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tkdguy19 Jun 2018 10:06 p.m. PST

I recently saw the Gloire game at my local game store and bought a copy. I ran a couple of scenarios with some friends, and everyone liked the game.

I came up with a few modifications for my fantasy/imagi-nation setting. I haven't tried them yet, but maybe I'll get the chance soon.

I will post my house rules, character write-up, etc. in this thread.

tkdguy19 Jun 2018 10:19 p.m. PST

First off, here are some of my house rules for unarmed combat. I created a fantasy setting years ago that combined swashbuckling swordplay with eastern (and western) martial arts. I modified a few rules and character classes so I could add the latter to the Gloire game.


The Martial Arts Master is a variant of the Master Swordsman class. Although he has some training in weapons, he focuses on developing his skill in unarmed combat.

Note that Martial Artists need not come from Asia; Europeans have also developed their own unarmed fighting styles (boxing, wrestling, savate). Likewise, the Master Swordsman class is appropriate in an Asian campaign, as China and Japan both have legends of wandering swordsmen.


Statistics: As Master Swordsman

Abilities: Costs are the same as the Master Swordsman unless otherwise noted. Martial Arts Masters get 10 points to spend.

Weapons: Add club, spear/polearm; remove pistol.

Armor: No armor; transfer points to Knowledge Skills.

Combat Skills: Replace X points of Fencing to Pugilist, but allow Fencing +2 (costs 1 per +1). Add Battle Cry, Flurry of Blows, Knife Thrower, and up to 2 unarmed maneuvers (see below). Remove Sang Froid.

Knowledge Skills (3 points maximum): Add Medical Knowledge, Savant (philosophy, religion) +2 (costs 1 per +1).

Other Skills: Add Intimidate. Remove Lucky.

Kicks, along with other unarmed strikes (head butts, knee/elbow strikes, etc.) use the Fist attack table. They are also treated as clubs, without the 1" range if the character has the Pugilist skill. Grapple and throws can be treated as Fist attacks, but they never use club statistics even with the Pugilist skill.


Martial Arts Masters may choose up to 2 maneuvers. The allowed combinations represent the different styles of martial arts.

The techniques mentioned here are the unarmed equivalents of the fencing skills listed in the rulebook. The game mechanics and restrictions remain unchanged. For example: A character cannot take both Cappelli's School and Di Conti's Thrust; therefore, he cannot have both Iron Palm and Shadowless Kick.

Here are the conversions from fencing schools/techniques to unarmed maneuvers. Ignore references to long/short blades listed in the Fencing maneuvers.

Cappelli's School --> Iron Palm; Cannot be combined with Shadowless Kick

Connor's Appel --> Sublime Footwork

De Frontbrune's Pass --> Immovable Stance

Di Conti's Thrust --> Shadowless Kick; Cannot be combined with Iron Palm

Lagardére Lunge --> Serpent's Fangs; This is a nerve strike

Siebler's Riposte --> Heavenly Counterstrike


The Street Fighter is a variant of the Executioner. While he is not as adept in unarmed combat as the Martial Arts Master, he is a little more flexible in his weapon and armor choices.

Build the Street Fighter as an Executioner, but concentrate on the Pugilist skill. Replace the Two handed weapon with Improvised weapon. The Street Fighter may take one of the unarmed combat maneuvers listed above.

Next on my to do list: write-ups of characters from television and cinema, expanding the list of animals.

cloudcaptain19 Jun 2018 10:28 p.m. PST

Very cool! Looking forward to hearing more about your tweaks.

tkdguy19 Jun 2018 10:29 p.m. PST

Thanks! I'll try to post more stuff soon.

Deathwing20 Jun 2018 3:54 p.m. PST

Nice to see the game still being played.

tkdguy21 Jun 2018 3:59 p.m. PST

I only just discovered this game (I know I'm late on the ball) and have read some of the battle reports here.

I am currently working on writing up characters from the shows Nicolas le Floch and Anno 1790 .

tkdguy22 Jun 2018 8:51 p.m. PST

As promised, here are the write-ups. I included a general description and tactics of each character. No one wears armor in the series, so the armor stat does not appear.

Characters from Nicolas le Floch

Name: Commissioner Nicolas le Floch, Marquis de Ranreuil
Class: Courtier (Grade 3)

Brain: 4
Brawn: 3
Guts: 7
Musket: 4
Blade: 4
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Fencing +2, Pugilist +1, Genius +1, Tactics +1, Iron Will, Fearless, Hide

Weapons: Long Blade, Pistol

Background: Nicolas le Floch is the Marquis de Ranreuil and the Commissaire du Châtelet. He works directly under Sartine, and later under Lenoir. He tends to live a carefree life, attending wild parties and visiting brothels without a second thought. His love life is somewhat complicated.

