"Mexican Cartels Battling with Improvised Armor Vehicles" Topic
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Editor in Chief Bill | 23 Oct 2017 2:57 p.m. PST |
Officials discovered eight bodies Monday following shootouts in the border city of Reynosa and the nearby town of Rio Bravo, and police found improvised armored vehicles, grenades and about three dozen guns… link |
ITALWARS | 24 Oct 2017 12:21 a.m. PST |
given the fact that Mexican Govt it's not able or, as i prefer to think, do not want as in other Latin American countries to wipe out with a military action those organisations…and given the fact that the evil effects of drugs struck above all foreign western youth…an international expedition should be sent to clean everything.. |
deephorse | 24 Oct 2017 3:40 p.m. PST |
Mexican Cartels Battling with Improvised Armor Vehicles Well I hope the Improvised Armor Vehicles win. |
Charlie 12 | 24 Oct 2017 6:16 p.m. PST |
Italwars- You have no idea what you're talking about. Your "idea" would constitute an invasion of a sovereign nation. Tell you what, how about we do the same to Italy to wipe out the Mafia…. (Or any other perceived "threat"….) |
ITALWARS | 25 Oct 2017 12:30 a.m. PST |
"Tell you what, how about we do the same to Italy to wipe out the Mafia…" it'll be a splendid idea |
ITALWARS | 25 Oct 2017 12:36 a.m. PST |
Charlie 12….. Serbia/Former Yugoslavia had been more than once invaded..unfortunatly to put in power and allow the creation of sorts of rogue states like Kossovo or Bosnia.. when a Govt has no will to stop criminality and it's totally at the mercy of criminality it represent a danger for other countries and international communities..i should add that security of people, human rights are not assured in such cases….i can see this in Mexico and also in the Mafia controled zones of Italy..that is practically the whole south… |
ochoin | 25 Oct 2017 4:35 a.m. PST |
I think Italwars your implied branding of Italy as a rogue state in control by the Mafia is very harsh. The term BTW "rogue state" is rarely used: even the US State Department has eschewed its use for at least the past 10 years. I think the preferred term for Kossovo et al is "failed state". And finally, your international cleaning expedition of Mexico idea seems an extremist pipe dream, doomed to failure. |
ITALWARS | 25 Oct 2017 6:38 a.m. PST |
of course i'm provoking….but don't you thing is enough that criminal organisations of such a broad extension and perfectly known by Governments, including Mexican and Italian ones (i can assure you i'm describing it in a relaistic way), are tolerated even if they should know how to end all that rubish? |
Cacique Caribe | 10 Nov 2017 4:38 a.m. PST |
Politicians on both sides of the border will find ways to make sure the border remains porous enough for the flow of the "spice" to continue, even if that involves arming the cartels further. Dan After 9/11 the preferred entry method became going across the Mexican Border. That's when the Mexican cartels started being kings, and over 100 local mayors have been executed by them since then, for not bending the knee.