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"4th ( or 16th) Prussian Reserve Infantry Regiment " Topic

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14Bore02 Oct 2017 3:14 p.m. PST

I'm asking if anyone has David Nash's book what he lists for the 2, 3, 4th battalions had in uniforms. I have that book but it is down to a stack of pages and have seem to have lost it or at least haven't seen it in a year. I have the 1st battion already.

Extrabio1947 Supporting Member of TMP02 Oct 2017 3:45 p.m. PST


This is the Brigade plate for the 4th Reserve Regiment. Looks like red faced blue, British supplied uniforms and stove-pipe shakos for the 2-4 battalions.

14Bore03 Oct 2017 12:50 a.m. PST

I built my Prussian Reserve regiments as I could by David Nash, if you don't have it a example ( but made up as I don't have it right now) is
The 1st battalion had 140 men in Stamm regiment ( regular parent regiment)uniform, the rest in grey reservist uniform.
I have the entire Reserve Regiment corp with exception of the 2,3, and 4 of this regiment. Actually didnt need it when I building these units, still don't but when has that stopped anyone?

Prince of Essling03 Oct 2017 12:57 a.m. PST

From Bob Mantle's booklet (which also lists Nash a one of his sources) copy on The Napoleon Series Forum website link

Info below from page at: link

Fourth Reserve Infantry Regiment

Before the armistice of June 4 1813, the officers and cadre seconded from the Third East Prussian Regiment wore that Regiment's uniform (brick-red facings and yellow shoulder straps). The men wore the all-grey Reservist dress with breeches and gaiters described above, the cartridge boxes and the grey cloth packs had white straps. Individual companies were distinguished by a cloth roundel on the cap band and a matching bar across the grey shoulder straps, coloured white, red, yellow and ligth blue for the 1st to 4th companies respectively. In addition, the I Battalion carried French sabre-briquets captured at Halle in April 1813. During and after the armistice, the following uniforms were worn.

I Battalion

French shako with badge and cockade removed. Dark blue habit-veste, single breasted with short tails, red collar and turnbacks, the latter with white grenades. Round red cuffs with two buttons each with two white square ended lace loops. White metal buttons, white trousers, possibly French and black gaiters.

Knötel does not illustrate this uniform on his plate of the 4th R.I.R. so it is possible that it was replaced by the uniform described below.

II Battalion

Conical shako as for I/1 R.I.R. 'British' jacket, identical to that worn by the I/1 R.I.R., but with pointed lace. Blue trousers worn outside the gaiters. Regulation pack with white straps, grey British greatcoat. NCOs wore short swords on white belts, yellow lace on collars and cuffs and yellow waist sashes.

III Battalion

As for II Battalion with the following differences: black belts and straps. Privates removed the plume from the shako and the lace from the tunic. NCOs dyed the base of the plume black, retained the lace but discarded their sashes.

Between March and June 1815, the entire Regiment adopted the regulation uniform of the Third West Prussian Regiment (crimson facings and yellow shoulder straps).

Marc at work03 Oct 2017 3:45 a.m. PST

That was how TMP should work – a proper answer with enough info to allow someone to paint the unit, and links to further guides should a person wish to go further.

Thank you Essling


Prince of Essling03 Oct 2017 8:09 a.m. PST

Marc – thanks. Also see Heers & Tradition print


Clays Russians03 Oct 2017 9:16 a.m. PST

Well,that explains the illustration on the reserve Prussian infantry blocks in my commands and colors armies!

Prince of Essling03 Oct 2017 10:02 a.m. PST

And in case of use – though I am advised that some of text is not correct


14Bore03 Oct 2017 11:08 a.m. PST

Thanks all, someday I will come across that stack of pages, I think I put them in a safe place as I have wore that booklet out but have searched this house and outbuilding quite a few times but its still missing.

von Winterfeldt03 Oct 2017 10:55 p.m. PST

very nice plates, thank you for the scans

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