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M1Fanboy27 Aug 2018 5:27 a.m. PST

I am trying to get my new platoon/squad level scenario pack for a fictional East German invasion of West Berlin in 1985, "Red Star, Burning Streets" completed and it's about 1/3 to halfway through playtesting. But, it's stalled as my current playtesters have had RL come up.

The scenario pack is aimed at 1:1 figure scale for Squad/Platoon level games and it's part of the same series as "Red Star: White Lights". It's rules neutral, which means you can use any squad or platoon level game to play it, I just want to get the scenarios tested so I can finish up the maps and release the scenario pack sometime before the end of the year? Anyhow, if you're interested and have the time, please drop me a line at: ramcompanyplaytestersATgmailDOTcom

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Aug 2018 8:17 a.m. PST

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