"Kickstarter: Borderhaime Chronicles looks phenomenal!!" Topic
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viper5121 | 25 Nov 2018 4:34 a.m. PST |
This board game Borderhaime Chronicles looks incredible!! Great gameplay mechanics, awesome dark and dreary theme, and fantastic miniatures!! This Kickstarter project should be getting WAY more funding than it is. Please come and help support the project. I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers at all, I'm simply an excited and supportive backer that wants to get word out about this outstanding project!! Here's the link to the Kickstarter: kickstarter.com/projects/1108825307/borderhaime-chronicles-0?ref=discovery&term=Borderhaime
Frederick  | 25 Nov 2018 5:45 a.m. PST |
Nice looking minis, for sure! |
David Johansen | 25 Nov 2018 6:20 a.m. PST |
That's an awfully high goal. I will say that I like the puzzle tiles and the miniatures are top notch if really big. It looks like they've gotten some good 3d prints for the photos but I wonder how they'll do when it comes to actually tooling the moulds. |
Damion | 25 Nov 2018 5:26 p.m. PST |
Would love to see a 28mm version. |
SeattleGamer  | 25 Nov 2018 8:52 p.m. PST |
I'll stick with Swords & Sorcery. Just wrapped up a $215 USD pledge for the second wave of that game (Ancient Chronicles). Proven gameplay, story driven. Other than the minis (which do look cool), nothing about the game itself cries out for table time. And running a campaign that competes with Christmas … it needs to have a WOW factor. It doesn't. Hit has a "nice minis" factor. They tried this back in October, with a 60-day campaign, that they cancelled 17 days in, with 66K raised. Now they are back for a second go, with a 25 day campaign, and 12 days in they have raised 60K. Which sounds okay, until you look at the daily funding. It has lost money 5 of the last 7 days. With a goal of 120K there will be no stretch goals unlocked, and I suspect some folks are not liking the lack of progress, and have other things to put their money on right now. I just don't see it getting funded on this second try. |
SeattleGamer  | 26 Nov 2018 9:01 p.m. PST |
And … they cancelled their second campaign today. As they should have. It was not going tog et funded anyway, and rather than stick around and keep people wondering, it was far better to take a bow and be done. Their last update was nice, talking about regrouping, finding a better way to ship, and find a better partner, one with more boardgame publishing knowledge. I think they needed to get their costs down, and their content spiffier. I wish them luck! |
The H Man | 28 Nov 2018 10:29 p.m. PST |
If they are bigger than 28mm, that may be costing them interest. Perhaps try, then pull out before it ends is a statergy. They don't technically fail, as it never got to the end. They also have keen people still wanting to bid. |
billthecat | 01 Dec 2018 1:58 p.m. PST |
Rather uninspiring, IMHO… ANOTHER minis-for-sale dungeoncrawl thingumee… and the miniatures are not anything special either. Oh well, such is Kickstarter it seems… |