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"New 28mm French Revolutionary War figures " Topic

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1,065 hits since 28 May 2018
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Comments or corrections?

Tango0128 May 2018 11:23 a.m. PST

Nice ones!


From here



Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP28 May 2018 3:19 p.m. PST

It is probably just me……

But this is just the kind of posting that gets me started yet again.

Follow the link and there is no credit to who created the figures…eventually someone suggests Three Armies…and I do recall seeing these on this forum. As New Products however….

Not sure how much "Discussion" is merited though…..

Even then, they later merit a comment about being "not overly impressed with them".

But without the slightest explanation as to what is the problem. If only folk would put their brains in gear and just add some content…….

When I finally get those b…..y 2nd Guards finished, I want some expert input into what went wrong, tiny details I missed, and suggestions for the future. Great if folk do a "like", but tell us more than that…or why bother?

Marcus Brutus28 May 2018 7:58 p.m. PST

"I picked these up at Partizan on Sunday from Revolutionary Armies' recent Kickstarter, and very nice they are too. French regulars for the early years of the Revolution, 'Les Blancs'. They have also done regulars in bicorns, grenadiers, and have great plans for the future. I now just need to get them painted, all six battalions!"

I think the name of the company is "Revolutionary Armies." Easy to miss. But I agree with your point. When profiling figure, painted or unpainted, tell us what they are and who they are from.

Tango0129 May 2018 10:59 a.m. PST



Three Armies30 May 2018 1:00 p.m. PST

Deadhead. I sculpted these for Emperor toad range coming soon.

CITIZEN GENERAL31 May 2018 1:50 p.m. PST

Revolutionary Armies is the first range of miniatures from Emperor Toads Emporium, we now have all the models sculpted to for fill the kick starter, once all the kick starter backers have been dispatched we will start selling them,

the kick starter was a great start and has allowed us to produce this range, along with this, sculpting has already started on future models for the coalition army. just put a link up for future reference, any questions please get in touch through our website.


On our site we have couple of battalion packs as coming soon, price etc is still to be confirmed

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