battle master | 21 Mar 2018 11:19 a.m. PST |
I am considering a new Napoleonic project and was initially going to go with AB figures. However, I have now seen the Newline figures which are 20mm and look really good in the pictures I have seen but have not seen the detail up close. Newline also have a large range. The price for Newline surprisingly for bigger figures is cheaper than AB at about 50p as opposed to AB which are 70p a figure. Could anyone comment on the detail between AB and Newline and perhaps the pros and cons of each range, such as durability and whether Newline are made of strong metal for example? Also, with Newline being 20mm, are they of the size that could still fit on FOG N bases meant for 15-18mm figures, which are 40 x 30mm, or would I have to go up to the larger 60 x 30mm base sizes? |
steamingdave47 | 21 Mar 2018 12:30 p.m. PST |
Newline figures are good, but I don't think they are in the same class as AB. I did have a few dozen French a few years ago, but sold them as they were not compatible with my main collection.You also need to consider potential opponents, AB figures are in many people's "15mm" armies, so likely to be lots of potential opponents. In 50 years or so of Napoleonic gaming, I haven't come across anyone with 20mm Napoleonic armies. There are a few with 1/72 plastics, but I think they might be larger than the Newline. If you are prepared to paint up two opposing armies and the difference in price is important, then go for the Newline, otherwise stick to AB. Not sure about fitting them onto FoGN bases. I have some of my ABs on those bases, but most are in 4s on 20mm x 25mm for Naps Battles and that size base gives a lot of flexibility re rule sets. |
Timmo uk | 21 Mar 2018 3:19 p.m. PST |
Buy a few of each and paint them then decide which you enjoy painting the most. I chose AB, IMHO the best of all 15/18mm figures. |
ToneTW | 21 Mar 2018 4:33 p.m. PST |
I can't speak for AB but I have quite a few Newline Naps. not many painted though… a few of my finished items: link (these are on 40mm bases.) link (recently rebased these on 40mm bases) Newline are nicely detailed miniatures and good value especially if you can get an army pack, bargain pack or catch one of their sales. They seem to have a fairly comprehensive range which has new releases now and again too. Being able to compliment with 1/72 plastics is also a bonus for me. |
ToneTW | 21 Mar 2018 4:38 p.m. PST |
The rebased Austrian infantry on 40mm bases: link |
battle master | 21 Mar 2018 4:52 p.m. PST |
Nicely painted figures ToneTW. Not helped, everyone as proponents in both camps. :) |
C M DODSON | 22 Mar 2018 1:08 a.m. PST |
I personally like the Newline figures but they are smaller than most 20mm figures in plastics and metals, ie Schilling, Art Miniturian. Strangely, I used their Prussian Landwehr figures for my Ligny re fight as they are larger than their compatriots and fitted well. My suggestion is that if you wish to use their large collections exclusively then you will do well. If you want to mix your troop manufactures you might have visual problems. Chris |
ToneTW | 22 Mar 2018 1:22 a.m. PST |
Cheers battle master. Some time ago I also came across some great video reviews of some Newline 20mm Napolepnics which showcases the detail well: |
battle master | 22 Mar 2018 2:25 a.m. PST |
How are the Newline figures in terms of durability and quality of metal etc. Broken bayonets an issue for example. I have some AB which I am currently painting and the detail is superb and the figures robust. The only issue is the flag poles but easily rectified by cutting this off, drilling the hands and inserting strong wire spear. This is for the British though not sure this will be possible for the French when I would have to cut off the eagle and perhaps drill a hole in the base and insert on the wire? Anyone know if this is possible and has done it? |
Munster | 22 Mar 2018 2:36 a.m. PST |
We use them for Napoleon at War and they mix well with the NAW figures. They are big for 18mm but small for 20mm. Very durable and the metal is sufficiently ductile to handle straightening of pikes and flagpoles, that and the owner is a very friendly chap |
4th Cuirassier  | 22 Mar 2018 2:40 a.m. PST |
I use Newline as a source of command figures and flagbearers for units otherwise composed of Airfix plastics. The heavy cavalry are also a good fit size wise with Airfix hussars. |
skinkmasterreturns | 22 Mar 2018 3:51 a.m. PST |
I decided to go 1/72 plastic as the variety of figures has never been better. I use the Newline to supplement them.During the last sale I purchased mounted command and limbers. |
Lester Tom | 15 May 2024 10:41 a.m. PST |
Lets party with Cossacks  | 15 May 2024 10:12 p.m. PST |
I agree with the above comments about newline and above. However in one area ab are far and away superior: horses. Newline horses seem as though they are less than equine; ab are very convincing horse sculpts. |