capncarp | 26 Sep 2017 7:47 p.m. PST |
Who has pre-registered, and which games are you going to be playing? |
John Michael Priest | 27 Sep 2017 1:50 a.m. PST |
Is there another update to the pel? |
Rotundo | 28 Sep 2017 1:44 a.m. PST |
Carp, I will answer with shameless self promotion. My son Ryan will run a Star Wars game Friday morning. I follow with a cowboy game at 1pm. I also have my first flea market table on Saturday. Come take advantage of a rookie. |
capncarp | 29 Sep 2017 9:25 a.m. PST |
Rotundo: Having been a Wally's virgin last Cold Wars (actually Mrs. Carp held down the table while I scooted off for one of my games), I shall make every effort to show up and haggle you down to your socks (for entertainment purposes--my wife and I had a grand time at a Jamaican straw market--the interplay was rich, humorous, and friendly, and the buyer and the seller were happy with the final result). BTW, have you got your sales patter down yet? It takes a clever salesperson to cry his wares creatively. Next? |
Rotundo | 29 Sep 2017 4:55 p.m. PST |
Actually I will ply them with alcohol. Every deal made will follow with a shot. I have the morning session so it may be mimosas. |
John Michael Priest | 01 Oct 2017 2:41 p.m. PST |
Yes! My games are in the PEL addenda! I am looking forward to trying out my idea about running several games simultaneously on the same tabel. Each infantry piece represents 50 men (a company), Each player commands a brigade of 5 regiments with an assigned area for intiial commitment to the field. The Confederate have 2 four gun batteries which may operate by pairs (sections) from any area of the board on their side of the table and may freely fire at any troops within their line of sight. The Union players have two six gun batteries. Accumulating smoke will affect firing and movement. I have tested it a bit at home but not with a large group. It will be noisey and chaotic and a challenge. I want players to have fun and have a good time. We'll see. I am really excited about getting back into gaming again. See you at Fall-In. |
capncarp | 03 Oct 2017 8:16 p.m. PST |
Pre-registration will close in 9 days on October 13 (and if it's as it usually is, that's just after 23:59:59 on Thursday, October 12 |
gunga gordo | 04 Oct 2017 4:57 a.m. PST |
Here's a shameless plug! If anyone remembers the large Prohibition game from a few years ago, 5 Guys and a Lawyer are running a couple of wine and beer soaked events again. Friday night at 8p.m. is a multiple player Gladitorial game where the crowd is sure to be pleased Saturday night is your chance to ride to glory in our full contact Roman Nascar ( chariots) event. Come one , come all, and be sure to be entertained! |
Poniatowski | 06 Oct 2017 10:09 a.m. PST |
Ok, please have a look online soon… All of the post PEL events have been given tables, etc…. I pulled the data and cleaned it up for the PEL addendum and sent it off to the YM admin to post. These games will be available to register for before pre-reg closes by this Sunday I believe. I have 21 more to finish up.. the last event just came in on October 1st. It looks like the show shaped up nicely to have a full tournament booking, excellent Hobby U classes, a full Vendor Hall and just over 300 events. It should be a very solid show. As usual, Will Call will be available if you don't get to preregister. The finishing touches are going into the program and the tee-shirts are being printed. The artwork will once again be a stretched canvas picture of the convention artwork available on the website for viewing (17"x24") I believe. The tee-shirts will be printed this year with the image on the back of the shirt and the HMGS logo on the front in a color to match the print itself. I do apologize that I have used a tannish color for a lot of the Fall In! shirts! Toys for Tots will be there in their usual place, bring lots of joy to under privileged youth and to we the gamers in the forms of auctions and raffles…. please also, don't forget to bring a toy donation too! It has been a please working with you all for this years show! |
Poniatowski | 06 Oct 2017 10:11 a.m. PST |
One last thing.. unfortunately, we did have a few game cancellations. I will be reaching out to the pre-reg attendees so that they can schedule a new event in their place. I am a little behind on this, but I apologize! Please check the Cold Wars website as I think events has opened for CW 2018 already! |
JAFD26 | 06 Oct 2017 12:57 p.m. PST |
Salutations, CapnCarp! Waybackwhen, I tried to convince the NASAMW to hold a Bronze Age theme tournament at Historicon, and produce T-shirts with the slogan "Hot Sumer Knights" … |
gunga gordo | 09 Oct 2017 9:01 a.m. PST |
Hey Danny. Still looking for our Friday 8:00 o'clock game to show up in the Addendum we spoke about on Saturday |
114th Pennsylvania | 09 Oct 2017 5:16 p.m. PST |
