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2,735 hits since 6 Jan 2018
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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capncarp06 Jan 2018 9:19 p.m. PST

YouTube link

Likewise, the Hobby University and the Tournaments PELs are up also.

Oh, frabjous day, calloo, callay!

mumbasa06 Jan 2018 10:37 p.m. PST

Huh! Cold Wars dance music…wow!

zoneofcontrol07 Jan 2018 6:43 a.m. PST

I'll see that and raise you one Hornpipe!

YouTube link

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP07 Jan 2018 2:25 p.m. PST

You know, these days, every time I visit the HMGS web site, they try to convince me to join Facebook and Linkedin, ask personal questions and welcome me to "the community." Then they want me to post something. Every time. Evidently the system has no memory.

None of it's a deal-breaker, but I try to limit my visits.

Grumble8710608 Jan 2018 2:40 p.m. PST

I'll be running the only Command Decision games at Cold Wars – Friday 1:00 p.m. Greeks versus Germans, 1941.

Kimber VanRy08 Jan 2018 9:44 p.m. PST

Running a number of Muskets & Tomahawks games including the Battle of the Monongahela (FIW) and two Pontiac's War scenarios — Bloody Run and Bushy Run. See you there!

capncarp08 Jan 2018 10:07 p.m. PST

Ummm…heh, heh; my link was _supposed_ to be this:
PDF link

capncarp08 Jan 2018 10:27 p.m. PST

This time, I'm not waiting till the last minute; I renewed my membership, pre-reg'd for Cold Wars (reserving my 2 games), bought the T-shirts, and will now sit twitching with anticipation until March rolls around.

47Ronin09 Jan 2018 12:33 p.m. PST

Many thanks to all the GMs who submitted games and to those who worked to get the PEL on line.

FYI, pre-registration is now open. Plus, you can still submit events until 1/12.

Enjoy the games. Hope to see you there.

gunga gordo09 Jan 2018 1:06 p.m. PST

The crew with 5 Guys and a Lawyer will be running a Boxer Rebellion game, 55 Days at Peking 3 times at CW.

It's in 28mm (is there really any other scale?) and about 3000 figures in all. Room for at least 24 players .

Vodka and beer included ! Hope to see you there!

historygamer11 Jan 2018 6:25 a.m. PST

I wonder if the typos from the PEL will be corrected in the program booklet?

capncarp11 Jan 2018 12:26 p.m. PST

"I wonder if the typos from the PEL will be corrected in the program booklet?"

Have you emailed Dan or Heather with any you've found? That would be a helpful and responsible action to take for the bettermen of the event.

historygamer11 Jan 2018 3:26 p.m. PST

Wouldn't that be the program guys job? I already served in that capacity for a con. I was just asking if they proof read it or use spell check since they have the base documents and I don't.

I did not proof the entire thing but did see typos.

I am curious as to what Hmgs jobs you've filled though since you are volunteering me again?

capncarp11 Jan 2018 9:21 p.m. PST

HG, why don't you just post them here, and I'll add them to the couple I found, and I'll send them on to the appropriate member, ok?

historygamer12 Jan 2018 5:58 a.m. PST

capncarp, that is very nice of you to offer, but again, doesn't the staff already have the originals and can't they just run them through spell check? That's all I'm asking. I would hope that anyone publishing anything, for any organization, would perform that simple operation.

Double G16 Jan 2018 4:56 p.m. PST

Is anyone running Franco Prussian War games; I plowed through the PEL, but it gave me an ice cream headache scanning it, any info would be appreciated……………

Poniatowski17 Jan 2018 10:29 a.m. PST

I needed to add a bit about the events…. The events team does NOT spell check events.. when we did, changes were sometimes made and GM's got angry. We do what we can, but the text for your event is on the GM…. Some GM's don't even use caps or punctuation:

"come fight the battle of xyz it will be cool no kids plz"

If an event description has a lot of errors and misspellings it is on the GM, not the events team, we are not the grammar police. I mean, we want everything to look good, but I know first hand, sometimes our staff has changed things and have gotten backlash. Also, proof reading every event text does take time… and that time is wasted when you try to correct something and then get hollered at for it or the GM never gets back to you with corrections, etc…

historygamer17 Jan 2018 10:48 a.m. PST

I noticed on my game description that it got cut off. I understand there is a word limit, but IIRC, I thought if one exceeded the word limit it would not allow the game to be submitted.

Sorry to hear you have to deal with people acting that way. You have my permission to change mine if you like. It is literally cut off mid-word. I also did a character count and MS Word only counted 499 characters, while I think the cut-off is 500 characters. I am all in favor of limited game descrpitions (I think the limitation was my suggestion back in the day).

historygamer17 Jan 2018 1:20 p.m. PST

While not directly related to the PEL, has the Host joined the 19th century yet and accepts room reservations over the phone, or are they still requiring that dumb form? If the later, why?

Rotundo18 Jan 2018 9:13 a.m. PST

If any of my submissions have mis-spelled words that is on me. I am an adult and if I can not take the time to spell properly, you should not play in my game. My spell check is terrible though. It changes whole words on me constantly. Still, my fault.

historygamer18 Jan 2018 9:53 a.m. PST

Yes, it is the fault of the original writer – but the final product reflects on HMGS, as few will know or care who wrote the original description. They will on see it in the convention program booklet.

I'd say too bad if some GM is angry someone corrected his misspelled write up. In my case it was an HMGS software glitch as previously, when I was a few characters over the limit, I am pretty sure it would not let me submit it. I specifically remember taking the write up and rewriting it to meet the 500 character limit (which I am all in favor of).

capncarp18 Jan 2018 9:55 a.m. PST

Rotundo: Please do not take any of my comments about typographic errors as an affront to you or any of the submittants. With a BA in Print Journalism, my copy-editor fu takes over and I _must_ EDIT!!!!!! Of course my own typing and grammar errors are naturally exempt…. ;^D

Rotundo18 Jan 2018 11:07 a.m. PST

None of you can insult me. I have the insulation of the internet, and a hardened heart years of losing little lead battles can give you. I am immune to such nonsense.

Poniatowski18 Jan 2018 12:38 p.m. PST

@historygamer…. please get me your abridged write up! I thought I caught all of them and contacted the GM's about rewriting them.

There is still time to fix before the program export.


Poniatowski18 Jan 2018 12:40 p.m. PST

@Rotundo…. Mine too! Especially when writing up words not usually in the digital dictionary! Names of places or people can sometimes be changed to something else.

I am a victim of my own writing quite frequently!.. you have all seen it here too!

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