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"The Lemonade Wars. Episode Two: Police Squad! " Topic

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1,711 hits since 23 Jul 2018
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Mason124 Jul 2018 3:47 a.m. PST

The Lemonade Wars Episode Two: Police Squad is now 'live; on Kickstarter.


With new figures of Uniformed Cops and Gangsters, there are several options when it comes to pledging: From single Gangs, multiple Gang options, right up to an 'everything so far' pledge, you can get exactly what you want to fight in the Lemonade Wars.

The new Pig Gang Boss and Dog Thug….

The new Uniformed Cops….

The Police Squad….

The Porky Tomson Gang….


A quick intro…..

The Lemonade Wars!

Lemonade has become the Curse of Modern Animal Society!
Creatures everywhere are becoming Hooked!
The President has been called upon to take action!

It is the year 920 in the United States of Animalia and the President, Hedgerow Wilson, has passed the Act Of Prohibition. This unpopular Act aims to oversee the prevention by law of the manufacture, distribution and sale of Lemonade in all of its forms.

While Prohibition has been successful in reducing the volume of Lemonade consumed, it is unfortunately also responsible for an outbreak of underground, organised gangs and widespread criminal activity involving the illegal production, distribution and sale of this most sought after beverage.

From the Squeeze-E'Zees of the Big Smoke to the rural Squeezers of the Wide Country, production of Lemonade has not stopped, it has simply become a lucrative underground industry which has seen the rise of many criminal organisations making a tidy profit from its illegal availability.

Of course, with the amount of money involved, when two gangs meet, it is not always pleasant! An encounter can quickly escalate into extreme violence, with innocent bystanders often caught in the crossfire.

This has become a serious problem, and a battle that appears to be causing the Authorities many problems.

Problems with no end in sight…

The Lemonade Wars have begun!

Mason127 Jul 2018 2:51 a.m. PST

As we enter the final few hours of the Episode Two campaign, I have finally gotten around to finishing painting up my own version of the Tomson gang by colouring in Buster, the Dog Thug, and Porky Tomson himself….

Just a few hours to go, so the Police Squad will have to be finished once the campaign is over….


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