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Insomniac22 Apr 2018 7:33 a.m. PST

Just need some decals to arrive now :) :

I've ordered some decals from here:

and another two tanks from EBay. They will be converted to be the same as this one.

Insomniac26 Apr 2018 12:32 p.m. PST

… and so it begins again :) . Two more Punishers have arrived:

I have the pens, I have the lascannons and I have the sprue for the punisher cannon.

Once they are converted, that will be the first section of the tank company complete. Then another two lots of three and a command tank :) .

Insomniac05 May 2018 11:01 p.m. PST

Just a quick post to show off the second painted tank:

The third tank has been washed and will start this week. It'll be getting a visible tank commander to denote it as a lead tank but he won't be a tank commander, rules wise… he'll just be a normal tank (he'll just have a normal helmet rather than a significantly leader-like hat/helmet).

See? I can paint things occasionally :)

Still no decals… but the supplier is always fairly slow so I won't worry just yet :o

Insomniac25 May 2018 2:35 a.m. PST

I've got a little bit further on the armour now. The platoon leader has been sculpted so I can now get on with spraying the turret and finishing the painting :) :

Still no decals though :(

Insomniac29 May 2018 6:07 a.m. PST

The first command tank is coming along:

… and this arrived:

Squat Knight Titan proxy, anyone?!

Insomniac01 Jun 2018 2:12 a.m. PST

Unfortunately, the weather is slowing me down today because I can't get any spraying done… but that aside, I have managed to assemble everything, ready for spray painting so that's a bonus :) :

You will notice the plasma-cannons that started life as hair coils and pen lids:

I have not glued the base, hull, turret top or turret base together because I will need to take them apart for spraying and fitting the wheels :) . Hopefully the plasma-cannons look OK. You can see that the nearest tank has it's top hatch glued open. That is ready for another little tank commander :) .

Insomniac03 Jun 2018 8:25 a.m. PST

Now the third tank is finished (apart from the commander and decals) and the first of the plasma-tanks is base-coated, ready for a wash:

Hopefully, the first plasma-tank will be ready for decals by the end of the week… but who knows?

Insomniac04 Jun 2018 5:55 a.m. PST

Just decals to go on the first platoon… but I reckon I'll leave the decals until all the tanks are painted :) :

Insomniac06 Jun 2018 5:16 a.m. PST

Here's a high quality (Windows Paint) mock-up of the markings for my tank company:

I have all the decals I need for all ten tanks. The yellow shape changes for each platoon/command so there will be 3 triangles, 3 squares and 3 circles with a diamond as the company commander.

I have all the decals except the names… but I have LOTS of decals which can be altered for that… or I can just paint the names (so they are properly individual).

Insomniac09 Jun 2018 8:49 a.m. PST

First plasma tank done (apart from decals) with the second one now on the table :) :

Insomniac19 Jun 2018 9:13 a.m. PST

The next tank commander:

Insomniac24 Jun 2018 9:06 a.m. PST

I needed a break from painting tanks… and to be honest, it's a bit humid for painting so I decided to build a few Halfling Snipers:

This is three squads of ten, all washed, cleaned up, filled and based, ready for priming :) .

The good thing is that this means I have ticked off three boxes on my organisation chart… and three platoons now have their ten-strong sniper units :) .

Insomniac25 Jun 2018 12:42 p.m. PST

… and then there were six :) :

With the completion of this little platoon, I now have six Leman-Russ proxy tanks finished (apart from decals). Now I have to start all over again with the next three and they will be getting Battle-Cannons :) .

Insomniac30 Jun 2018 3:33 a.m. PST

The remaining four tanks for the tank company :) :

The one of the left is waiting for an Agrax wash, the one next to it is waiting for priming/base-coating, the one next to that is waiting for a commander to be sculpted before Priming/base-coating and the opne on the right is the overall company command tank and is waiting for a commander and hull weapon to be sorted out before priming/base-coating.

The weather has been humid so I have avoided most of the painting/sculpting and have just been assembling and gap-filling. I think that I will need to replenish a few paints (namely the green spray) to finish them all… but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Insomniac09 Jul 2018 1:30 a.m. PST

Everything has slowed down a bit… mostly due to the lovely sunny weather. That said, I am still doing bits and bobs. Currently, I have two tanks all dirtied up, ready for stippling:

With the tank commander for the third tank finished:

His tank is mostly sprayed green, apart from the turret and a few bits of equipment (that will get sorted today :) ).

This particular tank commander is looking at his digital map while wondering how the hell he ended up so far from where he should be :) .

