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""We Only Kill Each Other" Subscription Ends Soon!" Topic

4 Posts

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1,280 hits since 4 Aug 2018
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP04 Aug 2018 11:36 a.m. PST

I see I may have been posting news about WOKEO on the wrong board!

Well, in fairness to the project itself, and to those who follow this board rather than the "Modern," I'm just reminding all that TVAG will be glad to extend the offers below for another two or three days beyond the official end date.

Interested parties are still welcome to all three of the previous game reports provided in the form of "Police Gazette" and "The Newcago Clarion" by simply requesting them from

Details of the Subscription are as follows:

The 100-page, 8.5" x 11" perfect bound book will retail for $30.00 USD USD, but to subscribers, the price will be $25.00 USD USD, plus $9.00 USD USD for domestic priority mail postage. Overseas customers will be charged their choice of Flat Rate International Priority Mail ($38.00 USD) or International First Class Mail ($25.00 USD). The print edition will include cheat sheets and several completed character cards in support of the scenarios appearing in the book.
A separate WOKEO Graphic Supplement consisting of a professionally printed Action Deck of 33 full-color 2.5" x 3.5" game cards (provided in a resealable plastic bag), and a set of ten blank Character Record Cards for players to devise their own from the four basic types (G-men, criminals, police, and detectives) printed on colored cardstock, will retail for $12.00 USD USD, but may be subscribed to as well for $9.00 USD USD.
Those choosing to subscribe to both the book and the Graphic Supplement will be charged $34.00 USD USD, a total savings over the publication price of $42.00 USD USD, and receive their choice of any two free items from either TVAG cardstock building range, Mean Streets or Mean Sets. This is a $20.00 USD USD value delivered free via email at the end of the subscription.
Further, subscribers to the book will have their names listed on the Roll of Honor (or more appropriately Bill of Indictment), and the names of subscribers to everything will appear on a special listing. Participants are definitely invited to provide their own underworld names for this purpose (Machine Gun Belly is already taken).
To reserve a copy of either item or both, email to with your choice, and be sure to include your surface mail address and a phone number, please.
As with previous subscriptions, no money will be charged until it ends when either least 30 copies of the book are claimed, or the end date of midnight CDT, August 4, 2018, is reached. Invoices will be sent and payments made through PayPal, but money orders/personal checks will be accepted with some specifications in advance.
Buyers of the rules do not need to buy the Graphic Supplement to get the Action Deck and character records the game requires. Instead, they are offered free for the asking as PDF files for self-printing.


Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP04 Aug 2018 1:49 p.m. PST

Oh Good Grief!

Please forgive the multiple posts!

I evidently encountered a gremlin while posting to the Message Boards.

I apologize for the evidence of an Old Man's foolishness.


Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP04 Aug 2018 3:54 p.m. PST

Oh…..too quick !

You've cheated us of the chance to post amusing messages like:

does anyone know when the We Only Kill Each Other" Subscription Ends ?

evil grin

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP05 Aug 2018 10:02 a.m. PST

"De Shadow Do!"

And I am the Shadow. Or at least the shadow of what once was a normal brane.

If anyone wants to get all the advantages of the Subscription as described, please just write me ASAP at and I'll get you under the wire, one way or another.


…And I DO wish I had known that the Modern Board was defined as post 1946! Or that World War One included the Interwars period!


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