Um Dan, As of 10/9 the Cold Wars website say TBD/Nov 2017 GM Registration Opens TBD/Nov 2017 Exhibitor Registration Opens TBD/Dec 2017 Deadline to have game listed in PEL But Dan it also says Events Manager Dan Murawski So Heather, please let Dan "call a friend" to answer his own question he posted here? Looking forward to Both Fall-in 2017 and Cold Wars 2018 |
capncarp | 13 Oct 2017 7:52 a.m. PST |
Pre-reg online is still in operation as of 5 minutes ago. Do what the nice man says and pre-register, both for the benefit of the organizers and for yourself, unless the prospect of standing in long lines delaying your fun seems preferable. |
Poniatowski | 17 Oct 2017 3:57 a.m. PST |
114th…. it shouldn't say that…. are you sure your scree/browser is refreshed. All solid dates should have been up and [posted a long while ago… I will check and talk to the IT guy. Gordo… your event was pulled and I am not sure what happened to it. I assure you, it is available and in the system… too late for pre-reg, but tickets will be available on site and it is in the program…. both yours and Mike's are in. 2 weeks basically until the show…. Program is going to print this week, Tickets will be pulled and printed next week, Tee shirts are ordered and will be picked up before the show The art print raffle is in hand…. There are only a few other items to square away. I sent an email to check when Will Call will open also. I am both excited and sad. Sorry for not being clear enough on events this year…. I will be sending out an email EARLY next year and the dates will be set on the Fall In! website ASAP.. probably right after this years show. Next year needs to be the best show for Fall In! ever as it will likely be my last as a CD for a while, if not ever. So many of you have helped make Fall IN! the fastest growing and most profitable show HMGS has.. thank you all for being a part of that with me. If you haven't been going, you don't know what you have been missing…. This year, the vendor hall is SOLD OUT and attendance looks like it might just finally break 2000! I don't have anything too crazy happening unfortunately…. I reached out to a few organizations to bring in some new stuff for you guys and it all kind of never got off the ground. More soon as we get closer to the show date. |
47Ronin | 21 Oct 2017 11:50 a.m. PST |
Keep up the good work, Dan. Now that you have worked your way up to longest serving active convention director at HMGS (East), don't be so quick to talk about leaving Fall In. Hope to see you there. |
Poniatowski | 23 Oct 2017 4:21 a.m. PST |
47Ronin, Thanks for your kind words, but I am not the longest serving or even the best (far form that!). I enjoy what I do and I want to see others step up to do the same thing. Volunteering can be tiresome and hard even, but the reward of seeing it all come together is really awesome! This year at Fall In!, there will be a few seminars on volunteers… and volunteering. The call will go out and we are hoping to get a lot of new people and returning people who might have shied away because of the politics. What I can say.. a week or so out…. The show wouldn't come together without the endless and accurate work of the System admin manager,Publication manager and basically everyone who does a lot of work behind the scenes. As a CD.. you are really a people herder. If you surround yourself with a great senior team, the show will be a success… I can honestly say.., everyone who volunteers does contribute to the show being successful. I tried pretty hard to get a few new things at Fall In! 2017…. some have come to fruition while others died after planting. I am really hoping that this year Fall In! will finally breach the 2000 mark… the show has shown steady growth and now, with the vendor hall full of all kinds of new and returning vendors.. I think it will make it there. Folks don't know what they are missing… My one biggest failure for Fall In! has been to not advertise enough… it has been growing and improving since 2012. It is still the fastest growing show HMGS presents… and it couldn't get there without all of your support for the folks that come! |
47Ronin | 23 Oct 2017 7:35 a.m. PST |
I said longest serving ACTIVE convention director, Dan. Since the new CDs for Cold Wars and Historicon are "rookies", that makes you the senior serving CD. Enjoy it. You earned it. Also, as you may have been told, this is sort of an anniversary for Fall In. It started in 1997. That makes for 20 years and 21 cons, come next week (not that many people have noticed). Not bad for what was once thought of as an afterthought in the HMGS convention schedule. Since we don't have the late Pat Condray around to remind us of these milestones in HMGS history, we tend not to notice them, but that doesn't mean they are not important. Congratulations and thanks to all those who have made Fall In what it is today. Hope to see you there. |
