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3,103 hits since 25 Jul 2018
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Winston Smith26 Jul 2018 1:23 p.m. PST

Up until a few months ago, my 28mm AWI building collection was pretty much limited to solid cast resin buildings. The roofs didn't come off either.
I of course had Chew House. I forget who I bought it from, but I think it's now made by Vatican. Heavy. grin
I bought several ACW log cabins.
Of course there is the O Gauge log cabin, by Plasticville, available at any model railroad shop.

Recently a friend gave me a Plasticville "mansion". It cost him 2 whole dollars at a flea market! Roof comes off.

Lately I've been doing a lot more skirmish actions. I've been whining for years about the lack of period specific buildings.
At Cold Wars I discovered two companies that produced just what I needed. These are laser cut 3mm mdf.

The first is Wargame Tools.
They sell Sarissa and Charley Foxtrot.
I first bought the "Rustic house with porch and stone chimney". Sarissa.

Then in the on line catalog I discovered:
The Chateau. Sarissa. An almost perfect Chew House.
My plan is to do the walls with a sheet of Noch stone embossed paper. Noch is available from Walthers or other railroad hobby sites. The sheet can wrap around, and I can cut out the windows.

Sarissa. Schoolhouse or Church.
The Patriot. Cough cough.

Charlie Foxtrot has Village Dormer House.
I intend to do similar with Noch brick sheets.

Charlie Foxtrot has several cabins, slave quarters, and so on. This one will be a barn.

There are many other suitable AWI buildings or conversions listed.

Things from the Basement.
There is a whole Sleepy Hollow range.
I have been watching Turn, so I decided Setauket needed a windmill.

Check out the accessories for wagons and other stuff you didn't know you needed. High on my list is roofing shingles.

PaulCollins26 Jul 2018 1:55 p.m. PST

Nice list. Thanks for the info Winston.

Popknot26 Jul 2018 10:43 p.m. PST

I hope you will post pictures as your project comes together.

Winston Smith27 Jul 2018 2:21 a.m. PST

Thingsfromthebasement also sell 1:56 old style furniture. I realize this makes us look like playing with doll houses, but deep down inside, don't you wish You could find a 28mm hutch?
And under the Riverdale line you can get laser cut tavern furniture.

I also bought some very nice stone cabins from Impudent Mortal at Historicon. Darned if I could find them in their totally confusing on line catalog.

I don't know if laser cut buildings will "revolutionize wargaming". I just wish we had them 20 years ago. grin

WarWizard27 Jul 2018 3:37 a.m. PST

Those are all good choices.
I also like the buildings from Empires At War.
If you look at their 28MM ACW range, I think a lot of those buildings would be suitable for AWI period also.
Let me know if you agree.

For example their:
Brick House A
Brick House B
Large Sandstone House
Herr Tavern
and others….


95th Division27 Jul 2018 5:09 a.m. PST

I agree, in fact I'm using Brick House A in my AWI scenarios (see below) and I'm going to add brick house B


95th Division27 Jul 2018 5:12 a.m. PST

In this photo you can see some of the Charlie Foxtrot models – the Tidewater mansion and behind that the smokehouse and kitchen.


Winston Smith27 Jul 2018 8:21 a.m. PST

As I may have mentioned in previous posts, I was binge watching Turn.
At the same time I had discovered the above catalog for Sarissa and CharlieFoxTrot. "Why, that looks just like…..!"
After that perfect storm, making up my shopping list for Historicon was a piece of cake. grin

Hint. Google "Persian Carpets". Print out. If you're going to have buildings with lift off roofs, you may as well furnish them tastefully.

historygamer02 Aug 2018 4:15 a.m. PST

Turn was filmed around the Colonial Williamsburg/Richmond area. Just FYI.

ChuckNLedd24 Feb 2019 5:25 p.m. PST

I really like Charlie Foxtrot buildings and I'm glad to hear that he has a US distributor. Thanks for the great AWI info.

Winston Smith25 Feb 2019 12:59 p.m. PST

Thanks for the thread necromancy. grin
I just got the Riverdale keelboat for a Davey Crockett project.

Winston Smith26 Feb 2019 9:08 a.m. PST

Here's a few comments on what I've purchased and assembled so far.
The 3rd story of the Sarissa Chateau is a bitch to assemble. So many thin fragile parts! Putting in the windows and dormers was so frustrating I put the whole thing aside months ago. I'll get back to it, though. Pretty soon. The first and second floors came together flawlessly, as did the roof. Since I bought about 48 appropriately uniformed British for a Chew House project, I may as well grit my teeth and endeavor to persevere.

Be VERY careful where you store them! I had a few ruined by mold when I stored the finished buildings in a plastic tub near my cellar floor. Apparently mdf is a real mold magnet.
Those stored on a high shelf in the open are fine.

Almost every kit just flies together. One evening is more than enough time.

The wagons from Thingsfromthebasement are fantastic.

Their 15mm Russian village is superb, although Flames of War based fit in only half of them.

If you have made some foam core buildings, or have plain roofs, get some roof shingle laser cut heavy stock shingles from Thingsfromthebasement. Great stuff.

Winston Smith26 Feb 2019 9:30 a.m. PST

I also abandoned my plans to use Noch printed stone walls. Too many windows! grin

Here's a tip on painting chimneys. Paint the chimney grey, if stone, brick red or terra-cotta if brick. After it's dry, rub white paint over it with your finger. Most laser cut "stone" or brick has deep enough grooves so you will force the white "mortar" down inside. It will also subtly streak the brick.

Old Contemptibles26 Feb 2019 12:17 p.m. PST

I bought my first laser cut to assemble 28mm building from 4Ground. It was a French Farm House. It was so much more complicated than I imagined.

I saw all over the internet how much fun and easy putting these things together is. Well my modeling skills were no match for this kit. Way more detail that I wanted.

I had no intention of putting furniture or interior walls, fireplace and such. I just wanted two empty floors that I could fit one squad per floor of 28mm figures. It was still just too much for me. To make matters worse the bottom floor was slightly warped. No more MDF kits for me.

95th Division27 Feb 2019 7:57 a.m. PST

Rally – I'd recommend Charlie Foxtrot. I think they are much easier than 4Ground. Like you, I don't want to do an interior, just 2 floors and windows to shoot out of. I've built a number of CF models including the larger Tidewater plantation (see photo above). I have very limited modeling skills primarily focused on gluing wall together. I really like the Charlie Foxtrot models.

Winston Smith27 Feb 2019 2:33 p.m. PST

I bought the "28mm dollhouse furniture" mentioned above from Thingsfromthebasement purely to represent things looted from houses and mansions.
Heck, I'm not about to put in staircases in 2 or 3 story buildings!

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