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2,093 hits since 10 Jan 2018
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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battleeditor10 Jan 2018 5:23 a.m. PST

I've taken the plunge and launched a new venture on Patreon. You can read the background to the decision on my blog here (a big post, including links to a podcast and videos) and the Patreon page itself is live at

I'd love to have you aboard for the ride!


Personal logo War Artisan Sponsoring Member of TMP10 Jan 2018 9:14 a.m. PST

Already on board. Looking forward to this.

Snowcat10 Jan 2018 4:38 p.m. PST

I've reserved one of the comfy seats at the front.

"Hey! That's my spot!"

Seriously, very happy to support a longstanding pillar of the hobby like Henry.


battleeditor11 Jan 2018 12:47 p.m. PST

The venture is now rapidly approaching "COMPANY" level, at which point COMPANY LEVEL: At $500 USD a month, my efforts will start to become a more serious sideline business, enabling me to spend a couple of days creating quality content. This will always include a blog post, and now a 30-60 minute podcast or video is a certainty, along with other written and/or graphics work such as an article on gaming or military history.

I'm delighted that 60-odd people have already come along for the ride and of course, I'd really like to be reaching the widest audience possible.

Pledge levels start as low as $1 USD a month to gain access to the material I'll be producing, so why not pop along and take a look at what's on offer?


Ironwolf12 Jan 2018 3:14 a.m. PST

Sorry if I'm slow, but I'm not sure what your doing here? Is this going to be a online version Battlegames magazine?

Or is this going to be something like TMP, a gaming news sight with some of your own produced work??

Or some kind of mish mash mix of both??


battleeditor12 Jan 2018 4:59 a.m. PST


In the days of old, patrons would fund artists, musicians and so on to enable them to dedicate their time to creating works for their pleasure. In essence, that's exactly what Patreon does. I'm a self-employed businessman I have to justify spending my time on whatever I do, whether it's design, copywriting, editing, illustrating. I'm at a crossroads where I realised that with blogging, making videos and so on being so time consuming, I can only carry on doing that if it brings me an income. Trying to get advertisers or sponsors is pretty hopeless for that kind of thing, because I can't guarantee the high levels of traffic that, say, TMP gets.

But what I can do is carry on producing high-quality content for a select group of people – my patreons – who support me. For a pledge as low as $1 USD a month, you can gain access to the content I'll be providing, all generated by me at the lower levels – blog posts, podcasts/vidcasts, both with or without guests, how-to posts and videos, reviews, graphics work such as maps and illustrations, live Q&A sessions/discussions etc – but if the thing really gains momentum and the pledge totals reach the upper level goals, then I'll also be able to afford to commission work from others and it will be a serious centre of creative production. A bit, indeed, like an online magazine, with lots of variety in the gradually accumulating content.

There will be comments and discussion in response to posts, but it's not, nor will it ever be, in the mould of TMP. It's not a forum as such. I wouldn't want that, and that creates its own problems of moderation and so on. There's only me, and I want to be able to concentrate on running the business, not policing random drunks in the middle of the night!

I think it's fair to say that the people joining this so far are the same kind of people who bought and understood Battlegames, but who have also moved with the times and realise that the challenges and overheads of producing a startup printed magazine are not only huge, but an unnecessary risk in this day and age. Been there, done that, got the scars to prove it. BUT if the higher level goals are met, it may well become possible to produce short run or print-on-demand publications which members would receive free, or at a substantial discount, depending on their pledge levels.

I think that's about as precise as I can be at the moment, because things are moving so fast that it's hard to keep up with what stuff I'm going to kick off with next month, let alone in, say, a year's time! But the point is that I will always be committed to producing entertaining and interesting work for the members which happens to coincide with my own interests. After all, the whole point is for me to be able to continue doing what I love and the patreons enjoy.

Thanks for your interest.

battleeditor14 Jan 2018 4:00 p.m. PST

Update: the project has now passed the $500 USD a month mark. I'm amazed and humbled by the levels of support. Thank you to everyone coming on board and there's still room for plenty more!

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Jan 2018 11:51 p.m. PST

I'm on board with you and wish you the best of luck in your new venture.

battleeditor16 Jan 2018 6:45 a.m. PST

Thanks Jim! I thought I saw your name pop onto the list this morning! 😊

battleeditor27 Jan 2018 12:39 p.m. PST

My Patreon venture has just been featured on the Alliance of Independent Authors Self-Publishing Advice blog.


And the patreon site itself is at

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