Tactics: Nicolas le Floch is a skilled swordsman and is also proficient in unarmed combat (he may know Savate). Although he has a pistol, he rarely uses it. He disdains the use of torture to gain a conviction, preferring to find evidence.

Name: Inspector Pierre Bourdeau
Class: Sheriff (Grade 2)

Brain: 3
Brawn: 4
Guts: 6
Musket: 4
Blade: 3
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Dead-eyed, Sharpshooter +1, Savvy, Devotion, Hide

Weapons: Long Blade, Pistol

Background: Inspector Bordeau is Nicolas' assistant. He comes from the middle class and has a wife and children. He is much more conservative than his superior.

Tactics: While he is not as skilled a fighter as Nicolas, Bordeau is an excellent shot.

Name: Marie de Langremont (Le Satin)
Class: Queen of Thieves (Grade 3)

Brain: 4
Brawn: 4
Guts: 6
Musket: 4
Blade: 4
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Fencing +1, Killer Instinct, Pugilist +1, Deception, Disguise, Savvy, Hide, Nerves of Steel

Weapons: Long Blade, Pistol

Background: Marie de Langremont is the daughter of an unjustly disgraced noble. She turned to prostitution in order to survive, eventually gaining a reputation as the courtesan Le Satin. While she and Nicolas clashed in their first encounter (she avenged her father), they have since become lovers.

Tactics: Le Satin is a formidable fighter. She is handy with the blade and is proficient in unarmed combat.

Name: Antoine de Sartine
Class: Fop (Grade 2)

Brain: 4
Brawn: 3
Guts: 6
Musket: 3
Blade: 3
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Deception, Iron Will, Savvy, Lucky (Vain), Majestic, Nimble, Observant

Weapons: None

Background: Antoine de Sartine holds the post of Lieutenant General of the Police of Paris. He is the superior officer of Nicolas le Floch and Pierre Bourdeau. He is succeeded by Lenoir when he is appointed as Secretary of the Navy.

Tactics: Sartine is not a fighter. However, he is quite assertive and knows how to bend people to his will. He is not above using torture to gain a conviction.

Notes: Sartine is a historical figure. He was especially fond of his wigs. The write-up presented here is based on his portrayal in the television series.

Name: Doctor Guillaume Scemacgus
Class: Doctor of Letters (Grade 2)

Brain: 4
Brawn: 3
Guts: 6
Musket: 3
Blade: 3
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Fencing +1, Medical Knowledge, Genius +1, Savant +2, Observant

Weapons: Long Blade

Background: Doctor Scemacgus is a former naval surgeon and a good friend of Nicolas. He often uses his medical knowledge to help Nicolas solve mysteries.

Tactics: While he is not usually a combatant, he is a skilled swordsman and will not hesitate to defend his honor.

tkdguy22 Jun 2018 8:59 p.m. PST

Characters from Anno 1790

Name: District Commissioner Johan Gustav Dåådh
Class: Philosopher (Grade 3)

Brain: 6
Brawn: 3
Guts: 6
Musket: 4
Blade: 3
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Sharpshooter +1, Genius +2, Language. Medical Knowledge, Savant +2, Observant, Sprint +1

Weapons: Pistol

Background: Johan Gustav Dåådh is the District Commissioner in Stockholm. He served as an army doctor during the Russo-Swedish War. He secretly supports the French Revolution and is in love with Magdalena.

Tactics: Dåådh prefers to avoid violence, although he is capable of defending himself when necessary.

Name: Simon Freund
Class: Doctor of Letters (Grade 2)

Brain: 4
Brawn: 3
Guts: 6
Musket: 3
Blade: 3
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Sharpshooter +1, Genius +1, Savant +2, Observant, Sprint +1

Weapons: Pistol

Background: Simon Freund is Dåådh's assistant and the tutor of the Walhstedt children. He is very religious, but he is also an alcoholic. Although he and Dåådh sometimes clash over certain issues, Freund is as committed as Dåådh in the pursuit of justice.

Tactics: Freund served in the army during the Russo-Swedish War, so he knows how to handle firearms. However, he usually goes unarmed.

