Ferreo Cuore | 20 Nov 2018 11:55 a.m. PST |
Need help trying to remember a miniatures game I saw friends playing years ago. Can't remember if it was collectible or not – but it was pre-painted plastics in basic colors, so a Blue Faction, Red Faction, etc. had sci fi tanks, helocopters, air, infantry, artillery, everything. I believe the rules were free and you just bought the miniatures. Maybe by whiz kidz? Anyone can clear up for me, I will be able to sleep better tonight! Much thanks… |
Thresher01 | 20 Nov 2018 12:36 p.m. PST |
Centurion. Their grav tanks came in either red, or blue. I don't recall them having helos, but they do have jets. PFC, formerly CinC, still carries the entire range in metal. You can sometimes find the plastic tanks on eBay. They used to be a good deal. |
javelin98 | 20 Nov 2018 1:59 p.m. PST |
Renegade Legion: Centurion would fit for the tanks. I don't recall them having aircraft, crunchies, or artillery, though. Maybe you're thinking of Mechwarrior? |
Thresher01 | 20 Nov 2018 2:33 p.m. PST |
Yep, orbital jets, as well as some armor not included in the plastic sets. Still need to get a few of the heavy tanks myself, one day. pfc-cinc.com/rl.html 6mm scale for all. E-Bay listing: auction Background stuff: auction |
Covert Walrus | 20 Nov 2018 3:10 p.m. PST |
There have been several games of this type, the most recent being Monsterpocalypse, which unlike Renegade Legion include aircraft and lighter vehicles ( RL using grav vehicles and transatmiospheric fighters). They also have useful mecha and Kaiju. |
Ferreo Cuore | 20 Nov 2018 5:09 p.m. PST |
It was about ten years ago, and I believe the black bases rotated to show unit status, so I was thinking it was a clix game. |
Pythagoras | 20 Nov 2018 6:04 p.m. PST |
KJdidit | 20 Nov 2018 8:40 p.m. PST |
RL: Centurion includes stats for AAA, artillery, and engineering vehicles, though no minis were produced for these types. They could be easily converted from part of the existing line (and PFC has used some of the metal models' hulls to do just that for their proprietary line, IIRC). I don't recall the rules or supplements being free, but I'm sure you can finds scans available online if you look hard enough. |
GypsyComet | 20 Nov 2018 8:43 p.m. PST |
Ten years ago is likely MechWarrior Clix. Two of the factions were frequently red and blue, IIRC. Renegade Legion was more like 30 years ago, now. |
Thresher01 | 20 Nov 2018 11:15 p.m. PST |
Ah, yes, there were some Clix vehicles and figs. Bought a bunch of Sci-Fi "helos" back in the day – look like some of the ones from the movie Avatar. They're all camo'd though, and not red or blue. |
Ferreo Cuore | 21 Nov 2018 8:51 a.m. PST |
Yes, that is it! Anyone have thoughts about the rules? If they're free, do you know where Mechwarrior clix rules are? |
Lion in the Stars | 21 Nov 2018 1:53 p.m. PST |
Clickytech died pretty hard, the collectible part of the idea got annoying. Especially when what should have been very common units by fluff were rare (or even less common than that). The game also suffered from severe dice issues, the dice were so cheap that they were not anywhere near random-number generators. At one particular tournament, where nobody was using the dice in the starter packs, someone who had been complaining about how non-random the dice were collected all the dice and started rolling them between games. By the end of the tournament, he had 6 piles of dice, one for each number, and the dice tended to roll that number. (Friend of mine was a tournament-runner for clickytech) The big thing about the clix games is that all the unit stats are on the dials under the model. Clickytech itself also went through at least two rules variants that I am aware of, and the models are NOT compatible between rules. Well, more precisely, the bases are not compatible. The models were re-used.
GypsyComet | 21 Nov 2018 11:21 p.m. PST |
The WizKids habit of destroying game balance through Organized Play rewards was at its most heinous with MWClix. As happened both before and after, that eventually poisoned the organized play to the point where the fanbase collapsed, followed shortly by the game itself. |
10mm Wargaming | 10 Dec 2018 3:24 a.m. PST |