Carlovonsexron01 | 21 Oct 2017 6:52 p.m. PST |
Maybe everyo e here is familiar with it already, but there is a big HYW game beibg kickstarted that features minis at the 15mm scale. Huge numbers of generic western european troops of various levels of and armor seems like it would solve any collectors needs. They also have some fantasy elements that might be of interest to some. At the moment the buy in is $120 USD for 238 miniatures in the core set, along with another 106 "free" due to achieved stretch goals. So at about 30 cents a figure ( which will get even better value as more goals are unlocked ) seems pretty good. the link It's funded already, which is also really nice. |
Todd636 | 22 Oct 2017 5:51 a.m. PST |
How to you figure out shipping cost? (to US) |
DinOfBattle2 | 22 Oct 2017 6:31 a.m. PST |
This looks like a really good kickstarter and they just added the Siege expansion, which looks amazing. |
nevals | 22 Oct 2017 1:50 p.m. PST |
Mr Carlo, I officially hate you. Why did you do this to me? I was so fine without knowing about this thing. Now I know and when I know , I can't stop thinking about it. Thanks a lot. Other than that, I looove it. |
Warspite1 | 22 Oct 2017 2:13 p.m. PST |
The link does not work. Can you repeat a working link? Barry |
nevals | 22 Oct 2017 2:28 p.m. PST |
Carlovonsexron01 | 23 Oct 2017 12:44 a.m. PST |
@Nevals: I totally understand! I resisted 9 days before caving in. It was the promise of the Gascon serjants at arms that did me in, and indeed that goal was hit and surpassed. |
ancientsgamer | 23 Oct 2017 10:36 a.m. PST |
Anyone know if someone boght the Corvus Belli 15mm ranges? Wonderful 100YW range. |
Warspite1 | 23 Oct 2017 5:11 p.m. PST |
@nevals That link still refuses to work. Does it require membership or something? |
Warspite1 | 23 Oct 2017 5:12 p.m. PST |
@ancientsgamer: Corvus Belli: link |
Carlovonsexron01 | 23 Oct 2017 6:54 p.m. PST |
@Warspite I'm not good at linking stuff (obviously) ;) But going to the kick starter homepage and searching for Time of Legends: Joan of Arc" should do the trick. |
nevals | 24 Oct 2017 5:47 a.m. PST |
Funny. I checked it from another pc and it worked for me. But, what Carlovonsexron said. |
uglyfatbloke | 24 Oct 2017 2:59 p.m. PST |
Are all the figures fantasy types? |
Carlovonsexron01 | 25 Oct 2017 7:05 a.m. PST |
Most are historical actually |
LtJBSz | 31 Oct 2017 1:04 p.m. PST |
Does anyone know if these are hard plastic figures that are paintable, I was trying to find an answer on the kickstarter but there are literally thousands of comments. |
redben | 01 Nov 2017 2:19 a.m. PST |
If by hard plastic you mean the stuff that GW use then no, it's not that type of plastic. It's a high quality PVC plastic which is firm and holds the detail. They used it on their previous KS, Mythic Battles, which is shipping now. They are proper miniatures, for want of a better term, and they can be painted. link |
redben | 01 Nov 2017 2:22 a.m. PST |
I haven't done the maths on this myself, but someone has who has reckons that if you took just the historical minis out of the core Maiden pledge and ignored all the fantasy minis and all of the other game components, it'd work out cheaper than buying the equivalent amount of minis from Essex. Like I say, not verified this myself. |
uglyfatbloke | 01 Nov 2017 7:22 a.m. PST |
Carlovonsexron….none that I could see were suitable for HYW; am I looking in the wrong place? is there another site? |
redben | 01 Nov 2017 11:39 a.m. PST |
Whereabouts are you looking? If you're on the KS page then it's the right site. There's loads of HYW minis on it. |
uglyfatbloke | 01 Nov 2017 1:03 p.m. PST |
I can see lots with over-sized fantasy armour and weapons and a fantasy William Wallace figure, but nothing much (if anything at all) that'd be suitable for the HYW. |
Carlovonsexron01 | 05 Nov 2017 6:13 p.m. PST |
That's indeed the one! It's got only 4 fays left to go, so if you're interested theres not so much time left :) As for suitability- at 15mm scale, my own opinions is that tje historicals are perfect in design for painting and identification, both far more important than steict realism for a gaming piece, but to each thier own! |