Insomniac16 Jul 2018 2:54 a.m. PST

With the tank commander sculpted, I have progressed and all of the tanks in his platoon, are now decal ready. I just need to finish painting the tank commander :) :

Insomniac22 Jul 2018 3:37 a.m. PST

I have painted the Commander now:

The tank company has stalled a bit so I have started on something new to keep things ticking along:

Insomniac23 Jul 2018 12:07 p.m. PST

A small amount of progress on the proxy Chimera:

Just weapons to go now. I will be going for Heavy-Bolters in the turret and the hull because I asked around and the verdict was pretty unanimous!

Insomniac24 Jul 2018 12:22 p.m. PST

A little more progress…

Insomniac26 Jul 2018 7:56 a.m. PST


Insomniac29 Jul 2018 3:15 a.m. PST

Onward and upwards…

The company command tank has stopped. I can't even look at it for now… every time I mix putty, I can't bring myself to use it so it gets wasted. With that in mind, I felt that I needed something to keep things ticking over and I suddenly realised that I had the perfect thing… my Spearhead Detachment.

My Spearhead detachment consists of the following things:

HQ – Tank commander.
Elite – Engineseer and servitors in a Chimera transport.
Heavy Support – 3 tanks (battle-cannon).
Heavy Support – 3 tanks (punisher cannon).
Heavy Support – 3 tanks (plasma cannon).

Seeing as I already have most of the list finished, I just need to finish the Engineseer unit and the tank commander… seeing as I can't work on the tank commander, I have dug out the Engineseer and servitors to work on:


For work in progress, I will refer you to the relevant blog page:


It would appear that I have finally started to paint a few miniatures again…

Insomniac03 Aug 2018 3:35 a.m. PST


Insomniac05 Aug 2018 1:37 a.m. PST

Here's Jecub 'Sure-Grip' Mikkelson:

He's the Squat Engineer Guilds-man.

There are more images of the team (plus other stuff) here:


Insomniac08 Aug 2018 10:06 a.m. PST

So… now I am painting things, I thought I'd give some Halflings a go:

These are attached to the first Infantry platoon so I have dug out the command elements to paint… namely a Primaris Psyker (Jedi Beastman), Platoon Commander and Command Squad.

I have just primed the troops and have started to paint the Psyker (because he was already started).

This painting push will be to try and complete the whole platoon; which consists of:

Primaris Psyker.
Platoon Commander.
Command Squad.
Infantry Squad.
Infantry Squad.
Heavy Weapon Squad.
Armoured Sentinel Sqn (3 walkers).
Chimeras (4 vehicles).

The good thing is that the troops have a lot of colours on them so they will be entertaining to paint :) . Hopefully, I'll be able to get the platoon done (I may stall on the Chimeras because they haven't been converted yet… the rest is all ready for paint).

Insomniac12 Aug 2018 9:03 a.m. PST

This week, after finishing the Snipers, I got on with painting the Primaris Psyker for the first platoon:

I've also started painting the Platoon Commander and his Command Squad. They are still WIP but there is a pic over at the blog:


I've got a little further now… they have been washed and are ready for the highlighting now :) .

Insomniac16 Aug 2018 1:06 p.m. PST

The first infantry unit is complete… this is the command section for the first platoon:

Primaris Psyker, Platoon Commander and Command Squad.

The first infantry Squad is now on the painting table :) .

Insomniac19 Aug 2018 3:27 a.m. PST

The troops are moving along nicely… here's another WIP:

There's lots more info on my blog, including all sorts of useful links :) :


Insomniac26 Aug 2018 2:44 a.m. PST

Another day, another bunch of finished stuff :) . Here is the first infantry squad for the first platoon of the army :) :

Also… if you remember this…

You may want to follow the blog link to see what has become of him :) :


Lion in the Stars27 Aug 2018 3:47 p.m. PST

This particular tank commander is looking at his digital map while wondering how the hell he ended up so far from where he should be :) .

Most dangerous thing in the world is a brand-new 2LT with a map… evil grin

And I totally dig that war-badger! Will have to show this thread to my roommate, he also has a lot of RT-era Squats (painted, even!)

Insomniac13 Nov 2018 6:48 a.m. PST

In another turn of events… here's Big Olaf:

I got him as a gift from Kev @ Hasslefree Miniatures but you can find the miniature here:


Big Olaf has a friend, you know… it's a Bulgryn bodyguard!

He started life as this:

and is quite big:

I got him from here:


Insomniac25 Nov 2018 3:58 a.m. PST

Big Olaf now has a friend…

Snorri the Giant.

Snorri glared across the field and saw the warboss, bold,
And as he glared, his anger rose and then his blood ran cold.
He knew the Warboss must be stopped, before he reached the gate,
So his ancestors infused with him and filled his heart with hate.

He leapt from off the parapet, with axes in both hands,
And as he charged the Warboss, he was joined by allied bands.
The sound of clashing steel rang out, when the enemies first met,
And in the guild's librarium, began the bravest story yet.

