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Sho Boki Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Jun 2017 12:59 p.m. PST

Boki Strategical Card-Wargame.

I have small group of skeptical boardgamers and we play once in month.
I prepared many games for them, but they mostly played these only one or two times. In the course of time there were three games selected and originals purchased instead of my handmaded versions. Settler of Catan for freguent use, Merchants & Marauders for Great events and simple Carcassonne for more than 4 players.

And now, on last weekend, I presented to them my last invention, my own card wargame. Or travel-card-wargame.
And the miracle was born.. we played this wargame all the evening, again and again and again. And all other boardgames stays unopened.
Also we played with ordinary decks of cards, but better is to use cards similary colored from both sides.

So I have dynamite one page wargame rules for simple and ingenious card-wargame, with possibility to take over the World, in my hands. :-)

I translated these to my pidgin English and they surely needed translation to correct and perfect English.
But I prepared some illustrations and make the Rules available now. When disappeared translators-correctors appears and help me, I correct the text.

So please, feel free to play and test and write comments.
Game is best for 4-6 players. One 6..A card suit with different from other suits backs per player.

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