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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP14 Jun 2018 6:08 a.m. PST

Today is the US ARMY's Birthday …


14 JUNE 2018




The resolutions being read, were adopted as follows: Resolved, That six companies of expert riflemen, be immediately raised in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia; …

From: Lexington Commons


To: Iraq, Afghanistan, & Syria


When we were needed we were there…

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Jun 2018 6:59 a.m. PST

Fifty things I learned while in the Army (at Ft. Knox)…

1: Jefferson County is "wet"…Hardin County is "dry"..West Point, Kentucky is a speed trap; and DON'T YOU FORGET IT!
2: Benny's "First and Last Chance" sat on the county line.
3: I encountered, "Misery, Agony, and Heartbreak"…..They are still there…
4: A brand new 2nd LT WILL stop you while you are on your way to the aid station with a severe injury spurting blood and ask you "Why you didn't salute him."
5: Upon seeing the injury his response WILL BE: "You better take that to the aid station."
6: A C ration can of peanut butter WILL fit in a Hoffman dis-charger.
7: You can cheat on MILES Gear.
8: St. Vith Gunnery Range is haunted.
9: Manually indexing your range and elevation, using the 105 Delta, stripping your crunyion bearings, Indexing HEP and loading SABOT will effectively give you a maximum range of approx 20 miles….
10: A 105mm HEAT round fired in the same manner WILL go over a ridge….
11: A 105mm HEAT round that is fired in the same manner that has gone over a ridge can eliminate a farmers mailbox….
12: Operation "El Dorado"….'nuff said…..
13: Cold Weather Vehicle Starting….sucks.
14: Black Ice….ever seen a 57 ton tracked vehicle doing 35 mph start doing pirouettes?
15: If TA-50 can be lost…it will be lost.
16: After 2-3 years of being in the Army, some people STILL don't know their general orders.
17: Funeral Details suck.
18: Guard Duty on Thanksgiving sucks also.
19: As is CQ on Christmas.
20: I hate Johnson's Paste Wax.
21: There's no party like a "GI Party"….
22: Officers never inspected latrines.
23: "Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked, 105mm M60A3 (TTS), TM 9-2350-253-10", nuff said.
24: St. Johns Motor Pool….'nuff said.
25: Wilson Road Wash Rack….'nuff said.
26: Yes, Virginia…there are earthquakes in Ft. Drum New York.
27: Some people shouldn't be allowed on tanks…
28: Yes, Egyptians WILL try to "buy your girlfriend", (especially if she is a perky, cute, brown eyed blonde haired little sweet thing)….
29: "Poagie Bait"… 'nuff said.
30: When in the field for six weeks straight, and your girlfriend shows up, (especially if A: she is a perky, cute, brown eyed blonde haired sweet little thing, and B: she is the jeep driver/secretary for the brigade IG, and C: She brings you "poagie bait"….your popularity will suddenly increase immensely)…..
31: You can hot wire a Sony Walkman into an AN-VRC-46 and listen to "tunes" over your CVC helmet.
32: The stars at night….are big and bright….deep in the heart of THE NTC…..
33: C-Rat Pears, Peaches, and Fruit Cocktail will get you a lot of things in trade….
34: C-Rat Chocolate Nut Cake will plug you up like a cork in a wine bottle.
35: Extra rolls of "butt wipe" is always kept in the ammo boxes under the gunners seat. Keep at least 3-4 extra rolls.
36: Always keep extra 9/16 sockets, and open/box end wrenches and other assorted items in your tool bag…..
37: If someone can screw up track-work, they will.
38: P-38 Can-Openers: The only piece of government issued equipment that I have never seen screwed up by a GI.
39: "Duke's" in Louisville….'nuff said.
40: Ft. Drum NY….sucks….'nuff said.
41: Lazy roommates WILL steal your socks and underwear to wear because they will be too lazy to wash theirs.
42: "Payday Girlfriends"….'nuff said.
43: Don't trust supply sergeants that say "You don't need a hand receipt for that…I'll take care of it."
44: Camouflage netting sucks…period.
45: Chili-burgers….mmmmmm…
46: Encountering the "talking Coke machine" for the first time is an unsettling experience….even more so when it's 2 am and you are drunk off your butt, and the Coke Machine starts talking to you…..
47: Cooks, Medics, and Supply are your best friends…..Admin personnel…not so much….but they can be bribed.
48: Be nice to the mechanics and "The '88"…they can help you or make you hate life when your track is broke dick….
49: ROTC Advanced "Summer Camp", and all of "The Dots" wandering around with no clue.
50: The moment you think you got a handle on everything….you come down on levy…..

