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French Wargame Holidays01 Jul 2018 4:17 p.m. PST

As some of you may be aware I have relocated to France a quick update on my blog.



FABET0101 Jul 2018 4:36 p.m. PST

Bold and wonderful. Good luck and keep us posted.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP01 Jul 2018 4:44 p.m. PST

Best of luck! Now, if someone will just do such a thing in the States…

Skeets Supporting Member of TMP01 Jul 2018 5:03 p.m. PST

Wishing you both the best with your venture.

poiter5001 Jul 2018 7:25 p.m. PST

Congrats on the setting up of a business. Lots of hard work but an idyllic area and located well.

WarWizard02 Jul 2018 2:44 a.m. PST

It looks like you really put a lot of thought and work into this. Congratulations!
I really like your website. I hope my wife and I will make it for a visit someday. Thanks for the update.

Pat Ripley Fezian02 Jul 2018 3:13 a.m. PST

living the dream.well done

23rdFusilier02 Jul 2018 3:20 a.m. PST

Best of luck to you and your wife. I hope this new venture turns profitable and enjoyable.

Rogues102 Jul 2018 1:34 p.m. PST

Congratulations, best of luck with your venture. Our exchange student was from Laval (same province, a bit further away than your town), and when we stayed with his family we were able to see so much of France from Mt St Micheal, San Malo, Bayeux, Normandy beaches, Caen, to the Loire Valley. It is a beautiful area and there is plenty to do and see there. I hope the new business goes well for you and your wife.

TRUgamer07 Jul 2018 10:12 a.m. PST

This is just wonderful. Best of luck to you with your new venture. Tempting the wife as we speak. :)


Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP14 Jul 2018 12:18 p.m. PST

Wonderful! Best of luck! I have kept your URL and will try to get to your place the next time we visit Europe (probably next year).

In keeping with the traditions of artists, I may just bring a bunch of things to paint and spend several days sitting outdoors painting like Van Gogh.

I'll try to resist the urge to lick my brushes and get cadmium poisoning.

45thdiv15 Jul 2018 3:39 a.m. PST

Yes, my wife is interested in going. :)

French Wargame Holidays15 Jul 2018 4:03 a.m. PST

Hi guys,

Thanks for the comments.

It has been a dream for me to do one thing like this for a number of years, and we decided to take the leap and move to France. We are just starting out, been here since March lots of work to do to be fully operational, but progress has been very good and we have been received very warmly by the local Mayor, Chamber of commerce, Tourism Pays de Loire and our local community. The L'hotel de Hercé, is a very historic home built circa 1715 in the heart of the 18th century quarter of Ville Mayenne. We have 14 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms to renovate, plus the 4 grand salons. A 1500sqm garden with trees planted in the 1750s, pigeoner, water feature and orangery for guest use. Low mobility access for two rooms, all within a short stroll to the town square and chateau.

We have opened a chambre de hote, currently three bedrooms in the main Maison (should complete renovations on them by 1st of August) and plan to be fully operational with three guest bedrooms and one guest suite in the stable block by next June and have started taking bookings for next year.

Mayenne department is in Pays de Loire (upper) and is on the border with Normandy to the North, Brittany in the west. The department has historical battlefield sites from Caesars invasion, Viking invasions, Norman invasions, Baron wars, Breton wars of independence, 100 yrs war, wars of religion, Chouan and Vendee rebellion, Franco Prussian war, and WW2.

We will be conducting battlefield tours, campaigns, historical, food tours around the region from a single day through to three days of touring. The idea is that you can come as a couple and either tour as couples or as individuals.

Options also will be provided for wargamers offering a battlefield tour in the morning and wargame in the afternoon. Or a six day campaign event which will contain booths tours and wargaming. The maximum guests will be 15 people inclusive. Wargamers will be caped at ten people.

The wargames room is a fully panelled room, with upholstered panels, with two french doors overlooking a 18th century square and gardens. The 6m table with terrain tiles made specifically for each battle.

My collection is primarily 28mm, ancients, dark ages, medieval, Renaissance, Napoleonic, and FPW. Rules will be big battalion or skirmish scale depending upon the battle. For WW2 my collection is 20mm, using a battalion level rule set. I also plan if we are having a club visit or a large number to have fun games Wild West, Pulp or 19th century science fiction. The apartment in the stable block will also be able to accomodate a 6m table for double blind game.

Additionally we will be offering the guest suite (118sqm) and orangery for artists and writers.

You can follow our progress on our
Or for those Facebook fans the wargames part

We are open for bookings so please do not hesitate to contact us


Bandolier14 Aug 2018 3:21 p.m. PST

Best of luck Matt. Looks like a place I could drag the missus along to!


French Wargame Holidays01 Nov 2018 12:13 p.m. PST

Cheers Mick,

be great to catch up

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