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""Ghurabs",Ghorabs, Grabs or "Bombay Grabs"" Topic

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Mad Malx19 Apr 2018 4:35 a.m. PST

I'm becoming increasingly interested in games concerning India, it's native armies and the EICs, including the idea of building a small Mysore or Mahratta navy in 15mm to add another dimension to the games. Does anyone have any information, ie. decent images of "Grabs", Gallivats or other local vessels please? I have a few poor images from paintings of battles and some infuriatingly tempting photos from "War Artisans Workshop" of his beautiful vessels which are, unfortunately not yet available.

I already have a net for a xebec (currently being built) and my European fleet (including an "Enterprize" class frigate also under construction) are about ready for action.

I know the Grab is shallow draught with a flat prow flush with the main deck and that they narrowed towards the bow from around the half way point, had 2 or three masts and were similar to a corvette or small frigate in size but that's about it. Thanks in advance for any help.

138SquadronRAF19 Apr 2018 7:19 a.m. PST

This is the book that inspired War Artisan:

TMP link

KhivaJoe19 Apr 2018 7:34 a.m. PST

Thanks so much for that link! With the search function mamaries aloft, pointing west southwest and striking 13 there is so much we can neither find – nor remember. This was a classic golden post from the Grand Era of TMP.

Mad Malx19 Apr 2018 8:15 a.m. PST

But have you seen the PRICE of it? -£88! I'll add it to my book order for my day out at the British Library! Fancy getting excited about spending a whole day in a library!!
I have some of Jeff's ships and they are truly wonderful -even when re-scaled to 15mm. Sadly he hasn't got the Indian ships up and running yet and couldn't give me a date when they will be. At worst I'll have to wait for them and concentrate on a couple of Xebecs and Dhows.

Mad Malx04 May 2018 7:16 a.m. PST

Whilst looking for something completely different, I found a book called "The History of the Maratha Navy and Merchantships" in the bibliography. On Googling it, I found that if you search the title on Facebook, you can download it FOC. It has quite a few images of Ghurabs, Gallivats, Pals and various other Indian ships. For anyone interested in the navies of Mysore or the Mahrattas it's well worth a look. The images, combined with descriptions should hopefully give me enough information to build the models, complete with 18th century dazzle-camo! More images can be found by searching for "Solvyns, Franz Balthazar."

wangrin05 May 2018 6:21 a.m. PST

I found this book searching for Indian navies : Naval Resistance to Britain's Growing Power in India, 1660-1800: The Saffron Banner and the Tiger of Mysore


Mad Malx05 May 2018 8:55 a.m. PST

This book has been recommended before. I'd love it but it costs £88.00 GBP which is a bit much if it doesn't have the information I'm after so I'll have to see if our local library can order it in for me! The one on the Maratha Navy is really good with loads of illustrations -some in colour, of the various ship types, including hull lines in some cases.

I found these on-line "THE INDIAN NAVY
( 1613-1863) vol 1" By CHARLES RATHBONE LOW.


All seem to refer to Robert Orme's work "Military Transactions of the British."

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