m. PST

Love those frag grenade 'splosions!

Is that an LED tea candle in the center?

Skinflint Games03 Jan 2019 3:32 a.m. PST

Thanks man! Yes, well spotted- concept and design courtesy of Mel The Terrain Tutor and his awesome YouTube channel 👍

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