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" Blue and khaki for NVA" Topic

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The Editor Can't Paint Green Vehicles

Does anyone else have trouble with the color green on microscale vehicles?

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alan L02 Nov 2018 2:55 p.m. PST

I have 2 battalions of Pendraken NVA to paint up. To differentiate them from each other and the US figures, I intend to do one battalion in blue and the other in khaki.

Any suggestions for suitable Vallejo paints?

Colonel Bogey02 Nov 2018 3:04 p.m. PST

I am planning on doing my NVA with Vallejo Khaki 70988, over a white primer.

D A THB02 Nov 2018 3:28 p.m. PST

Is there a historical reason you are going to use blue?

I am going to paint mine a toned down Russian Green but as you say that would be too similar to the US forces in that scale.

My VC are black with some items in blue just for variety.

My PLA will be in Khaki (I have done a command stand in that colour already)

My figures are 28mm so its easy to differentiate the figures but I have some 1/300th scale figures to do one day.

alan L02 Nov 2018 3:56 p.m. PST

I have been informed that blue was worn by II Corp in the early years and khaki by I corps throughout the war.

Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP02 Nov 2018 5:13 p.m. PST

Not so sure about the blue.

I've seen some examples of very faded ones that look kind of grey but I don't think they started out blue.

Lion in the Stars02 Nov 2018 5:18 p.m. PST

When I get around to my VC and NVA (in 15mm), the VC will be in black PJs, NVA regulars will be in khaki. Need to paint the Americans first, though.

I've never heard of any NVA wearing blue.

khanscom02 Nov 2018 6:54 p.m. PST

From Osprey's "The NVA and Viet Cong": "All PAVN (People's Army of Viet Nam) ranks were issued, when available, a cold weather uniform during November to March. It consisted of a blue or olive drab padded trousers and coat…". This apparently issued from the late '50s into the '60s.

Skarper03 Nov 2018 12:06 a.m. PST

My understanding is dark green was more typical. Khaki was usually NLF Main Force. Blue did exist but I think not so usual. White was also issued, but I think it was only used in the North.

I can see the desire to differentiate units and blue was certainly used.

Captainbrown03 Nov 2018 3:09 a.m. PST

Lol NVA in blue.

rvandusen Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2018 5:37 a.m. PST

I recall that some grey uniforms were issued to the Viet Minh in the 50's, but I'm thinking those were worn out by the mid-60s and replaced with khaki or olive fatigues.

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2018 7:09 a.m. PST

As I understand it, the khaki uniform with mainly used by the NVA in the early part of the war. After that it was revered to as the export version.

In my own collection, I have three painting patterns.

1) Local force VC in black with soft hat a few rice patty hats thrown in. Not entirely historic, but nothing says VC to most people than the rice paddy hat.

2) NVA in a light green uniform. I used the old PollyS light green that matches an NVA helmet in my collection. I also have some sappers in the same light green with soft hats.

3) VC/NLF main force 9 man squads all in soft or no hats in a mix of uniforms as follows:


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2018 8:00 a.m. PST

AFAIK … Generally VC in black with a few odds & ends in other muted colors. And the NVA generally in tan and/or green … Some good pics and drawings here. Along with some BS too … of course … link

alan L03 Nov 2018 8:20 a.m. PST


This is the colour I am thinking of: a blue/grey

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2018 7:34 a.m. PST

Well go for it ! Looks like some good intel …

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2018 8:06 p.m. PST

It took me a few posts to realize that "NVA" was referring to North Vietnamese Army, not Nationale Volksarmee, either of which could be the subject of a discussion in the Modern Painting Guides forum.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP05 Nov 2018 7:30 a.m. PST

Yes, that has come up before. Someone from Europe said that I was making up the term NVA for the North Vietnamese Army. Or I saw it in a movie, etc. huh?

When in fact the US Military had used that term for as long as I can remember. Having been trained by and served along side many Vietnam Vets when in ROTC, '75-'79 then Active Duty '79-'90 and even in the USAR, '91. evil grin

Those Vets also referred to the VC and NVA as a number of other things I can say here ! laugh

But Yes, NVA can refer to the East German Army aka Nationale Volksarmee. Most GIs from that time period I knew very, very, rarely if ever called the East German Army – NVA. But again they also had a number of less than complimentary names for them too … laugh

catavar07 Nov 2018 11:37 a.m. PST

From researching French Indochina my view is that civilian clothing worn by the Viet Minh could include other colors besides black. I believe even when uniforms were issued they didn't always hold up and would be replaced with what was available. Therefore I've mixed two other colors I think were common (white and BLUE) with my predominately black clad Viet Minh. Just food for thought.

You mention early uniforms. If you can get hold of a copy of The French Indochina War by Windrow (Osprey) take a look at plate G3. It depicts a soldier of the 308th Division in 1954. According to the description some of the uniforms may have been a pale grey-green. I'm wondering if that could be the uniform you're describing.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2018 10:17 a.m. PST

That makes sense too. Some colors don't look the same in print vs. RW …

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