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"15mm Renaissance Range offer" Topic

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1,391 hits since 17 Sep 2018
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Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Sep 2018 5:12 a.m. PST


Now at Alternative Armies.

Go here: link

Wargaming in 15mm scale in the Renaissance period? We have a deal for you which lasts all week ending Midnight Sunday GMT. The Furioso Rule System plus its Army Packs and Bases as well as the hundred codes of infantry, cavalry, artillery for 15th to 17th century plus walls and buildings are all 10% off. Discount is already applied on screen. Have a browse.



mghFond17 Sep 2018 1:25 p.m. PST

Sounds nice, I just bought the Furiouso rules on your site and they look good. However miniatures wise Im in the middle of painting Blue Moon's Italian Wars range but best of luck with your range though!

Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Sep 2018 11:57 p.m. PST

Thank you and enjoy the rules.


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