Phil DAmato | 23 Oct 2017 8:02 a.m. PST |
Sadly I have to miss this year's Fall-In. I have a family commitment that I have to go to. Have fun and enjoy all the great games. I will see you at Cold Wars. Phil |
pvi99th | 23 Oct 2017 9:45 a.m. PST |
Fall In is my favorite of the three HMGS cons, since the weather, with the exception of the snow that one year, is usually not a concern. Cold Wars could have snow. Historicon has heat. July, it is hot. Not much can be done about that by anyone involved with the conventions, but it does wear you down. The only thing I would like to see with all three of the conventions, is to maintain the same hours for registration, and other things across all three. For example the Registration Desk is open on Friday 8am-7pm for Cold Wars (last year), 8am-6pm for Historicon, and 7am-5pm for Fall In. Since not everyone can or wants to take off from work on Thursday and Friday having the Registration open later can be important for anyone wanting to play games on Friday night. To me the 8am-7pm makes the most sense for everyone involved but continuity across all three for the same days would be nice. |
Poniatowski | 23 Oct 2017 10:32 a.m. PST |
@pi99th… thanks.. we are actually working to make all 3 shows much more uniform. The "rookies" as mentioned earlier I think will surprise many folks. They are actually highly qualified and will probably outclass me as they are used to doing this on a much more professional level. I am, however, experienced, but do not have the skill set they bring to the shows. As for the anniversary.. again, like I said earlier… my biggest failing for Fall In! was my lack of promoting things like the anniversary or that the show has been growing so much. |
Lord Ashram | 23 Oct 2017 10:42 a.m. PST |
I'll be there, taking photos of everything I can for the blog… and if you have something you PARTICULARLY want a photo of, wave at me… I'll be the guy with a lot of scruff and the nice camera:) |
TSD101 | 23 Oct 2017 11:48 a.m. PST |
Unbelievably, I am running the only Frostgrave game at the convention, Friday at 7 PM. Has it fallen out of favor that quickly? Personally I love games where it takes me 5 minutes to explain the rules to a complete newbie yet still offers some depth, strategy, and decision making. |
Poniatowski | 24 Oct 2017 5:51 a.m. PST |
@TSD I do not think Frostgrave is out of favor at all…. it is however… VERY scenery intensive…. which makes it a hard game to run if you are a solo GM. I absolutely love it…. that and Mordheim! I do anticipate a lot of GA games to be run at Cold Wars though….. Fall In! is too early as folks are just getting their rules, etc…. so by CW.. folks will be ready to run GA games…. Personally.. I like Frostgrave better, but the scenery required for an island game.. well…. I think that will be much easier to do. In fact.. I hope to be able to run a GA game for CW…. I am simply loving the idea of skirmish ships and buried treasure…. whether it is the fountain of youth (so to speak) or other riches the island has to offer… And who doesn't like dinosaurs??? I do think the Frostgrave game is "sold out" too. |
TSD101 | 24 Oct 2017 11:11 a.m. PST |
Personally.. I like Frostgrave better, but the scenery required for an island game.. well…. I think that will be much easier to do. A quick tip you probably already know, but aquarium supply shops have tons of things that will be just perfect for GA. The plants in particular are extremely cheap and some are translucent, which makes them perfect for a ghostly isle, or jungles. |
jefritrout | 24 Oct 2017 12:31 p.m. PST |
TreeGirl will be bringing some jungle scatter terrain to the flea market on Friday night session (well her dad as it is past her bedtime), and definitely Saturday morning. There will also be lots of trees, and cookies as well. |
Poniatowski | 27 Oct 2017 3:53 a.m. PST |
Only a few long days till the show….. Once again thank you on and all who are making this happen! There will be a lot of great games going on…. lots of new and returning vendors…. and lots of attendees! |
holien | 30 Oct 2017 10:23 a.m. PST |
Hope it goes well for everyone, I made the last two years and really enjoyed the gaming. Pity this year I have not been able to get over there… I Hope to see lot's of photos, and maybe next year I can get to the show again. :) |
Lord Ashram | 30 Oct 2017 10:42 a.m. PST |
If you want photos, be sure to check out my blog!:) As a taste, here is a link to every year I covered fall in… there are a LOT of photos in there! link
Can I ask, where do people usually GO for their pictures from Fall In? Who are the bloggers/sites that usually have a good selection?
holien | 31 Oct 2017 9:13 a.m. PST |
Great photos and a very nice blog, will check back to see what I have missed this year… Thanks for the link.. |
Disco Joe | 31 Oct 2017 10:45 a.m. PST |