"Livestreaming--How do I do it?" Topic
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emckinney | 15 Apr 2018 4:54 p.m. PST |
I have a request to livestream a game. Does anyone have experience with this? What equipment to I need? What's the minimum we can get away with? I may be in a very noisy environment. Is there any way to work around that? That won't cost a fortune? What software do I need? Is there one livestreaming site that's much better than the others? I'd prefer not to do Facebook (I'm not on it, it walls off some people, etc.). Do you have any other advice? |
Saber6  | 15 Apr 2018 6:15 p.m. PST |
Camera, Microphone, streaming service (Twitch for instance). Maybe start small with a couple of friends on Discord or Skype. |
emckinney | 15 Apr 2018 6:21 p.m. PST |
Will pretty much any camera have the connection needed to really make it work? Could I use a webcam? A phone (mine has a darn good camera …)? |
TMPWargamerabbit | 15 Apr 2018 6:46 p.m. PST |
Sort of interested in this subject to play a scenario over the phone (or other media service too….. |
emckinney | 15 Apr 2018 9:18 p.m. PST |
What about multiple cameras? We'll probably need at least one close-up and one overview of the table. |
Extra Crispy  | 17 Apr 2018 9:09 a.m. PST |
I assume you mean you want to do something like this: 1) Camera A is pointed at the table and gives an over view of the action. An overhead camera would be best as it will not be blocked by player and passers by moving in front. 2) Camera B moves from place to place and you narrate the action, talk to players, etc. You'll need two cameras. Most any cell phone will do for camera A. The real trick will be on Camera B getting the sound under control. If you're at a convention, for example, the backgroun noise might be overwhelming. One option is picture-in-picture with the overview as the "small" screen, and you toggle occasionally. Otherwise you rviewer needs to open 2 streams, one for each camera. Picture In Picture is techncially tricky so you're better off with two streams. Give this a read: link |
emckinney | 17 Apr 2018 1:07 p.m. PST |
Thanks, Crispy! I'll read up, but my concern is how I toggle between cameras. For the mobile, I almost think I want a head-mounted or shoulder-mounted GoPro or something. Seems odd, but I suppose it could work. |