Notes: I originally intended to write Freund up as a valet, but the Doctor of Letters class had a more appropriate skill set. As Freund tutors the Walhstedt children, we can assume he has some education. His Savant skill also applies to his knowledge of the Bible.

Name: Olof Nordin
Class: Executioner (Grade 2)

Brain: 2
Brawn: 4
Guts: 8
Musket: 3
Blade: 3
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Ferocious, High Strength +1, Iron Will, Fearful Presence, Intimidate

Weapons: Club

Background: Olof Nordin is the chief jailer. Ruthless and ambitious, he was hoping to be promoted to District Commissioner and resents being passed over in favor of Dåådh.

Tactics: Nordin is quite brutal, especially to his prisoners. He is not especially skilled in combat, but his ferocity makes up for his lack of finesse.

The following characters are noncombatants and are listed here for completion rather than given full write-ups. They may be used as plot points.

Carl Frederik Wahlstedt is the Chief Constable of Stockholm. An avid supporter of the monarchy, he actively hunts down the enemies of the King. Little does he know that his new District Commissioner is one of their number.

Magdalena Walhstedt is the wife of Chief Constable Walhstedt and the mother of his children. Unlike her husband, she cares about the common people and tries to help them whenever possible. She is a skilled midwife, and she secretly uses her skill without her husband's knowledge or consent. She secretly loves Dåådh and shares his ideals.

Märta Raxelius is a noblewoman, but she is a free thinker and plots to bring down the monarchy. She is ruthless and manipulative, using her beauty and charm to get others to do her bidding. She considers Dåådh a traitor and blames him for the death of her brother.

tkdguy26 Jun 2018 10:29 a.m. PST

Characters from Brotherhood of the Wolf

Name: Grégoire de Fronsac
Class: Squire (Grade 3)

Brain: 3
Brawn: 4
Guts: 7
Musket: 5
Blade: 3
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Ambidextrous, Fencing +2, Pugilist +1, Animal Handling, Hunter, Tactics, Horsemanship

Weapons: Long Blade x2, Pistol

Virtues/Flaws: All for One

Background: Grégoire de Fronsac is a knight and a naturalist, sent to Gévaudan by Louis XV to investigate the deaths allegedly caused by a large beast.

Tactics: Fronsac is a formidable fighter, skilled in both armed and unarmed combat.

Notes: Although the Ambidextrous skill is not part of the Squire class, I gave it to Fronsac because he fights with two swords at the movies clmax.

Name: Mani
Class: Martial Arts Master (Grade 3)

Brain: 4
Brawn: 3
Guts: 7
Musket: 3
Blade: 5
Dodge: 4
Speed: 4

Skills: Flurry of Blows, Pugilist +2, Shadowless Kick, Immovable Stance, Animal Handling, Hunter, Leap

Weapons: Staff (treat as club), Tomahawk (treat as long blade)

Background: Mani is an Iroquois and Fronsac's friend.

Tactics: Mani is a skilled fighter, specializing in unarmed martial arts. Some of his maneuvers are quite acrobatic.

Notes: I am using my Martial Arts Master variant to write up Mani.

Name: Sylvia
Class: Foreign Agent (Grade 3)

Brain: 6
Brawn: 3
Guts: 6
Musket: 4
Blade: 3
Dodge: 3
Speed: 5

Skills: Concealed Weapon, Deception, Disguise, Genius +1, Hide, Intimidate, Observant

Weapons: Short Blade x2 (see below), Long Blade

Background: Sylvia is an agent of the Vatican, sent to eliminate a heretical priest. She poses as a courtesan so she can secretly spy on Gévaudan's elite.

Tactics: Sylvia is more of an assassin than a front-line fighter, but she can be quite deadly if forced to fight. She can lead a squad of troops if necessary.

Notes: Sylvia carries a bladed fan that acts as a short blade. It counts as a concealed weapon.

tkdguy05 Jul 2018 1:41 p.m. PST

Here are a couple of new house rules.


1. Resolve close combat as normal.

2. If the attacker wins by 5 or more, the defender falls and is prone.

3. If the attacker wins by 4 or less, the defender can make a Dodge check to avoid being thrown. Both combatants disengage if the defender succeeds.

4. If the result is a draw, both combatants disengage.

5. If the defender wins by 4 or less, the attacker can make a Dodge check to avoid being thrown. Both combatants disengage if the attacker succeeds.

6. If the defender wins by 5 or more, the attacker falls and is prone.


You can use dice instead of playing cards when determining the objective marker results. Just check off the numbers when they are first rolled; reroll if a number comes up again.

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