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"Reaper Bones 4, Dungeon tiles!" Topic

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Xintao01 Sep 2017 3:15 p.m. PST

24 hours to go and some amazing pieces have been unlocked. Here are just a few of the more recent ones. I'm not in for the core set, but I will pick up some of the Add-ons.





Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian01 Sep 2017 5:03 p.m. PST

I'm in for more than I should

ced110603 Sep 2017 2:24 a.m. PST

On KS, you can find dungeon tiles for $1 USD per tile, so I'm passing on the Reaper dungeon tiles. ForgePrint's AdventureScapes will have game tiles and other accessories for a wizard's dungeon lair, seaside docs, and tavern. FP's campaign starts next week on 9/6, and will have week-long EB's, $65 USD for 80-100 pieces.

Reaper's Core Set is an excellent value, with a dragon for under a dollar! (: The paints are an excellent price. I also picked up Darkmere, Baba Yaga's Hut, and the Tree of Despair. It also looks like you can buy bases in the Pledge Manager!

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