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872 hits since 11 Nov 2018
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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billclo11 Nov 2018 7:51 a.m. PST

This was a 2-session introductory game I ran at Fall-In 2018 in Lancaster PA.

Scenario description:

Rumble at Octanis III

Octanis III is a mineral rich world that produces valuable strategic materials. Both the NAC and ESU want to annex it, and neither side can afford to see the other side claim it for their own. The locals don't see it that way, and are prepared to fight to maintain their neutrality.

Simple mission: neutralize the system defenses, chase the other side away, and encourage Octanis III to join your faction.

This is an introductory level game of Full Thrust. Beginners to veterans are welcome. Children 10 or older welcome with an accompanying adult.

NAC: 2 players, Force 1: BC, CH, DD, FF. Force 2: BC, CH, 2 FF.
ESU: 2 players, Force 1: BC, CH, DD. Force 2: BC, 2 CL, FF.

Neutrals: GM run 3 stationary space stations.
Bases have 2 beam-3s in 360 degree mounts.

Victory conditions:
Neutral planet's space stations must be all crippled or destroyed for either faction to win. If this is not accomplished, BOTH sides lose.

Faction with the highest remaining point value of ships wins according to the following formula:

Ship not crippled, even ships with no fire controls remaining: full point value
Ship crippled: no points (they must withdraw to a friendly base to repair and are not available to contest the system). Crippled is defined as any hull boxes lost in the 3rd or 4th hull rows.

Game 1: 2 players showed up.
The NAC barely won the first game, having an uncrippled BC and CH vs a lone ESU BC. The NAC BC had one hull box remaining before it would have been crippled as well.

Game 2: A father and 2-son team played, and I took one of the ESU forces to make sure all ships were in play.

The NAC wins this one, with an uncrippled BC.

I want to thank Ground Zero Games for graciously providing convention support in the form of copies of the Full Thrust Lite rules and a light cruiser miniature for each player.

Game 1:
Intial map setup:

ESU forces:

NAC forces:

Forces close and engage the defender's defense platforms:

NAC frigate is damaged:

2 ESU CL damaged:

Defending base is overrun by NAC:

Close range dogfight:

Ships start to die:

Bit of a break-off to regroup. A NAC BC is running for it, having only one hull box left.

More fighting:

Both sides are wheeling around trying to out-turn each other.

End of game 1:

Game 2:
Game 2: Turn 1 closing. The second ESU player really concentrated fire on the bases, while I pinged away at the other NAC forces.

Turn 2 in your face firing run.

Mutual slaughter, while the second ESU force comes in to support the surviving ESU BC.

My last ship (ESU BC) is destroyed, leaving the support force to fend for itself.

End of game.

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian11 Nov 2018 8:06 a.m. PST

Where did you get the firing arc bases?

billclo11 Nov 2018 9:46 a.m. PST

Had them custom made years ago, was selling them for a time, but they weren't popular since they didn't fit the standard black ship bases.

Since I gave up on selling them, I put them out in the public domain for everyone to use on the Facebook page.

They are set up for 2" round bases, but you could scale them up or down. If you post your email, I could send you a copy if you would like.

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