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Rating: gold star 

1,516 hits since 29 Apr 2018
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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lkmjbc329 Apr 2018 12:18 p.m. PST

Ron Seaney Memorial DBA Tournament


Join Joe Collins, member of the Nashville Area DBA Gamers, as he hosts Nashcon's annual DBA tournament.

This will be an open Swiss Chess Format tournament using
15mm armies and 24" boards. All legal Armies and Allies are allowed.

Version 2 armies without Allies will be accepted with the approval of the Tournament Director.

City and Forts will be usable only with the consent of your opponent.

Loaner Armies and Terrain will be available if needed. Have you got what it takes to battle with the best?

Come find out.

Joe Collins

photocrinch29 Apr 2018 5:56 p.m. PST

Thanks Joe. Finally finished up my heavy hitters for the medieval collection, but whether Feudal, Medieval, or Free Company I haven't decided. I also have a ton of new Roman troop options available. Oh the decisions that must be made… Of course I could always go with the Mayans, just to really make it a challenge.


lkmjbc329 Apr 2018 6:34 p.m. PST

You need a knight heavy army to take out Vandy Dave's Vikings!

Joe Collins

Thomas Thomas30 Apr 2018 11:28 a.m. PST

I'll be there (with son in tow).

"Once more into the breach…"

Its Saturday PM sesion right?


lkmjbc330 Apr 2018 5:49 p.m. PST

Here is the schedule for the DBX area!

June 1st
Friday afternoon the 1st Features HoTT games in 15mm
Friday Evening Tom Thomas will be hosted Knights and Knaves (his beginner Medieval DBX offering)

June 2nd
Saturday Morning will see Dave Crenshaw lead a DBN Napoleonic Game.
Saturday Afternoon will be the 15mm DBA Tournament hosted by Joe Collins
Saturday Night will be Fire & Ice… hosted by Tom Thomas

June 3rd
Open gaming…

There you go!

Joe Collins

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