"AAR on War of the League of Augsburg Game" Topic
8 Posts
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Anton Ryzbak | 15 Aug 2018 6:10 a.m. PST |
Further refinement and playtesting of my War of the League of Augsburg rules. The rules played well. The French won handily. link
The Beast Rampant | 15 Aug 2018 10:36 a.m. PST |
Great AAR, thank you for sharing it. I have been following this project with some interest, as I am working up some "later French Wars" units myself. Are you not dealing with pikemen? |
Frederick  | 15 Aug 2018 10:41 a.m. PST |
Anton Ryzbak | 15 Aug 2018 12:37 p.m. PST |
The Beast Rampant Pikemen are included in the rules but I haven't had a chance to sculpt some legs so that I can make use of all those spare bits that come with the Warlord Games figures and build pikemen. The sculpting/mold-making/casting process will feature on my blog fairly soon. These minis were painted for the Siege of the Castillo de San Marcos games, I'm just now finding other uses for them. |
The Beast Rampant | 15 Aug 2018 2:04 p.m. PST |
Cool! Please keep us posted. These minis were painted for the Siege of the Castillo de San Marcos games Yes, and I'm also gearing up to do War of Jenkin's Ear with Musket & Tomahawk and/or Donnybrook. I found some useful tidbits on your page for that as well, thank you.  |
Anton Ryzbak | 15 Aug 2018 5:56 p.m. PST |
The Beast Rampant Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate criticism and suggestions as well! You can find the model of the Castillo and the game here; Part I link and Part II link We used Pikeman's Lament, it ran surprisingly well considering that we were running a game many times larger than the rules envisioned |
Maxshadow | 19 Aug 2018 2:19 a.m. PST |
Oh my goodness that boy must be happy having his fort and garrison like that! |
Anton Ryzbak | 19 Aug 2018 10:39 a.m. PST |
Maxshadow, I ran the siege game at two other conventions and in both cases grown men were thrilled to crawl under the table to sit inside the fort as the commander. I find it delightful that we can admit that we are just grown boys playing with toy soldiers. It is a very different view when one is sitting inside, especially if you use a low stool and peer over the edge of the wall. |