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"Button Colors and Grenadier Cap Plates 1690's" Topic

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Terry3707 May 2018 4:36 p.m. PST

I am wanting to do the Dutch grenadier regiment Ram, #28, who wore gray coats faced yellow. However I have been able to find any reference for the button colors worn by Dutch regiments at this time. I am also assuming that the cap plate on their grenadier cap would match the button color, but that is only a guess????

Any help is appreciated.


Reiver Castings10 May 2018 2:26 p.m. PST

Hi Terry,
I thought someone may have got back to you before now but as they hadn't I went through my reference material and hopefully I've got some information for you.

From Sapherson's "The Dutch Army of William III"
1688 Ram Van Hagedoorn, 1691 Marquette, 1699 Pallandt
Sapherson quotes the "Wagner" plates which I have a copy of so on checking them I found the reference under Pallandt. There is a line drawing of the Grenadier cap with a front plate, bag and tassel at the rear. The colours (translated from German)are shown as the 'sign or front shield' black green, the cap or bag black with a red then yellow tassel. The writing on the front plate appears to be yellow and states where the unit was from, in this case Utrecht.
The buttons are shown as white.

If you need anything else for the unit colours please let me know and I'll pass on the information

Terry3711 May 2018 9:08 a.m. PST

Reiver Castings, many thanks for the reply, and the information. Sounds like I need to pursue a copy of Sapherson's! And also maybe he Wagner plates. Can you advise eh name to search for the plates under so I might find a source?


Sandinista11 May 2018 4:00 p.m. PST

The Pike and Shot Society do a wonderful series of books for this period, I recommend them to anyone who is interested in painting armies for this era.


Reiver Castings12 May 2018 12:51 p.m. PST

Hi Terry
As Sandinista said the Pike and Shot Society have a book
"Flags and Uniforms of the Dutch Army 1685 – 1715 VOL I I by Robert Hall, Iain Stanford and Yves Roumegoux"

Sorry, I'm not sure where you'll get a copy of the Wagner plates now. I've had mine for around 25 years.


Terry3715 May 2018 10:45 a.m. PST

Thanks Rob and Ian, I am aware of the Hall books/CDs, and am considering them, but as they are not cheap will need to ponder it awhile. I think I have pretty much filled out the uniforms I am wanting to do, but as a collector of uniform data for a good 60 years at least I am always looking for new material. I've managed a little over 500 of the original Knotel plates over the years so I might run into the Wagner plates at some point as well???


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