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"New Shieldmaiden Army from Bad Squiddo due JANUARY" Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Bad Squiddo Games26 Dec 2017 10:18 a.m. PST

Ok… here we go.

We are bursting into 2018 with the biggest project yet. The company was originally set up so that Annie had some shieldmaidens to play with, and a few years on, we're going back to our roots to create an enormous shieldmaiden army.

Suitable and designed for dark ages wargaming, these are incredibly versatile and will find homes in many fantasy games as well as other historical periods.

Over 50 brand new miniatures, predominately sculpted by Alan Marsh (of Bad Squiddo WW2 fame, as well as existing shieldmaiden characters and more). Featuring complimentary sculpts from Shane Hoyle, John Morris and Phil Hynes. Mostly single piece yet stunning poses and attention to detail. Even more perfect than ever to lure more people to the hobby.

Whilst ambitious as heck, our relationship with a new casting company is allowing us to fulfill this at breakneck speed, so we wrap up Early February and deliver March-April. Hopefully all of it in March. They showed how amazing they are with the My Last Sunrise Kickstarter and have worked with us long enough now that we are more impressed with their quality and speed (and kindness) than anything else we've come across.

Stay tuned as we dribble some beautiful and breathtaking sculpts at you over the following weeks. The incredible paint jobs are by Paul at Here Be Goblins.

I (Annie) am incredibly excited by this, and I know you will be too.

Some peeks so far!

and a sneak of a spearwoman, they're coming with North Star wire spears.


Guntruck26 Dec 2017 12:05 p.m. PST

That's 2018s disposable income taken care of :-)

Vigilant26 Dec 2017 12:21 p.m. PST

+1 Guntruck. Annie hits my wallet again!

Brian Smaller26 Dec 2017 4:33 p.m. PST

Wonderful miniatures. Expect some orders from New Zealand this year :)

Huscarle27 Dec 2017 2:19 a.m. PST

What with the Shieldmaidens & Gangs of Rome, I'm going to be very broke this January.

Bad Squiddo Games27 Dec 2017 3:36 a.m. PST

Thankyou, I am excited :D


Sir Walter Rlyeh27 Dec 2017 1:02 p.m. PST

Freyja's wraith? Will we get a cart pulled by cats?

Guthroth27 Dec 2017 1:30 p.m. PST

I will follow this with great interest, but already several of the sculpts don't represent women of the period. All 4 of the archers above have swords which is OK in a semi-fantasy way, but not as representations of historic characters. The one in the womans dress and bow is potentially FANTASTIC but FMPOV ruined by the sword.

The spearwoman looks great – as long as they dont add a sword.

I'm also sure I've seen one figure with a seax across her bum/back. This is so wrong it's almost unreal.

It's a real shame, as I was looking forward to these.

Raynman Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2017 2:09 p.m. PST

Excellent! Going on my "Gotta have" list!

The Midge31 Dec 2017 6:01 a.m. PST

@ Gunthroth
Oh Bah humbug! You could always file the sword off. If you are comfortable fileing high art that is.

Bad Squiddo Games05 Jan 2018 2:35 p.m. PST

More images to come soon, missed the first week back to work laid up with blooming flu! Still poorly but I can feel the life returning, woo!

Bad Squiddo Games11 Jan 2018 3:43 a.m. PST

Bad Squiddo Games13 Jan 2018 10:06 a.m. PST

Oh my!

Bad Squiddo Games14 Jan 2018 12:00 p.m. PST

Paul Sanderson has started painting up the spears!

rough picture of some sword armed hearthguard

There are 30 of the standard troops (ie holding swords, axes and spears, armoured and unarmoured) which means it's really easy if you're playing a bigger battle game to have lots of individuality. It's also enough enough to convert these for even more options.

Apart from a very basic inner metal dolly (there are a set of different cast dollies sculpted for this project by Alan which are legs and then just a flat armless and headless torso, it's any metal bits you can see here basically), these are all unique sculpts. SUPER SWISH.

(then of course another 4 berserkers, 4 crossbow, 4 archers and 4 slingers!)

Picture from Phil of Fenrir, he's since had his hackles raised! He is the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Who are his other siblings? Why Hel and Jörmungandr of course… what do you mean they will also be in Freyja's Wrath? Well if you're very good I guess I'll show you them too……


Nine days to go!!

Bad Squiddo Games15 Jan 2018 3:29 a.m. PST

Bad Squiddo Games17 Jan 2018 3:37 a.m. PST


"You want swords? We got swords! They are shown here without shields so you can see more of the mini – those little hand nubbins are where the shield goes. You can of course file the nubbin down easily to make the mini have no shield.

The vastness of the troops in Freyja's Wrath mean you can build exactly what you want and make units look very different. They're great to mix and match, for example a Hearthguard unit (in SAGA) could be a mixture of the axe and sword armed packs, and warriors could be sword and axe tunic packs, with the odd spear thrown in too!

The Kickstarter launches in almost exactly a week (23rd January) so keep tuned!"

The Bibliophile17 Jan 2018 7:07 a.m. PST

Excited to see these. They look great. I personally am happy to see the archers with hand weapons, too! More versatile for my gaming needs!

The Bibliophile18 Jan 2018 8:52 a.m. PST

…I do question though, would you have an army consisteing of just shieldmaidens? Isn't a shieldmaiden just one type of soldier (i.e., holding a shield) in a larger army?

Guthroth18 Jan 2018 2:18 p.m. PST

Historically one or two in a longships crew would be about the maximum. For Saga that is about one full warband. But nowadays ? Why not ?.

