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"Caledonian warrior 25/30 mm figures." Topic

7 Posts

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hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP28 May 2018 10:48 p.m. PST

Good evening everyone,

I am looking for 25 / 30mm figures exactly like that of the drawing N ° 3 of the "F " illustration page of the M.A.A. No. 158 Gallic and British Celts.

Hoping that it was done …

Or, quite simply, a factory offering a range of 25 / 30mm figurines representing the different types of Caledonian warriors Including those who fought from chariots in 80 AD.

You never know, maybe such a range exists ..?

I want specific figurines, because I do not want to use figurines of ancient British, Gallic or Pictish.

For me the Caledonian are not generic British Celts, the ancient British are very different from the Caledonnians, already what is striking at first glance, it's the shield, the picts used this kind of shield – but larger – never the Gallic or the old British.

For that it is necessary figurines of shirtless warriors and whose hair would not be coated with a thick layer of lime, which discolored them but especially made them stiff and bristly, and pushed back from the front to come off as the mane of an animal, gave the warrior a characteristic look and because this type of hairstyle – very visible on the figurines – is only valid for certain Gauls at certain times.

Thanks for your help

Hobhood429 May 2018 6:55 a.m. PST

Strikes me that you may need to use Germans as your Caledonians. However, I'm not sure that one illustration, taken I think from a source which might be representational rather than specifically accurate, can be claimed to represent all of Romes enemies at Mons Graupius, jut as Trajan's Column can't necessarily be taken as an accurate representation of all Germanic 'barbarians'.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP29 May 2018 10:10 a.m. PST

No I need figurines exactly like that of the drawing No. 3 of the "F" illustration page of the M.A.A. No. 158 Gallic and British Celts…

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP29 May 2018 4:04 p.m. PST

Maybe you could post a picture of the image, so we all know what you are referring to.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP30 May 2018 5:12 a.m. PST

The drawing N ° 3 of the "F " illustration page of the M.A.A. No. 158 Gallic and British Celts.


Damion04 Nov 2018 8:16 p.m. PST

Don't exist. There are Pictish ranges done by several companies which appear under dark ages listings. They have those shields and also chariots. Pretty much all of them only wear tunics – no trousers.

There are also Irish kerns which are closer to what you're looking for but they have shorter trousers like the ones that appear on the gundestrup cauldron.

If you want an army that looks like that guy you should buy regular celtic infantry with as many bare chested guys as possible. The plastic ones – warlord games and victrix come with normal hair heads too or you could get some anglo saxon bare heads…from somewhere…

As for the small shields, cut them down from the larger ones with a round boss or make your own. I agree that the northern most Britons/Picts used small shields, the Irish at this time possibly did as well judging by the Clonoura shield.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP26 May 2024 8:44 a.m. PST


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