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Jun 2018 7:00 a.m. PST

Fifty MORE things I learned while in the Army (at Ft. Knox)…

1: "Turret Stabilization" was sometimes a lie.
2: Grunts are not called "Crunchies" for no reason….
3: Certain officers get slightly upset when you are flying a Confederate Battle Flag on your radio antenna…
4: Mississippi National Guard Tank Gunnery's always had a cooler of beer in a jeep trailer.
5: Mississippi National Guard Tank Crews have been together for 10-20 years….
6: Said Mississippi National Guard Tanks Crews have no concept of Radio OPSEC or Operations….
7: Sensitive Items Checks are a pain in the butt….but what's even worse is when one of them are unaccounted for….
8: A missing sensitive item puts everyone in "a world of hurt".
9: Especially is said sensitive item was purposely misplaced.
10: GAMA GOATS sucked.
11: HEMMT's flipped to damn easily.
12: The CG of Ft. Knox Ky, had his own personal helicopter, (you could tell it because the top of it was gloss white)….
13: VISMOD OPFOR was fun.
14: TR's could suck.
15: As could ARTEPS.
16: As could Pre-Combat Inspections.
17: As could BII layouts…
18: As could TA-50 layouts….
19: Sleeping bag zippers were the shoddiest part of the entire thing….
20: Nothing like a good fart sack on a cold night….
21: It's amazing how heavenly a good fart sack, a cot, and a gp small or medium with a field stove could be…after a delicious C-Rat or T-Rat dinner washed down with Canteen water mixed with drink powder….lemon lime…mmmmmmm….
22: Mermite containers had that "special smell unlike anything else"…
23: Yes…there IS such a thing as "Green eggs and ham"…(courtesy of mermite containers)….
24: Yes, you CAN eat mermite breakfast at 11:30 at night, and dinner at 1 am….when chow arrives….("IF" it arrives…)
25: Since the army, I've never drank another "Capri-sun" in over 20 years….
26: A six pack of whatever you drink will fit one can per slot in the side turret grenade boxes made for your WP/smoke grenades. The rubber will also help keep them cool. You can add ice and it makes a perfect cooler…just drill a couple of drain holes in the bottom….
27: Sometimes you need to make a "Midnight parts run"….courtesy of another units motor-pool…
28: There's always that "one 2nd LT." that takes himself waaaaaaay too seriously.
29: He usually pulls more SDO than all the other ones…
30: He always decides to check on "the guards"….
31: Usually when you are on duty….
32: Some SDO's usually think that empty ammo pads and old motor-pools ARE INDEED "top priority targets for Soviet Airborne and Spetznatz, and thus need to be guarded as such….never-mind the fact that the Soviet Airborne Air Capability doesn't have a plane which could get enough men to parachute into Central Kentucky, without being detected, intercepted and/or shot down…"
33: Most dangerous thing in the world….A 2nd LT with a map and compass…calling in a fire mission…
34: Most dangerous thing to hear….A 2nd LT saying "Of course I know what I am doing!"
35: Most "eye-rolling" thing that you hear….A 2nd LT saying "Well…based on my experience…"
36: That you CAN have a complete discussion with another GI using slang and abbreviations, and know exactly what is being said, while your civilian girlfriends are left glassy eyed in confusion…and ask "What language are you speaking?"
37: You have more than one set of "standard issue tools".
38: You have two sets of LBE…one for field duty, and one for guard duty/parades.
39: You know what is supposed to be buried at the base of the post flagpole.
40: You know how many nails are in the heel of a tanker boot.
41: There's nothing more exciting than actually doing your MOS….putting steel on target gets your blood racing….
42: How special "mail call" is in the field.
43: That "coffee"…becomes an important bodily fluid.
44: That all NCO's carry their own "Silver bullet"….
45: That you could tell the quality of soldier you were dealing with, but what they decided to do if they were outside right before 5 pm….
46: That some guys can play SPADES for hours and hours and hours….
47: That the Ft. Knox/Radcliff Domino's Pizza delivery took postdated checks.
48: That if you were in Ft. Knox, eventually you were gonna end up buying something from "The US Cavalry Store"….
49: That the clothing sales store was a racket. You'd go in for a couple of items, and come out with $300.00 USD worth of "stuff"….
50: Kentucky Girls…..mmmmm-mmmm-mmmm!

Personal logo ColCampbell Supporting Member of TMP14 Jun 2018 7:36 a.m. PST

Amen, amen, and amen!

And my flag is flying outside my house today.

(USA, retired)

Buck21514 Jun 2018 7:58 a.m. PST

Also proud to have been a part of the U.S. Army!

(USA, disabled)

deleted22222222214 Jun 2018 10:31 a.m. PST

First time that I drove up to Ft Knox thought that I was lost. Sign on the front gate read Ft Arnold.

javelin9814 Jun 2018 10:29 p.m. PST


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP15 Jun 2018 6:31 a.m. PST

I will neither confirm nor deny anything Murphy posted … evil grin

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