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"'Reeducation' Camps Have Returned To China" Topic

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Tango0117 May 2018 10:11 p.m. PST

"Kayrat Samarkand says his only "crime" was being a Muslim who had visited neighbouring Kazakhstan. On that basis alone, he was detained by police, aggressively interrogated for three days, then dispatched in November to a "reeducation camp" in China's western province of Xinjiang for three months.

There, he faced endless brainwashing and humiliation, he said in an interview, was forced to study Communist propaganda for hours every day, and chant slogans giving thanks and wishing long life to President Xi Jinping…"


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Nothing have change since Mao….

Cacique Caribe18 May 2018 2:50 a.m. PST

How can there still be re-education camps? Isn't that a relic of the Cold War, which is supposed to be long gone? Could they simply be something like adult fun camps? :)

And for the general population … "social credit" (political harmony trust scores):
"China's 1.4 billion people are getting "social credit" scores that rate their trustworthiness — and determine their place in society. Here's everything you need to know:
What is social credit?
It's similar to the credit score system familiar to many Americans, but along with financial information, China's version will take account of a person's political activity, social interactions, and purchase history. All that data is fed into a computer algorithm that calculates a citizen's trust score. Take care of your parents, pay your bills on time, and give to charity and you'll be rewarded with a high rating, which can get you access to visas to travel abroad and good schools for your children. Run a red light, criticize the government on social media, or sell tainted food to consumers and you could lose access to bank loans, government jobs, and the ability to rent a car."

Preparing the next crop, must start early:

Now, if non-Marxist countries were doing any of this, today's "Antifa", their sympathizers and the people Lenin called "useful stooges" would be declaring all out war on those nations, starting off at the very least by demanding the strictest sanctions against those countries and against their allies and anything that represents them … and then go worse from there. Things that make you go "hmm", right?

And some of our own people today continue to say that there's no longer a war of ideology. :)

NOTE: For those looking to develop a gaming scenario out of this …
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Jeigheff18 May 2018 5:12 a.m. PST

I've heard about how political prisnoners have sometimes been treated in communist China. "Wrong-thinking" people weren't always thrown into prison, but were denied medical care or access to food. According to one account (written by a Chinese lady who left China), one particular man in the author's town starved to death. An autopsy revealed that his stomach was full of straw. Needless to say, publicly punishing "criminals" like this makes a huge impression on the people around them.

It would be interesting to know if this method of dealing with dissidents is still in use.

Cacique Caribe18 May 2018 6:04 a.m. PST

Well, I think this has great "Dystopian SF" potential. Tons of movies, shows, novels and even games could be made about it, if anyone can be convinced to depict the problem honestly.

With the new trust score system, only the ones with high political loyalty points will have a shot at anything above just the very basic goods, health care and other services. The new score system will help to justify any disparity.

That should thin out the potential pool of those typically sent to re-education camps. And the new crop of baby Cultural Revolution Red Guards will make sure that the herd is culled early of any alleged dissidents. They will make wonderful Thought Police agents. :)


I'm sure the next thing will be allowing the loyal citizens to have more than one child, while penalizing the others for breeding. The incorregible ones could be recycled somehow. Everyone can be put to some use, right? I would be one of those who would end up as mulch. They wouldn't waste time and money sending me to a fun camp. LOL.

Full cradle to grave control. A true paradise for some people, provided the state promotes the right ideology. If they do, then all is permitted and justified … as long as it is all for the greater good.

Wait. What are we talking about again? :)


15mm and 28mm Fanatik18 May 2018 6:59 a.m. PST

Not saying I approve as a westerner, but isn't "Chinese culture" always historically built on respecting and obeying authority, conformity and the idea that collectivism overrides individualism in spite of one's own individual feelings and beliefs?

USAFpilot18 May 2018 8:23 a.m. PST

Sounds much like college campuses in the US; brainwashing students on the virtues of communism. ;-/

Cacique Caribe18 May 2018 11:29 a.m. PST

28mm Fanatik

Despite the constant focus on the occasional periods of "Pax Sinica", China has had more than its share of rebellions, insurrections, separatism and civil wars throughout its long history.

Not to mention facing many invasions and even their own internal struggles with cultures of rampant corruption (past and present) and with many violent underground political cult and organized crime organizations, some of which have had an unbelievably huge number of members. Some of these make the Western and Russian "mafias" look puny and amateurish by comparison.


Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian19 May 2018 6:51 a.m. PST

Hail Hydra

Cacique Caribe19 May 2018 7:40 a.m. PST

Indeed. The algorithm part makes me wonder which one got the divination idea first. Their leadership or Marvel.

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Lion in the Stars19 May 2018 11:06 p.m. PST

Not saying I approve as a westerner, but isn't "Chinese culture" always historically built on respecting and obeying authority, conformity and the idea that collectivism overrides individualism in spite of one's own individual feelings and beliefs?

No, there's still the conflict between the authorities doing bad and the people who stand up to that.

Not that many Chinese folks study their history that far back.

Uparmored20 May 2018 4:22 a.m. PST

Chinese people are very individualist. The Chinese in power recoginise this and give the people capitalist opportunity to subdue them and also clandestinely suppress their rights by disguising government actions of mass surveillance and control as patriotism.

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