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"Another question about Trench Raid game, Oiler72" Topic

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Ceterman25 Jun 2018 4:56 p.m. PST

Okay, We played this & had a BLAST! Great little set of rules, if you wanna call 3 pages, rules, we did! But a question for you Oiler72 Or Anybody that cares…
It gives you a "Shooting" skill number. It says "The higher the better", just like the "Initiative & Fighting" skill numbers, in the beginning of the rules. It also says "this is the score or LESS needed on a dice to hit when shooting". Fine. Got it. The higher, the better.
Well, later on the next page when actually explaining the rule of Shooting it says "To hit a target roll equal to OR GREATER than the firer's Shooting Skill, add the modifiers…"
Okay, I'm SURE it's a typo, but damn! What a typo! ONE word, changes Everything! Next the Modifiers. I think these are screwed up too. Assume that one word IS a typo, so equal to or LESS than the firer's Shooting Skill…" well, that makes having a HIGH number GOOD not BAD, and the modifiers are:
-1 Firer Moved
-1 Automatic Weapon
-1 Firer Wounded
-1 Target in Cover
Wait, what? It all makes sense & works with a HIGH number to start with except "-1 Automatic Weapon"?! So do ya think that should be "+1 Automatic Weapon"? I do. It would all make sense then don't ya think? I wonder if you remember Oiler72? On your little cheat sheet I see your GM just blacked out the word "less" & left the modifiers the same, like he used it as a High number. But that just don't work… Thanks for reading,

Nick Stern Supporting Member of TMP26 Jun 2018 11:27 a.m. PST

Could the minus one reflect the chance of the automatic weapon jamming? That was certainly true of the French Chauchat. It looks like the Bergman and the LMG still have a very good chance of hitting, rolling three and four dice respectively. By the way, how many figures per side did you use?

Ceterman26 Jun 2018 1:48 p.m. PST

Nick, That's what we thought before coming into the other issues. But really we were using auto pistols only. We were also thinking ya know, sprayed shots, not as well aimed. But in reality, they INVENTED the sub-machinegun JUST for Trench raids! So just a little strange to penalize you for that don't ya think? But yes. We rationalized it just as you are in your comment. You do throw more dice when using an auto weapon, so you get more chances at an actual HIT, so the -1 for the effect of the hit does not really hurt you too much. I say that now, but in the game, it really could! Especially the way I roll! As for the size of the game, there were 4 of us each with 4 men. We wanted to start small. But we ALL agreed, it really was a fun, exciting game. Highly recommended!

Nick Stern Supporting Member of TMP26 Jun 2018 3:03 p.m. PST

Ceterman, thanks for the info! I am going to do the game in 54mm. I bought some really nice prepainted trench sections on eBay and I just need to finish painting and basing a handful of Germans. I've already got Americans, French and British painted. Question: the game in the magazine uses a grid system for movement. Did you do that? I figured I just use inches instead of grid squares.

Ceterman26 Jun 2018 7:54 p.m. PST

We used inches also. What was cool about mt trench sections is they are just about 2" wide with the firing step being an inch wide leaving the duckboard part an 1" also. We had absolutely no problems just using inches.
FYI, My trench sections:

Nick Stern Supporting Member of TMP27 Jun 2018 11:16 a.m. PST

Wow! That's awesome terrain. I think trench raids are the way to go, much more fun than suicidal mass attacks.

Ceterman27 Jun 2018 8:02 p.m. PST

Thank you Sir! It is fun. There are a lot of very different games to be on that terrain, believe me!

Ceterman28 Jun 2018 8:03 a.m. PST

*There are a lot of very different games to be PLAYED on that terrain, believe me!

Nick Stern Supporting Member of TMP19 Jul 2018 4:50 p.m. PST

Ceterman, I'm running my first game on Saturday. I decided to just skip the automatic weapon modifier on the chart.

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