uglyfatbloke | 06 Nov 2017 12:37 p.m. PST |
OTH if you want to play the HYW there's not much point in the figures being easy to paint and identify if they're only suitable for fantasy. And what on earth is William Wallace doing in the HYW anyway? And wielding a late 15th-16th Century sword to boot? |
ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa | 07 Nov 2017 12:40 p.m. PST |
To be honest I wouldn't pick it up for historic gaming per say, but a number of characters and civilians look really nice and I fancy one of the angel models at least for my 15mm gothic sci-fi project. But I'm guessing the figures won't be available separately |
uglyfatbloke | 07 Nov 2017 3:03 p.m. PST |
Zephyr1 | 07 Nov 2017 9:31 p.m. PST |
Was tempted, but money's short & realistically it would stay in the box and never be played… :-( |
Carlovonsexron01 | 08 Nov 2017 7:19 a.m. PST |
Almost the final 48 hours! @bloke- I honestly think it comes down to what system your using. If you're playing a dbx clone sure, you know basically at a glance whatever your stand of guys is. But playing something more skirmish oriented or scalable in nature and those weapons being a little easier to see FAR outweighs strict accuracy. For me at least its part of what attracts me to the figures. The detail plud ease of ID at a glance has finally attracted some of my friends curiosity to the world of 15mm. @Zephyr- contribute a dollar bow, and add tonyourbpledge in Jan or Feb in the pledge manager? The only thilngs youd miss oit on are the Gog and Magog figures, which for me are some of the least interesting. |
uglyfatbloke | 08 Nov 2017 8:54 a.m. PST |
It's not a question of rules Carlo; the figures just are n't suitable for HYW – fine for fantasy of course. It's not a question of 'strict accuracy' so much as one of being 'valid in any sense' …rather like the 'Braveheart' figures that were popular for a while. They may have been nice to paint, but what were they useful for unless you were making a game of the film? They certainly were n't any use for medieval Scottish armies. The William Wallace figure encapsulates this perfectly. In addition to being utterly irrelevant to the HYW, he's carrying a sword made at least 150 years after his death! it's like giving automatic rifles to the Old Guard. Fortunately there's plenty of companies make good figures for the HYW. |
Carlovonsexron01 | 08 Nov 2017 10:00 a.m. PST |
What beyond weapon size and Willam Wallace (AKA John Stewart from battle of the herrings) makes them unsuitable for HYE? |
uglyfatbloke | 08 Nov 2017 10:57 a.m. PST |
The over-sized fantasy-style armour and weaponry maybe? Seriously Carlo, there's really nothing much for the HYW history player. |
Carlovonsexron01 | 08 Nov 2017 7:58 p.m. PST |
Oversized armor? On what figures? Seriously bloke, I think your grasping at straws over details that are essentially not noticeable to anyone but your minds eye, or are helpful to at least some if not many people looking for things to dislike. You're welcome to your opinions, but if you're going to state it as fact, it's not like larger scales of miniatures havent suffered from similar stories (lets take for example foundry, and thier somewhat stylised sense of proportion) and yet they are perfectly acceptable to many. I actually enjoy the larger weapons for reasons already mentioned, and as an armor owner and wearer and general re-enactment enthusiast any proportion skew falls to my mind withing acceptable limits for plastic toy soldiers ;) |
uglyfatbloke | 09 Nov 2017 5:09 a.m. PST |
As an armour-wearer (and I've done a fair bit of that myself) you are welcome to your opinion. As a well-qualified medieval military historian I'm entitled to point out that very, very few of the figures in the range are at all suitable for the HYW – I do like some of the civilian types though; especially the bishop. |