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"Good basic Campaign for TYW or ECW?" Topic

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D6 Junkie13 Nov 2017 4:51 p.m. PST

Where can I find a simple campaign set in either the TYW or ECW? Rules, blog, site?
The guys want a little something for the new year.

Logain13 Nov 2017 6:21 p.m. PST

Not necessarily for Renaissance, but I been really into using the three fight campaign system from Lloydian Wargaming. We've been picking a historical battle, and making maps of the area surrounding them using period maps and google earth. Lots of fun and simple enough to see to completion. 1520's Spain is the latest project!


BrianW13 Nov 2017 6:54 p.m. PST

I would suggest either Battlefinder or Very Civile Actions by The Perfect Captain. Here are the links:

And as a bonus, Spanish Fury, Actions! from the same people:


Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Nov 2017 7:42 a.m. PST

You can easily adapt their Red Actions campaign.

D6 Junkie14 Nov 2017 7:46 a.m. PST

Thanks Guys,
going to look into all of them

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