Snorri fought the mighty Ork, with fury rarely seen.
His bravery, the kind of which, had rarely ever been.
He brought the monster to the ground, and cleaved off his raging head.
And he stood upon the Warboss corpse as it lay there, clearly dead.

Alas his triumph was short lived, as Orks are hardy foes.
And though its head was clearly gone, it's axe, it slowly rose.
And with a final death strike, the blade met Snorri's head.
And Snorri dropped down on the field, the Squat was surely dead.

Snorri's lifeless body was, removed from off the field.
But there was the slightest heartbeat, and the hope he could be healed.
All the guilds around the lands were called and asked for aid,
But the best of all the medicae, failed and were dismayed.

Poor Snorri was alive in mind, but his body was a shell.
His arms and legs were useless, he felt he was in hell.
But a Squat called Jorgen Bursmith, had an idea in mind.
And he built some special armour that would leave his woes behind.

Now Snorri, he could fight again and he made sure that he would,
And his fame was too important, so his guild ensured he could.
But his size was far too great now and he needed to be seen,
So the guild made him a warden and he was sent to guard the Queen.

In time, the legend of the Squat, in massive armour spread…
Of the cybernetic warrior, who refused to lay down dead.
His name "Snorri the Giant", with shield and gun in hand,
Who defends the royal family, the Guild and all the land.

Insomniac02 Dec 2018 7:21 a.m. PST

Back to the normal part of the army again and I have just finished sculpting the tank company commander:

More musing, here:


Insomniac07 Dec 2018 9:28 a.m. PST

Painting has begun:

Insomniac10 Dec 2018 5:05 a.m. PST

Just decals to go now :) :

1x Tank commander with Vanquisher.
3x Punisher.
3x Annihilator.
3x Battle Cannon.
1x Engineseer Chimera.

I think I need to add a Hydra for a bit of air support… so that will probably turn up at some point :) .

Insomniac15 Dec 2018 8:48 a.m. PST

I know that I have always said "no bikes" but I managed to get a bunch of Mantic bikes and I thought that they could be Hearthguard Bikers (Spacemarine Scout Bikers) to add to the "high echelon" (Spacemarine) part of my army. Obviously, a small amount of conversion is necessary to make them fit in with my other Hearthguard… so that is what I have started doing :) .

I have snipped the unarmoured torso off the rider and have added a Steel Warrior torso (trimmed down) and head. I have also beefed up the legs and added the standard arms. I still need to convert the arms but as a test conversion, I think it is working so far…

Existing Hearthguard troopers:

Insomniac16 Dec 2018 5:39 a.m. PST

I'm calling this bike finished… after all, I have another 11+ to go so I want to keep things relatively simple :) :

Insomniac13 Jan 2019 11:00 a.m. PST

There's nothing like a big hobby slump to make you try and finish the more obscure things that lurk on your work-bench…

This is Dash Hound… a speedster to go with my little collection of superheroes:

I have also been painting Primaris Space Marines… which isn't something I would usually do. Hopefully, I'll get back to sorting out these bikes sometime soon:

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2019 7:50 a.m. PST

What's not to like ?!?!? thumbs up

Insomniac31 Jan 2019 12:33 p.m. PST

Cheers, Legion 4 :)

In more Squat related news… I appear to have started a bit of sculpting again :) … Dutch is nearly finished :) …

Who's Dutch? Well… I could tell you but he ordered me to "Get to the chopper!" :) …

Insomniac01 Feb 2019 11:13 a.m. PST

To be continued :) …

Insomniac06 Feb 2019 3:42 a.m. PST

Poncho has been added now :) . Next up is Hawkins; the comms specialist…

Insomniac09 Feb 2019 11:31 a.m. PST


Next up is Mac.

Insomniac14 Feb 2019 11:22 a.m. PST

Mac is finished… just Dillon to go :) …

Insomniac23 Feb 2019 11:10 a.m. PST

Dillon is finished… and so is the group:

Insomniac28 Feb 2019 1:04 a.m. PST

A finished Colonel 'Iron-hand' Straken today :) :

Insomniac10 Mar 2019 6:21 a.m. PST

This happened (five complete shotgun vets):

… but now the ambots have arrived… this happened as well:

There is more information on my blog (as usual):


Insomniac12 Mar 2019 2:13 p.m. PST

Finished Hearthguard Assault Frame Squad:

Insomniac14 Mar 2019 12:15 p.m. PST

I have now finished both units and have included two Sgts with 'omniscope' conversion from bits of the kit :) .

I have included a note for each of the poses and all of the four possible poses are shown. For info, the right arm only fits in one position, whereas the left has two.

Anyway… here are the two units:

Insomniac02 Jun 2019 11:15 a.m. PST

A bit of sculpting for a competition. It's going to be an infantryman at rest and it is also VERY WIP ;) …

Insomniac06 Jun 2019 12:27 p.m. PST

Progress on the Squat sculpt :) :

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