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"Looking for 1/200 scale Grumman F2F" Topic

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Bobsalt29 Apr 2018 2:47 p.m. PST

I'm trying to find a 1/200 scale F2F for use in Wings of War. Does anyone have a idea as to where to look? I'm not having much luck. I would ideally need 4 of them – assuming, of course, that they exist.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP29 Apr 2018 3:55 p.m. PST

That's a pretty obscure plane and 1/200 is a pretty "young" scale.

If you can't find one anywhere, ask David Schmid at AIM if he has any plans to make one. He has a LOT of planes in the pipeline, and sometimes reprioritizes the order of his projects based on requests. Or maybe if you're lucky, he's always *wanted* to make the F2F but didn't think anybody would buy them, and your request will kick off a new project. :-)

You might also ask Kevin Hammond of to modify a similar-looking plane, like some AIM Brewster Buffaloes or something. He does great work on custom jobs like that, and may be able to craft you a solution.

- Ix

Dave Schmid30 Apr 2018 8:18 a.m. PST

Have you tried Shapeways?

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