Bad Squiddo Games19 Jan 2018 6:04 a.m. PST

Yay replies! Thought I was posting to myself there :D

Historically, nope. I'm using shieldmaiden as it's a term people associate with a certain image (my minis effectively) but the less sexy title is "cool looking dark ages female warriors that look swish in fantasy too".

It just means you can have an all female warband or army if you want, but also if you just want some dotted about, you can do that in pretty much every unit too. When I paint my own up after the campaign for SAGA 2 I'll be mixing them in with some Gripping Beast fellows.


Some of the "old" mixed in with some of the new!

There will be some deals to add existing minis in there too if you haven't picked them up yet. It's going to be such a terrific army.

Miniatures below sculpted by Alan Marsh, painting by Darren Linington, John Morris and Paul Sanderson

Guthroth19 Jan 2018 3:40 p.m. PST

I missed a comment. Would "I" have an army of all female warrior Vikings ? Yes, if ….

1. I didn't already have well over 200 Viking/Saxon/Norman 28mm figures

2. I thought it might wind up my opponent …. :-)

Bad Squiddo Games23 Jan 2018 11:27 a.m. PST



Bad Squiddo Games24 Jan 2018 11:08 a.m. PST

Wow, funded in an hour and we've unlocked the fairy swarm and current almost at 13k in 24 hours, incredible. Thank you!

next unlock is this beer chiller!

Bad Squiddo Games25 Jan 2018 1:51 p.m. PST



Both sculpted by Phil Hynes and painted by Andrew Taylor

not far off £17.00 GBPk on Day 3, new Bad Squiddo record!


Bad Squiddo Games28 Jan 2018 9:04 a.m. PST

Freyja unlocked!

Bad Squiddo Games31 Jan 2018 4:00 a.m. PST

I spent all night building this mega image! Visual pledge guide!

Also…. vapnartak this Sunday!

Bad Squiddo Games01 Feb 2018 4:51 p.m. PST

Size comparison!
Not the best photo (I've been off work most of the day ill and only went in for a flying visit), but mostly so you can see the difference in size between the animals. And how big Hel is!


Phil has scupted the mjölkhare! Eeee!
What a nasty beast hey! The mjölkhare is made by a witch out of hair, bones, butter, mud, earwax, blood, yarn, cloth and all other sorts of gross! She sends it out to steal or spoil the milk (a valuable resource!). I can't wait to see this painted, it's very "zombie like". The hare isn't unlocked yet, but it is ready for you!

More painties!
Paul Sanderson has done a top job on these. The poor chap can finally sleep now, he's been non stop painting shieldmaidens since before Christmas. He'll be working on the stand at Vapnartak on Sunday, make sure to shake his hand or let him have a sup of your beer!

Even though we're display painting everything in dark ages colours, we got Em from Electric Eve to paint one up in fantasy style to give you an idea of how cool they can look like in a Frostgrave, Kings or War, Mordheim, Dragon Rampant… army or warband or whatnot. I love it!


Bad Squiddo Games02 Feb 2018 4:28 p.m. PST

Just a little bump today, Paul had a go at painting a tattoo on the back of the baldie shieldmaiden and it looks FANTASTIC!

And I'm heading to York tomorrow to Vapnartak, so I hope to see a load of you there!

oh yeah and…. FREYJA ON HER BOAR IS UNLOCKED!! AIIII!!! Photo tomorrow :O

Bad Squiddo Games05 Feb 2018 7:16 p.m. PST

Thank you!

Last 24 hours now and we're all unlocked!


Freyja on her boar… eeeee!

Bad Squiddo Games06 Feb 2018 10:15 a.m. PST

Ends tonight at 8pm, if anyone was dawdling… go go go! Everything is unlocked!

As promised, I have better photos for you! Freyja, Mister Pig, and the new cats and doggos arrived today. All amazing.

Freyja – well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. John Morris (who painted the Valkyrie, Hel, and a load others from our range such as the Onna-bugeisha) will be getting an email soon saying "hey, wanna paint this!" All sculpted by Alan Marsh, please give that man a million high fives and claps. I couldn't have done this without him. He's done most the sculpting on this project and, well, you're here, so you love it too.

The angle of Freyja made it look like she was a little stumpy but she sure isn't, I think it was the perspective of the last photos. Here's a good scale shot. The other two minis are Elizabeth I and Phoolan Devi from the Bad Squiddo catalogue.

Onto one of my next favourite menz! Mr Jo Brumby! The man who's quirkiness always makes my heart grow about six times every time I speak to him.

If you are familiar with Fenris Games, he has sculpted a huge amount for them and is kind of king of the animals. Otherworld Miniatures is a place you will have seen his gribblies too in bulk, as well as all over the place. He is the man behind our peegs, bunnies, kitties and capybara! As a massive loss to the industry last year, he announced his retirement from commission work. But he loves us back so hard that we've got some skogcatts and vallhunds out of him! Squeeeee! Now give THAT man a massive clap and some bowing and some "we're not worthy!"

In true Jo style, his greens photograph bad! He uses dark green stuff then heck knows what, some sort of brownstuff in random blotches :D So as always, the arrive looking 789298342 times better than I thought from the photos!

And erm…. bigger! I had comissioned them big, as they are skoggkatts, but er, forgot when pricing! Heh! So you get a mega bargain if you buy them now as I won't back – track, so they are £6.00 GBP for 8 currently, but will be around £6.00 GBP for 4 afters. Same with the vallhunds. My brain had melted and I priced them the same as the other kitties, which you will see now are er, a bit smaller!

From left to right is two of the skoggkatts(£6 for 8), two of the kitties(£6 for 8), and the two of Freyja's Wildcats (£6 for two). See what I mean now!

and in size order

Thank you so much, this has gone even better than I dreamed!


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